Period 6 English 9-6 Assignments

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FINAL EXAMEN in Google Classroom


1. Culmultative Final on the Hero's Journey & World's End / Reading Comprehension
2. You will have 40 Questions + and 2 short answer writing questions totaling 100 points (both parts)
3. Topics on your final will include:
The Stages of the Hero's Journey
Speak themes & general questions
Spirited Away compare and contrast to the Hero's Journey
2 Additional Reading selections & comprehension questions
Reading: Myths of the War of the Worlds & comprehension questions
Short answer WRITING question on Speak & Spirited Away
Short answer WRITING question on Myths of the War of Worlds / From Radio Labs: War of the Worlds
1. Final Cultivativo sobre el Viaje del Héroe y el Fin del Mundo / Comprensión de Lectura
2. Tendrás 40 Preguntas + y 2 preguntas escritas de respuesta corta con un total de 100 puntos (ambas partes)
3. Los temas de su examen final incluirán:

Las etapas del viaje del héroe
Hablar temas y preguntas generales
El Viaje de Chihiro compara y contrasta con el Viaje del Héroe
2 selecciones de lectura adicionales y preguntas de comprensión
Lectura: Mitos de la Guerra de los Mundos y preguntas de comprensión
Pregunta de ESCRITURA de respuesta corta en Speak & Spirited Away
Pregunta de ESCRITURA de respuesta corta sobre los mitos de la guerra de los mundos / de Radio Labs: War of the Worlds
1. 英雄之旅&世界末日综合决赛/阅读理解
2. 你将有40个问题+和2个简答题,总分100分(两个部分)
3. 决赛主题包括:

2 附加阅读选择和理解问题
关于 Speak & Spirited Away 的简答题
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, May 31 9:40 AM


Comprehension Questions: Radiolabs: War of the Worlds by NPR in Google Classroom

Comprehension Questions: Radiolabs: War of the Worlds by NPR

Directions: As you listen to from Radiolab: War of the Worlds by NPR complete each section: identifying vocabulary words and answering questions about the podcast article.

1.  Complete the chart by writing Definitions: Look up the meanings ACCORDING TO HOW IT IS USE IN STORY and write your definitions in your own words. 
then Sentences: Use the words in a 7-8 word long sentence.
2. Directions: Listen to the podcast. Then read the questions below before doing a 2nd listen on from Radiolab: War of the Worlds by NPR. Answer each questions below.

Instrucciones: mientras escucha Radiolab: War of the Worlds de NPR, complete cada sección: identifique palabras de vocabulario y responda preguntas sobre el artículo del podcast.

1. Completa el cuadro escribiendo Definiciones: Busca los significados SEGÚN CÓMO SE UTILIZA EN LA HISTORIA y escribe tus definiciones con tus propias palabras.
luego Oraciones: Use las palabras en una oración larga de 7-8 palabras.
2. Instrucciones: Escuche el podcast. Luego, lea las preguntas a continuación antes de hacer una segunda escucha de Radiolab: War of the Worlds de NPR. Responda cada una de las preguntas a continuación.

说明:当您收听 Radiolab:NPR 的世界大战时,请完成每个部分:识别词汇并回答有关播客文章的问题。

1. 写出定义来完成图表:根据它在故事中的使用方式查找含义并用自己的话写下定义。
然后句子:在一个 7-8 字长的句子中使用单词。
2. 说明:收听播客。 然后在第二次收听 Radiolab:NPR 的世界大战之前阅读以下问题。 回答下面的每个问题。
Created by Howard Hsiao: Monday, May 23 3:57 PM


ANNOTATIONS: From RadioLab: War of the Worlds in Google Classroom

ANNOTATIONS: From RadioLab: War of the Worlds

1. Listen to the Podcast show about a radio show that took place in the past and give 10 annotations on what the show is explaining.
2. Click the link on the top to listen to the show.
3. Annotate only using your commentary feature
4. As you annotate, focus on questions about:
What is background on the radio clip Abumrad is reviewing?
What tools did this radio broadcast use on their audience and why?
How did people react?
What are the reasons they acted this way?
How did the news networks describe this radio broadcast the next day? Why?
1. Escuche el programa Podcast sobre un programa de radio que tuvo lugar en el pasado y dé 10 anotaciones sobre lo que explica el programa.
2. Haga clic en el enlace en la parte superior para escuchar el programa.
3. Anota solo usando tu función de comentario
4. Mientras anota, concéntrese en las preguntas sobre:

¿Cuál es el trasfondo del clip de radio que Abumrad está revisando?
¿Qué herramientas usó esta transmisión de radio en su audiencia y por qué?
¿Cómo reaccionó la gente?
¿Cuáles son las razones por las que actuaron de esta manera?
¿Cómo describieron las cadenas de noticias esta transmisión de radio al día siguiente? ¿Por qué?

1. 收听有关过去发生的广播节目的 Podcast 节目,并就节目解释的内容给出 10 条注释。
2. 点击上方链接收听节目。
3. 仅使用您的评论功能进行注释
4. 注释时,重点关注以下问题:

Abumrad 正在审查的广播剪辑的背景是什么?
新闻网络如何描述第二天的广播? 为什么?
Created by Howard Hsiao: Monday, May 16 5:00 PM


Speak - Comparative Theme Project in Google Classroom

Speak - Comparative Theme Project

Your Task:
After reading the Speak, you will select a theme and use support from the reading to present it with a prepared visual and then compare it with another story (Spirited Away) 
Essential Question: What do we learn from the Journey? In reading the Speak we discussed what the hero of the story has gained from her long journey both internally and external. Through this project you will answer the essential question and support it with quotes.

