Introduction to Forensic Science is a class that serves as an introduction to the analysis of crime scenes by collecting and analyzing physical evidence. This course is designed to give students both theory and hands-on experience with the skills and knowledge required of a forensic science/criminalist. This multidisciplinary approach highlights topics in DNA, genetics, anatomy, chemistry, physics, entomology, botany, and investigative techniques with the supplemental subject matter through case studies, earth science, mathematics, medicine, technology, and sociology. In addition, the ethical, legal, and social concerns surrounding the forensic scientist will be discussed. Sample evidence for analysis will include but is not limited to fingerprints, DNA, projectiles, hair, fibers, blood splatter patterns, ballistics, chromatography, entomology, soil samples, and impression evidence. Students develop skills such as comparative analysis, critical thinking, deductive reasoning, interviewing, observation, organization, problem-solving, research, communication, evidence collection, lab safety, technical writing, and technical reading. Project-based learning through laboratory investigations and class lectures, along with case studies involving experiments will serve as the main method of content delivery.