Cell Phones, Earbuds, Devices

Cell Phone & Electronic Signaling Devices - R 5-5139.5 states:
Such devices shall be deactivated and their use strictly prohibited on campus during the regular school day except during an emergency affecting the school or community. Students will be subject to school discipline for failure to comply with this policy. Phones that ring during class will be confiscated. No students will be prohibited from possessing or using an electronic signaling device that is determined by a licensed physician surgeon to be essential for the health of the pupil. In permitting student possession of such devices, the district assumes no liability for the loss of the device or its misuse by another person.

Electronic Devices

iPods, earbuds, and handheld gaming devices are not allowed at school. Please make sure your child keeps such devices at home. These items are subject to confiscation. The school assumes NO liability for electronic devices brought on school grounds. Students may not wear earbuds anytime on campus. Earbuds will be confiscated.