1. Choose one of the themes below to use for both stories and compare evidence
Coming of Age
Speaking up and facing consequences
People getting what they deserve
Silence vs Communication
Facing your Fears
Finding your own home/sanctuary
Appearance vs Reality
Trust among your family & friends
Working hard towards solving your problem
Isolation & abandonment 
Overcoming memory & trauma
Female Empowerment
Strength of Growth/ Transformation
Control over violence
Staying True to yourself/ Identity
Confidence and self-assurance
Fighting Monsters in our life
Dealing with Anxiety & Stress
Breaking Patterns of Depression
2. You will use support from the Speak (Text & quotes - One Pager, Novel, & Quote Bank - DO NOT USE FILM lines…) to write a claim on your theme

3.  Create your VISUAL:  You will need to create either a digital presentation (slides or powerpoint) to turn in as a product.

It will include:
Brief summary of Speak (5pts)
An explanation of your theme - ex. Female Empowerment is when we see a female character struggle against personal conflicts and triumph. (5pts)
2-3 Explained examples of your theme from the Speak with quotes (cd’s) & what it means (commentary) for EACH example. (15pts)
***Compare your THEME & SITUATION to a popular film: Spirited Away . (Other films need approval - For Spirited Away use the Websites, analysis video,  & movie provided only). Ex of other films: Harry Potter demonstrates curiosity is necessary in life and especially in the magical world in the beginning of the story when he finds a letter delivered to him.  Unlike Odysseus, Harry’s letter and its contents lead him on his journey but like Odysseus it leads him into a world with danger. (15pt)
Visual is NEAT (5pts) Includes - Extra 10pts for having pictures & decorations that are improvements to what we see.
4. Presentation -  You will need to demonstrate knowledge of your theme by giving a 5 minute presentation.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Wednesday, May 11 12:07 PM


CHECK: Project #2 Comparative Theme in Google Classroom

CHECK: Project #2 Comparative Theme

1. Fill out each of the sentence frames  or write your own for each of the slides being presented. 
2. These are your presentation paragraphs that you will be reading out for your presentations.
1. Complete cada uno de los marcos de oraciones o escriba los suyos propios para cada una de las diapositivas que se presentan.
2. Estos son los párrafos de su presentación que leerá para sus presentaciones.

1. 填写每个句子框架或为每张幻灯片编写自己的框架。
2. 这些是你的演讲段落,你将为你的演讲朗读。
Created by Howard Hsiao: Wednesday, May 18 11:18 AM


CHECK: Project #1 - Comparative theme in Google Classroom

CHECK: Project #1 - Comparative theme

1. Attach a few examples of your project evidence slides (slides that included quotes from any of the stories)
2. Make sure your commentary and evidence are included in the same slide and design in clear and to the point.

1. Adjunte algunos ejemplos de las diapositivas de evidencia de su proyecto (diapositivas que incluyeron citas de cualquiera de las historias)
2. Asegúrese de que su comentario y evidencia estén incluidos en la misma diapositiva y el diseño sea claro y directo.

1. 附上一些你的项目证据幻灯片的例子(包括任何故事的引用的幻灯片)
2. 确保您的评论和证据包含在同一张幻灯片中,并且设计清晰、切中要害。
Created by Howard Hsiao: Monday, May 16 5:00 PM


Film Analysis: Spirited Away  in Google Classroom

Film Analysis: Spirited Away

1. Part 1 - Questions As you watch the movie reflect on the questions and how they are connected to the hero’s journey. The times in the movie are around the time you find the answers to the questions. 

2. Part 2 - Quote Chart Either re-examine the movie or use the links to quotes & fan analysis to help you compare the possible themes of Spirited Away to Speak. Use the list below to help you with finding themes in Spirited Away. Relate to themes to the story of Speak. Use the resources to compare themes and relate dialogue/ quotes from the film. Select 5 quotes then consider HOW the ideas could relate to Speak.
3. Part 3 -  Write a brief 3 sentence paragraph on an idea or message in the film and give evidence. Connect this idea with Speak and discuss similarities.
[Sentence Frame]
One example in the film is on the theme of ___________. We see this when _________ says “____________”(give quote from film). This is a connection to Speak because ________________.

1. 第 1 部分 - 问题 当您观看电影时,思考问题以及它们如何与英雄的旅程相关联。 电影中的时间大约是您找到问题答案的时间。

2. 第 2 部分 - 引用图表 重新检查电影或使用引用和粉丝分析的链接来帮助您比较千与千寻的可能主题。 使用下面的列表来帮助您在千与千寻中找到主题。 与 Speak 故事的主题相关。 使用这些资源来比较主题并关联电影中的对话/引语。 选择 5 个引用,然后考虑这些想法如何与 Speak 相关。
3. 第 3 部分 - 就电影中的想法或信息写一个简短的 3 句话段落并提供证据。 将这个想法与 Speak 联系起来并讨论相似之处。
影片中的一个例子是关于___________的主题。 当_________说“____________”(引用电影)时,我们会看到这一点。 这是与 Speak 的连接,因为 ________________。
Created by Howard Hsiao: Friday, May 13 11:41 AM


Class Work: Speak Connections in Google Classroom

Class Work: Speak Connections

1. Box 1 Speak - In your groups discuss the theme of Speak. Give as many possible themes as you can.  Is the message only for women? What can it say about mental health? Is Melinda a hero? Can we all be heroes?
2. Box 2 Reality -  Examine the current events that deal with similar themes from Speak. What is the reality to what the novel speaks about? Do we see similarities or contradictions? Can people just speak out today? 
3. Final Thoughts:  After discussing the ideas with the class, explain if you agree or disagree that Speak is a book that should be censored or banned in school. Do you believe it is a book that everyone should read why or why not? Finally, what we learn from this book is it something we can use in reality?

