
Report an Absence
Whenever your child is absent, please report the absence by calling the attendance office at 626-965-3448 
  • x3223 for students whose last name begins with A-LL 
  • x3224 for students whose last name begins with LM-Z
If your child is going to be absent for 1-2 days, report the absence by calling the attendance office. Then check the teachers' webpages or email them about making up work. You can find teachers' webpages and contact info in our Staffulty Directory
If your child is going to be absent for 3 days or more, call Ms. Salone at x3222 to excuse the absence. You may also ask her to issue a Homework Request to each of your child's teachers. The teachers need 24 hours notice to gather and deliver the homework to Ms. Salone. Checking teacher webpages or emailing them directly will usually get you homework faster than a Homework Request. 
The fax number for the Attendance Office is 626-965-1819.