Academic Honesty

Rowland is committed to maintaining academic honesty. Honesty is the essence on which all human relationships are founded. Academic dishonesty is almost always an attempt by a student to show possession of a level of knowledge or skill which he or she does not possess. Academic dishonesty is cheating. 

The following action will be taken for cheating:

Level 1 - First Offense: Referral to Vice-Principal, documentation on school record, letter sent home to parent, “0” credit on assignment.

Level 2 - Second Offense: Referral to Vice Principal, documentation on school record, parent conference, suspension from school, or may be W/F from class.

Examples of cheating include:
  • Using dishonest, deceptive, or fraudulent means to obtain or attempt to obtain credit for academic work.
  • Using notes, aids, or other student’s assistance to complete a test, a project, or other assignment in a way other than expressly permitted by the teacher.
  • Looking at another student’s test, answer sheet, or other materials.
  • Talking during a test. The teacher cannot be expected to determine the content of a private conversation between students; therefore, all talking during tests is considered cheating.
  • Copying from or allowing another student to copy a test, homework, or other course work which is not intended to be collaborative in nature.
  • Plagiarizing materials - that is, taking the specific or general substance of another person’s work and offering it as one’s own work without giving credit to the original author.
  • Assisting another student to break any of the previous examples.