1. Box 1 Speak - En sus grupos discutan el tema de Speak. Da tantos temas posibles como puedas. ¿El mensaje es solo para mujeres? ¿Qué puede decir sobre la salud mental? ¿Melinda es una heroína? ¿Todos podemos ser héroes?
2. Cuadro 2 Realidad - Examinar los eventos actuales que tratan temas similares de Speak. ¿Cuál es la realidad de lo que habla la novela? ¿Vemos semejanzas o contradicciones? ¿Puede la gente simplemente hablar hoy?
3. Pensamientos finales: Después de discutir las ideas con la clase, explique si está de acuerdo o en desacuerdo con que Speak es un libro que debe censurarse o prohibirse en la escuela. ¿Crees que es un libro que todo el mundo debería leer por qué o por qué no? Finalmente, lo que aprendemos de este libro, ¿es algo que podamos usar en la realidad?

1. Box 1 Speak - 在你的小组中讨论 Speak 的主题。 尽可能多地提供主题。 信息只针对女性吗? 它对心理健康有什么影响? 梅琳达是英雄吗? 我们都能成为英雄吗?
2. 方框 2 现实 - 检查处理 Speak 中类似主题的当前事件。 小说所说的现实是什么? 我们看到相似之处还是矛盾之处? 人们今天能说出来吗?
3. 最后的想法:在与全班讨论这些想法后,说明你是否同意 Speak 是一本在学校应该被审查或禁止的书。 你认为这是一本每个人都应该读的书,为什么或为什么不读? 最后,我们从这本书中学到的东西是我们可以在现实中使用的吗?
Created by Howard Hsiao: Friday, May 6 12:23 PM


Q: In our media & society why may it be difficult to believe someone when they Speak up about an abuse? Give an example... in Google Classroom

Q: In our media & society why may it be difficult to believe someone when they Speak up about an abuse? Give an example...

P: En nuestros medios y sociedad, ¿por qué puede ser difícil creerle a alguien cuando habla sobre un abuso? Dar un ejemplo...

问:在我们的媒体和社会中,为什么当某人谈论虐待时很难相信他们? 举个例子...
Created by Howard Hsiao: Friday, May 6 12:22 PM


Q: What are a few lessons, themes, or messages YOU took away from the story of Speak? in Google Classroom

Q: What are a few lessons, themes, or messages YOU took away from the story of Speak?

P: ¿Cuáles son algunas lecciones, temas o mensajes que USTED tomó de la historia de Speak?

问:您从 Speak 的故事中汲取了哪些教训、主题或信息?
Created by Howard Hsiao: Thursday, May 5 5:27 PM


QUIZ: 4th Marking Period in Google Classroom

QUIZ: 4th Marking Period

1. Quiz has 25 questions. Use your novel 
2.Use annotations and questions for Speak 4tht Marking Period quiz.
3. Use pg 141-198 to help with the Quiz
4. CHECKBOX questions - For the checkbox questions near the end 1 questions will ask you to CHOOSE 2 answers for the first checkbox and another one will ask you to CHOOSE 3 correct answers. You MUST get ALL answers right to get the full 2-3 points to these questions. BE CAREFUL OF THESE QUESTION!
Created by Howard Hsiao: Wednesday, May 4 12:32 PM


Kahoot: 4th Marking Period in Google Classroom

Kahoot: 4th Marking Period

1. Follow along with the kahoot to receive points on the assignment.
2. Participants with high scores will receive more participation points
3. Will select the highest rankers with participation under 20 points to receive scores
4. Kahoot code: 941 9289
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, May 3 5:34 PM


Speak: One Pager & the Heroes' Journey in Google Classroom

Speak: One Pager & the Heroes' Journey

A one pager is a visual representation of what you just read. It can use symbols or different representations to help you visual the reading and prepare you for other work that will occur.

Guidelines & Steps for your 1 pager
ALL of the following (arranged on the page ANY way you choose)
THREE or MORE excerpts (quotes) from the readng (passages or writing you like or think are especially important)
- Your 3+ quotes need to address 3 DIFFERENT STAGES of the hero's journey as discussed in Joseph's Campbells MONOMYTH
- What is Melinda's great ORDEAL? Who is her MENTOR? What events happen during the APPROACH? Is there a moment of RESURRECTION? Select quotes that support these stages and be able to explain it.
- Optional: You need to identify a LITERARY DEVICE in your selected quotes if possibe - such as metaphor, simile, irony, foreshadowing, and etc. Why are these literary devices important to the stages or the certain idea: Theme?

A personal response to EACH passage or quote you selected (this will MOST likely be your interpretation on HOW your quotes explains a certain stage of the hero journey) Consider what you wrote for your annotations and they relate to what we learn from heroes. Which ones works best? Use this to address EACH of the 3 stages of the heroes' journey and what you can say about those stages.)
ONE or MORE graphic representation or symbol to represent your passages or the reading. (illustrations, magazine pictures, or computer -generated graphics related to the story and to the passage you selected) these might be illustrative or interpretive for the what symbols and connections we can see in the novel. Ex. You may add the tree and connect it with CALL TO ADVENTURE... OR Draw a card stuck to a locker and connect it with TRIALS.
- Lastly, you need to address what you believe the THEME to be for this story. Is Melinda a true hero or not? What does her experience tell us about the greater world? What might be the key topics her act tell us about female characters and their voice?

Fill the entire paper with quotes, color, & drawings (if you can't draw just try something simple & neat. Printed or computer generated images also need to be neat or printed well w/ color)Written work must be in INK or TYPED (no pencils - You can always trace over your pencil sketches or writing) Use COLOR as much possible ADD a BORDER or any other decoration and you're DONE!


