How to Enroll

Aeries Enrollment

1. 👉🏻 CLICK HERE to create a Parent/Student account. Be sure to fill in all information. After finishing the online process, please print the enrollment form and all attachments. The registration process is not complete until all items on the registration checklist are completed.
2. Bring all printed documents from the Online Registration to Rowland High School. You will also be required to provide the following items (no appointment needed):
  • Proof of Residency (gas/water/electric bill, escrow papers, property tax receipt, voter registration or lease agreement) Note: If you are renting a room from someone then the owner of the house needs to provide the proof of residency along with our Statement of Residence form. Form is provided in the office.  
  • Identification of Parent/Guardian (driver’s license or ID Card)
  • Transcripts and Checkout Grades
  • Immunization Records from either the doctor or the previous school (must have Tdap shot and 2nd dose of Varicella)
  • Birth Certificate
  • Guardianship/Caregiver Form (if a student is living with someone other than a parent, guardianship papers must be presented)
  • If your child is currently receiving Special Education services, you must  have a copy of your students latest IEP and submit with your paperwork
3. Once all documents are confirmed you will be given an appointment with the counselor:
  • If your child's last name starts with A-Jh, call Ms. Gonzalez to schedule a time to enroll (her contact info is below) 👇🏻  
  • If your child's last name starts with Ji-Z, call Ms. Estrada to schedule a time to enroll (her contact info is below) 👇🏻
  • Your child will be enrolled by a counselor based on the student’s last name.
  • Students must be accompanied by their parent/legal guardian with whom they are living when they come in for registration.
    If your child speaks a language other than (or in addition to) English, s/he may have to take a placement test before enrolling.