Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct for the secondary schools in the Rowland Unified School District states: “It is the responsibility of both home and school to teach students to develop a respect of law and rules in order to provide the best environment possible for effective learning and to live in a democratic society.” Students in the high schools are expected to assume greater responsibility for their own behavior as they become increasingly more responsible in the determination of their own progress and affairs.

We like our teenagers and we think most of them use good judgment, but, remember, they are not adults. The law states they are not supposed to drink, smoke, gamble, have knives, guns, narcotics and cigarettes; be profane, immoral, or truant; or loiter after curfew. The school is required to enforce these regulations.  Students who do not conform are referred to the office. Appropriate action is then taken and parents are notified.