Quotes can be from film OR novel but you MUST include time/minutes with the film and pg number for the novel.  (Be aware there are differences)
Use the chart I included ONLY as a model or frame to start your ONE pager. You DO NOT have to use it.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Monday, April 25 11:51 AM


HW: 4th Marking Period - Comprehension Questions in Google Classroom

HW: 4th Marking Period - Comprehension Questions

1. Read and review pages 141-198 in the novel Speak for the questions.
2. Examine the annotations you have and use them to help answer your questions in the slide. Look for symbolism and hidden means we discussed.
3. Complete 8 questions in each of the boxes and sections in the slide.
4. Use evidence and quotes to help support your answer and use complete thoughts.

1. Lee y repasa las páginas 141-198 de la novela Speak for the question.
2. Examine las anotaciones que tiene y utilícelas para ayudar a responder sus preguntas en la diapositiva. Busque el simbolismo y los medios ocultos que discutimos.
3. Complete 8 preguntas en cada uno de los cuadros y secciones de la diapositiva.
4. Use evidencia y citas para ayudar a respaldar su respuesta y use pensamientos completos.

1. 阅读并复习小说 Speak for the questions 中的第 141-198 页。
2. 检查您拥有的注释并使用它们来帮助回答您在幻灯片中的问题。 寻找我们讨论过的象征意义和隐藏手段。
3. 完成幻灯片中每个方框和部分的 8 个问题。
4. 使用证据和引用来帮助支持你的答案并使用完整的想法。
Created by Howard Hsiao: Thursday, April 28 3:59 PM


Q: "I used to be like Heather. Have I changed that much in two months?' is a quote referring to what stage of the Hero's Journey? Explain your reasoning. in Google Classroom

Q: "I used to be like Heather. Have I changed that much in two months?' is a quote referring to what stage of the Hero's Journey? Explain your reasoning.

问:“我以前和希瑟一样。两个月内我变了这么多吗?” 是指英雄之旅的哪个阶段?解释原因。

P: "Solía ser como Heather. ¿He cambiado tanto en dos meses?" ¿Es una cita que se refiere a qué etapa del viaje del héroe? Explique por qué.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Monday, May 2 12:52 PM


ANNOTATIONS: Speak 4th Marking Period in Google Classroom

ANNOTATIONS: Speak 4th Marking Period

Directions: Write annotations for the First Marking Period from pages 95 - 137 selecting at least 7-10 different significant quotes that you can respond to. 
Explain how each quote was important to you and give a clear example or connection.
 Include the title of the section, pg #, paraphrased/ actual quote, and your detailed comment.
(LOOK FOR - Quotes that discuss Melinda’s journey of transformation or the trials of a hero. “A Night to Remember on page 133 may contain themes that will be upsetting to individuals be aware.)
Created by Howard Hsiao: Friday, April 22 11:24 AM


Q: Identify ONE idea or element from the Hero's journey (mononmyth) in the story Speak. Is there stages in monomyth that only YOU notice? Give that one as the example. in Google Classroom

Q: Identify ONE idea or element from the Hero's journey (mononmyth) in the story Speak. Is there stages in monomyth that only YOU notice? Give that one as the example.

P: Identifique UNA idea o elemento del viaje del Héroe (monomito) en la historia Speak. ¿Hay etapas en monomyth que solo TÚ notas? Pon ese como ejemplo.

问:从故事中的英雄的旅程(monnomyth)中找出一个想法或元素说。 单一神话中是否有只有你注意到的阶段? 以那个为例。
Created by Howard Hsiao: Thursday, April 28 3:59 PM


Q: What are some differences between the movie of Speak and the novel? Give an example of a very specific difference. in Google Classroom

Q: What are some differences between the movie of Speak and the novel? Give an example of a very specific difference.

P: ¿Cuáles son algunas diferencias entre la película de Speak y la novela? Dé un ejemplo de una diferencia muy específica.
Q:《说吧》电影和小说有什么不同? 举一个非常具体的区别的例子。
Created by Howard Hsiao: Wednesday, April 27 11:24 AM


HW: 3rd Marking Period Comprehension Questions in Google Classroom

HW: 3rd Marking Period Comprehension Questions

1. Read and review pages 95-137 in the novel Speak for the questions.
2. Examine the annotations you have and use them to help answer your questions in the slide.
3. Complete 6 questions in each of the boxes and sections in the slide.
4. Use evidence and quotes to help support your answer and use complete thoughts.

Summary of the Scarlet Letter: 
The novel is set in a village in Puritan New England. The main character is Hester Prynne, a young woman who has borne a child out of an affair (Hester believed her husband died btw). Hester believing herself a widow, is unaware when her husband, Roger Chillingworth, arrives in New England very much alive and conceals his identity. He finds his wife forced to wear the scarlet letter  on her dress as punishment for her adultery. After Hester refuses to name her lover, Chillingworth becomes obsessed with finding his identity. Chillingworth causes both Hester and her unnamed lover gulit and pain for their actions. Despite this Hester remains strong and does not regret her deed which is also in the form of her beautiful child named Pearl.

1. Lee y repasa las páginas 95-137 de la novela Speak for the question.
2. Examine las anotaciones que tiene y utilícelas para ayudar a responder sus preguntas en la diapositiva.
3. Complete 6 preguntas en cada uno de los cuadros y secciones de la diapositiva.
4. Use evidencia y citas para ayudar a respaldar su respuesta y use pensamientos completos.

