
  • Assignments and class updates are regularly posted on Google Classroom for student and parent access. Class codes are available in-class from Ms. Oertwig.
  • Students are encouraged to challenge themselves and embrace the process of becoming greater historical thinkers. The skill of historical thinking can be taken with them into future education and their greater role as contributors to society for the rest of their lives.
  • My Clever page is the quickest way to access many of our digital learning tools, including the online, digital textbook. Use this link to access my general page, or navigate to your class' Clever page.
  • Parents, please download the glide app for tutorials and technology support during this virtual school year.
  • Students, please access the RUSD student help center for support resources to assist with digital learning tools.
  • RHS Counselors are still available during virtual learning! Check out their website for more information.
  • RHS has a college and career counselor to help you prepare for the future. Check out this page for a variety of resources to help you with your college and career goals.
  • Access lots of resources and information regarding World History!

  • Syllabus for the 2024-2025 school year

  • Syllabus for the 2024-2025 school year