Resumen de la letra escarlata:
La novela está ambientada en un pueblo puritano de Nueva Inglaterra. El personaje principal es Hester Prynne, una mujer joven que ha dado a luz a un hijo de una aventura (Hester creía que su marido había muerto por cierto). Hester creyéndose viuda, no se da cuenta cuando su marido, Roger Chillingworth, llega a Nueva Inglaterra muy vivo y oculta su identidad. Encuentra a su esposa obligada a usar la letra A escarlata en su vestido como castigo por su adulterio. Después de que Hester se niega a nombrar a su amante, Chillingworth se obsesiona con encontrar su identidad. Chillingworth causa tanto a Hester como a su amante anónimo culpa y dolor por sus acciones. A pesar de esto, Hester se mantiene fuerte y no se arrepiente de su acción, que también tiene la forma de su hermosa hija llamada Pearl.

1. 阅读并复习小说 Speak for the questions 中的第 95-137 页。
2. 检查您拥有的注释并使用它们来帮助回答您在幻灯片中的问题。
3. 完成幻灯片中每个方框和部分的 6 个问题。
4. 使用证据和引用来帮助支持你的答案并使用完整的想法。

小说设定在新英格兰清教徒的一个村庄。主角是海丝特·白兰(Hester Prynne),一个因外遇生下孩子的年轻女子(海丝特相信她的丈夫顺便死了)。海丝特相信自己是个寡妇,但她的丈夫罗杰·奇林沃斯 (Roger Chillingworth) 非常健壮地来到新英格兰并隐瞒了自己的身份,她对此并不知情。他发现他的妻子被迫在她的衣服上穿上红字 A 作为对她通奸的惩罚。在海丝特拒绝说出她的情人的名字后,奇灵沃思开始痴迷于寻找他的身份。奇灵沃思让海丝特和她无名的情人都为他们的行为感到内疚和痛苦。尽管如此,海丝特仍然坚强,并不后悔她的行为,这也是她美丽的孩子珀尔的形式。
Created by Howard Hsiao: Wednesday, April 20 9:21 AM


QUIZ: Speak 3rd Marking Period in Google Classroom

QUIZ: Speak 3rd Marking Period

1. Use annotations and questions for Speak 3rd Marking Period quiz.
2. Use pg 95-137 to help with the Quiz
3. CHECKBOX questions - For the checkbox question near the beginning you must select the correct choices for the order of EACH event or you will lose all the points. BE CAREFUL OF THIS.

1. Utilice anotaciones y preguntas para la prueba Hablar del tercer período de calificación.
2. Usa las páginas 95-137 para ayudarte con el cuestionario
3. Preguntas de casilla de verificación: para la pregunta de casilla de verificación cerca del comienzo, debe seleccionar las opciones correctas para el orden de CADA evento o perderá todos los puntos. TENGA CUIDADO CON ESTO.

1. 使用注释和问题进行 Speak 3rd Marking Period 测验。
2. 使用第 95-137 页帮助完成测验
3. 复选框问题 - 对于开头附近的复选框问题,您必须为每个事件的顺序选择正确的选项,否则您将失去所有积分。 请注意这一点。
Created by Howard Hsiao: Friday, April 22 11:24 AM


CLASSWORK: Characterization Chart #1 in Google Classroom

CLASSWORK: Characterization Chart #1

1. In class and at your table, work and complete the slides on characters from the story.
2. List obstacles Melinda faces during the story. Which ones will she overcome and which ones will she struggle with?
3.  Write descriptions of both Heather and Rachel from the story.
Give a quote from each character
Write a description about each character
Decide on similiarities of the characters
Answer the question about them using quotes and evidence. Q: Are they real or fake friends?
Created by Howard Hsiao: Thursday, April 21 4:17 PM


Kahoot: 3rd Marking Period in Google Classroom

Kahoot: 3rd Marking Period

1. A 10pt Kahoot on the novel
2. Pgs 95-137 Kahoot from Speak 3rd Marking Period
3. Use your novel and answer as many questions for credit and participation

Kahoot Code: 548 8261
Created by Howard Hsiao: Thursday, April 21 4:17 PM


Annotations: 3rd Marking Period in Google Classroom

Annotations: 3rd Marking Period

Directions: Write annotations for the First Marking Period from pages 95 - 137 selecting at least 7-10 different significant quotes that you can respond to. 
Explain how each quote was important to you and give a clear example or connection.
 Include the title of the section, pg #, paraphrased/ actual quote, and your detailed comment.
(LOOK FOR - Quotes that discuss Melinda’s journey of transformation or the trials of a hero. “A Night to Remember on page 133 may contain themes that will be upsetting to individuals be aware.)
Created by Howard Hsiao: Friday, April 15 5:50 PM


Q: What are some trials that heroes need to face in their journey? What Are typical and everyday trials For Melinda? in Google Classroom

Q: What are some trials that heroes need to face in their journey? What Are typical and everyday trials For Melinda?

P: ¿Cuáles son algunas pruebas que los héroes deben enfrentar en su viaje? ¿Cuáles son las pruebas típicas y cotidianas para Melinda?

Q:英雄在旅途中需要面对哪些考验? Melinda 的典型和日常试验是什么?
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, April 19 11:51 AM


HW: 2nd Marking Period Comprehension Questions in Google Classroom

HW: 2nd Marking Period Comprehension Questions

1. Read and review pages 49-92 in the novel Speak for the questions.
2. Examine the annotations you have and use them to help answer your questions in the slide.
3. Complete 7 questions in each of the boxes and sections in the slide.
4. Use evidence and quotes to help support your answer and use complete thoughts.

1. Lee y repasa las páginas 49-92 de la novela Speak for the question.
2. Examine las anotaciones que tiene y utilícelas para ayudar a responder sus preguntas en la diapositiva.
3. Complete 7 preguntas en cada uno de los cuadros y secciones de la diapositiva.
4. Use evidencia y citas para ayudar a respaldar su respuesta y use pensamientos completos.

1. Lee y repasa las páginas 49-92 de la novela 为这个问题说话。
2. 检查 las annotaciones que tiene y utilícelas para ayudar a responder sus preguntas en la diapositiva。
3. 完成 7 preguntas en cada uno de los cuadros y secciones de la diapositiva。
4. 使用evidencia y citas para ayudar a respaldar su respuesta y use pensamientos completos。
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, April 12 12:19 PM


Kahoot: 2nd Marking Period Review in Google Classroom

Kahoot: 2nd Marking Period Review

1. Review pages 49-92 for your kahoot and to review for the quiz on Friday
2. Receive points as you move up in ranking in kahoot
3. Top 5 will receive 3pts of participation.
4. ALL participants will be awarded 10 points for finishing the game.

Game Pin: 247 9809
Created by Howard Hsiao: Thursday, April 14 10:47 PM


QUIZ: Speak: 2nd Marking Period in Google Classroom

QUIZ: Speak: 2nd Marking Period

1. Use annotations and questions for Speak 2nd Marking Period quiz.
2. Use pg 49-92 to help with the Quiz
3. CHECKBOX questions - For the checkbox questions near the end 2 questions will ask you to CHOOSE 2 answers. You MUST get both answers right to get the full 2 points to these questions. BE CAREFUL OF THIS.
4. SHORT ANSEWER question. The last question is a short answer question. Use a clear example from the book to help you answer the question.

1. Use anotaciones y preguntas para la prueba Hablar del segundo período de calificación.
2. Usa las páginas 49-92 para ayudarte con el cuestionario
3. Preguntas de casilla de verificación: para las preguntas de casilla de verificación cerca del final, 2 preguntas le pedirán que ELIJA 2 respuestas. DEBE obtener ambas respuestas correctas para obtener los 2 puntos completos para estas preguntas. TENGA CUIDADO CON ESTO.
4. Pregunta de RESPUESTA CORTA. La última pregunta es una pregunta de respuesta corta. Usa un ejemplo claro del libro para ayudarte a responder la pregunta.

1. 在 Speak 2nd Marking Period 测验中使用注释和问题。
2. 使用第 49-92 页帮助完成测验
3. 复选框问题 - 对于接近结尾的复选框问题,有 2 个问题会要求您选择 2 个答案。 您必须正确回答这两个问题才能获得这些问题的全部 2 分。 请注意这一点。
4.简短的回答问题。 最后一个问题是简答题。 使用书中的一个清晰示例来帮助您回答问题。
Created by Howard Hsiao: Friday, April 15 8:45 AM


Annotations: Speak 2nd Marking Period in Google Classroom

Annotations: Speak 2nd Marking Period

1. READ pages 49 -92
2.  Write annotations for the 2nd Marking Period from pages 49 - 92 selecting at least 7-10 different significant quotes that you can respond to. 
Explain how each quote was important to you OR to high schoolers.  
Give a clear example or connection to popular topics such as mental health, sexual assualt, growing up, social norms, or the hero's journey.
Include the title of the section, pg #, paraphrased/ actual quote, and your detailed comment.
3. Do not need many annotations BUT must be decent quality and have analysis.

1. LEE las páginas 49 -92
2. Escriba anotaciones para el primer período de calificación de las páginas 3 a 46 seleccionando al menos 7 a 10 citas significativas diferentes a las que pueda responder.

Explique cómo cada cita fue importante para usted O para los estudiantes de secundaria.
Da un ejemplo claro o una conexión con temas populares como la salud mental, la agresión sexual, el crecimiento, las normas sociales o el viaje del héroe.
Incluya el título de la sección, el n.º de página, la cita parafraseada/real y su comentario detallado.
3. No necesita muchas anotaciones PERO debe ser de calidad decente y tener análisis.

1. 阅读第 49 -92 页
2. 为第 3 - 46 页的第一个评分周期写注释,选择至少 7-10 个不同的重要引语,您可以做出回应。

包括该部分的标题、pg #、释义/实际引用以及您的详细评论。
Created by Howard Hsiao: Wednesday, April 13 7:43 PM


Q: What are some insecurities Melinda has about herself? Give an example from the book. in Google Classroom

Q: What are some insecurities Melinda has about herself? Give an example from the book.

P: ¿Cuáles son algunas de las inseguridades que Melinda tiene sobre sí misma? Da un ejemplo del libro.

问:梅琳达对自己有哪些不安全感? 举一个书中的例子
Created by Howard Hsiao: Wednesday, April 13 11:20 AM


Q: In what ways are normal people heroes? Give an example of YOUR everyday regular hero in Google Classroom

Q: In what ways are normal people heroes? Give an example of YOUR everyday regular hero

问:普通人的英雄在哪些方面? 举一个你的日常常规英雄的例子

P: ¿De qué manera las personas normales son héroes? Da un ejemplo de TU héroe habitual todos los días
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, April 12 12:19 PM


HW: First Marking Period - Comprehension Questions in Google Classroom

HW: First Marking Period - Comprehension Questions

1. Read and review pages 3-46 in the novel Speak for the questions.
2. Examine the annotations you have and use them to help answer your questions in the slide.
3. Complete 9 questions in each of the boxes and sections in the slide.
4. Use evidence and quotes to help support your answer and use complete thoughts.

1. Lee y repasa las páginas 3-46 de la novela Speak for the question.
2. Examine las anotaciones que tiene y utilícelas para ayudar a responder sus preguntas en la diapositiva.
3. Complete 9 preguntas en cada uno de los cuadros y secciones de la diapositiva.
4. Use evidencia y citas para ayudar a respaldar su respuesta y use pensamientos completos.

1. 阅读并复习小说 Speak for the questions 的第 3-46 页。
2. 检查您拥有的注释并使用它们来帮助回答您在幻灯片中的问题。
3. 完成幻灯片中每个方框和部分的 9 个问题。
4. 使用证据和引用来帮助支持你的答案并使用完整的想法。
Created by Howard Hsiao: Thursday, April 7 1:07 PM


QUIZ: Speak 1st Marking Period  in Google Classroom

QUIZ: Speak 1st Marking Period

1. You may use printed notes or open book for this quiz.
2. Use annotations and questions for Speak 1st Marking Period quiz.
3. Use pg 3-42 to help with the Quiz
4. CHECKBOX questions - For the checkbox questions near the end 3 questions will ask you to CHOOSE 2 answers. You MUST get both answers right to get the full 2 points to these questions. BE CAREFUL OF THIS.

5. SELECT the best answer for each question.

1. Puede usar notas impresas o un libro abierto para este cuestionario.
2. Use anotaciones y preguntas para la prueba Hablar del período de calificación.
3. Usa la página 3-42 para ayudarte con el cuestionario.
4. Preguntas de casilla de verificación: para las preguntas de casilla de verificación cerca del final, 3 preguntas le pedirán que ELIJA 2 respuestas. DEBE obtener ambas respuestas correctas para obtener los 2 puntos completos para estas preguntas. TENGA CUIDADO CON ESTO.
5. SELECCIONE la mejor respuesta para cada pregunta.

1. 本次测验您可以使用印刷笔记或打开书本。
2. 使用注释和问题进行 Speak 1st Marking Period 测验。
3. 使用第 3-42 页帮助完成测验
4. 复选框问题 - 对于接近结尾的复选框问题,3 个问题将要求您选择 2 个答案。 您必须正确回答这两个问题才能获得这些问题的全部 2 分。 请注意这一点。
5. 为每个问题选择最佳答案。
Created by Howard Hsiao: Monday, April 11 9:56 AM


Annotations Speak: First Marking Period pg 3-46 in Google Classroom

Annotations Speak: First Marking Period pg 3-46

1. READ pages 3 -46 
2.  Write annotations for the First Marking Period from pages 3 - 46 selecting at least 7-10 different significant quotes that you can respond to. 
Explain how each quote was important to you and give a clear example or connection.
 Include the title of the section, pg #, paraphrased/ actual quote, and your detailed comment
3. Do not need many annotations BUT must be decent quality and have analysis.

1. LEA las páginas 3 -46
2. Escriba anotaciones para el primer período de calificación de las páginas 3 a 46 seleccionando al menos 7 a 10 citas significativas diferentes a las que pueda responder.

Explique cómo cada cita fue importante para usted y dé un ejemplo claro o una conexión.
Incluya el título de la sección, el n.º de página, la cita parafraseada/real y su comentario detallado.
3. No necesita muchas anotaciones PERO debe ser de calidad decente y tener análisis.

1. 阅读第 3 -46 页
2. 为第 3 - 46 页的第一个评分周期写注释,选择至少 7-10 个不同的重要引语,您可以做出回应。

  包括该部分的标题、pg #、释义/实际引用以及您的详细评论。
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, April 5 2:48 PM


Extra Credit: Present your Clan  in Google Classroom

Extra Credit: Present your Clan

1. Complete and answer all the question for your Speak: High School Clan assignment
2. Present your ONE slide and have a prepared talking points.
Do not read directly from your slide -5 pts
Rehearse and practice your speaking to identify your slide
Voice and confident speaking for full credit
Created by Howard Hsiao: Wednesday, April 6 10:23 AM


Kahoot: Speak 1st Marking Period in Google Classroom

Kahoot: Speak 1st Marking Period

1. Kahoot review for Speak 1st Marking Period - use to study for quiz on MONDAY!
2. Participation for top 5 and only if you do not have full participation. Today is last day for participation. Points reset Monday.
3. Everyone who does kahoot will get assignment points.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Friday, April 8 5:15 PM


Q: High school drama - What conflicts among students and kids have you had at school? Think of a time you had a problem with someone at school. What happened? (No need for names or identification) in Google Classroom

Q: High school drama - What conflicts among students and kids have you had at school? Think of a time you had a problem with someone at school. What happened? (No need for names or identification)


P: Drama de la escuela secundaria: ¿Qué conflictos entre estudiantes y niños ha tenido en la escuela? Piensa en una ocasión en la que tuviste un problema con alguien en la escuela. ¿Qué sucedió? (No se necesitan nombres ni identificación)

Q:高中戏剧——你在学校里发生过哪些学生和孩子之间的冲突? 想一想你在学校与某人发生问题的时候。 发生了什么? (无需姓名或身份证明)
Created by Howard Hsiao: Thursday, April 7 1:07 PM


Speak: High School Clan in Google Classroom

Speak: High School Clan

A clan is a group of people united by an actual or perceived kinship or descent. In the novel
Speak, Melinda begins ninth grade and makes note of how her former middle school friends make their
way into new clans, groups or factions at Merryweather High School. 

For this assignment, you are to
create a clan of your own, one not referenced in the book, and explain where the group came from, 
what it stands for, how you can become a member, 
and what the requirements are to join your clan.

You will then design a crest or shield to represent your clan on the this slide, and list the details of your clan
below the shield. If you do not elect to draw your own shield, you may use an online resource such as: to create your crest and place it on the 1st slide before listing the details of your clan below the crest.

List of clans already referenced in Speak, which you may not use:
Jocks, Country Clubbers, Idiot Savants, Cheerleaders, Human Waste, Eurotrash, Future Fascists of
America, Big Hair Chix, the Marthas, Suffering Artists, Thespians, Goths, Shredders, Outcast, Plain Janes.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Monday, April 4 11:51 AM


Q: Either respond to ONE of the lies on the list of lies they tell you in high school by giving an example OR write a NEW lie that is not on the list below  in Google Classroom

Q: Either respond to ONE of the lies on the list of lies they tell you in high school by giving an example OR write a NEW lie that is not on the list below

1. We are here to help you. 
2. You will have time to get to your class before the bell rings. 
3. The dress code will be enforced. 
4. No smoking is allowed on school grounds. 
5. Our football team will win the championship this year. 
6. We expect more of you here. 
7. Guidance counselors are always available to listen. 
8. Your schedule was created with your needs in mind. 
9. Your locker combination is private. 
10. These will be the years you look back on fondly



P: Responda a UNA de las mentiras en la lista de mentiras que le dijeron en la escuela secundaria dando un ejemplo O escriba una NUEVA mentira que no esté en la lista a continuación


1. 我们在这里为您提供帮助。

2. 在铃声响起之前,您将有时间去上课。

3. 着装要求将被强制执行。

4. 校园内禁止吸烟。

5. 我们的足球队今年将获得冠军。

6. 我们期待更多的你在这里。

7. 辅导员随时可以倾听。

8. 您的日程安排是根据您的需求创建的。

9. 您的储物柜密码是私密的。

10. 这些将是你深情回顾的岁月


1. Estamos aquí para ayudarte.

2. Tendrás tiempo de llegar a tu clase antes de que suene la campana.

3. Se hará cumplir el código de vestimenta.

4. No se permite fumar en los terrenos de la escuela.

5. Nuestro equipo de fútbol ganará el campeonato este año.

6. Esperamos más de usted aquí.

7. Los consejeros de orientación siempre están disponibles para escuchar.

8. Su horario se creó teniendo en cuenta sus necesidades.

9. La combinación de tu casillero es privada.

10. Estos serán los años que recordarás con cariño
Created by Howard Hsiao: Wednesday, April 6 10:23 AM


Q: What was your first experience of HIGH school like? Was it positive or negative? Why? in Google Classroom

Q: What was your first experience of HIGH school like? Was it positive or negative? Why?


P: ¿Cómo fue tu primera experiencia en la secundaria? ¿Fue positivo o negativo? ¿Por qué?

Q:初入高中是怎样的体验? 是积极的还是消极的? 为什么?
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, April 5 2:48 PM


Q: What is a group, click, or clan YOU belong to in high school? (think of the people you hangout with, hobbies you do, and even classes you take.) in Google Classroom

Q: What is a group, click, or clan YOU belong to in high school? (think of the people you hangout with, hobbies you do, and even classes you take.)


P: ¿Qué es un grupo, clic o clan al que TÚ perteneces en la escuela secundaria? (Piense en las personas con las que sale, los pasatiempos que practica e incluso las clases que toma).

问:你在高中时所属的群组、点击或部落是什么? (想想和你一起出去玩的人、你的爱好,甚至你上的课。)

Here is a list of groups in high school: Jocks, Country Clubbers, Idiot Savants, Cheerleaders, Human Waste, Eurotrash, Future Fascists ofAmerica, Big Hair Chix, the Marthas, Suffering Artists, Thespians, Goths, Shredders, Outcast, Plain Janes.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Monday, April 4 11:51 AM


Nearpod: Speak Pre-Reading in Google Classroom

Nearpod: Speak Pre-Reading

1. Fill out the Speak Pre-reading questions & polls. Don't worry its short.
2. As you go through the poll be prepared to defend your answers about high school.
3. Consider and analyze the last question about what we will begin reading tomorrow. What is Speak About?
4. You will gain full points if all polls and questions are responded to. It's all just your opinion.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Monday, April 4 11:51 AM


Hero's Journey Clock in Google Classroom

Hero's Journey Clock

Hero Journey Clock Project (Hero, Anti-Hero, or Villain)

With a partner select a popular hero, anti-hero, or Villain 
Construct their hero’s journey clock following the 12 stages of a hero’s journey (see common lit or slides)
Write clearly in what story these characters FOLLOW the stages of a hero - Complete graphic organizer and get approval first
Draw their clock on a poster and label stages
Color and Make poster look great (Best poster of the Period wins a prize)
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, March 22 5:38 PM


From the Hero's Adventure Quiz  in Google Classroom

From the Hero's Adventure Quiz

1. Complete the Quiz on From the Hero's Adventure by Joseph Campbell & Bill Moyer.
2. Read the questions completely and choose the best answer. 
3. Pay attention to questions that will include a Part A and Part B as well as questions with multiple answers.
4. Use your annotated reading to help with the quiz and you MUST complete entire quiz before end of the period.

*Must print out reading to be used on quiz.

1. Complete el cuestionario sobre From the Hero's Adventure de Joseph Campbell y Bill Moyer.
2. Lea las preguntas por completo y elija la mejor respuesta.
3. Preste atención a las preguntas que incluirán una Parte A y una Parte B, así como preguntas con respuestas múltiples.
4. Use su lectura anotada para ayudar con el cuestionario y DEBE completar el cuestionario completo antes del final del período.

*Debe imprimir la lectura para usarla en el examen.

1. 完成 Joseph Campbell 和 Bill Moyer 的英雄历险记测验。
2. 完整阅读问题并选择最佳答案。
3. 注意包含 A 部分和 B 部分的问题以及有多个答案的问题。
4. 使用您的注释阅读来帮助测验,您必须在期末之前完成整个测验。

Created by Howard Hsiao: Friday, March 25 3:53 AM


from The Hero's Adventure: Student Edition, Unit 5 in Google Classroom

from The Hero's Adventure: Student Edition, Unit 5

Directions: Read & listen to the interview From The Hero’s Adventure. On the 2nd read, annotate 10 ideas that discuss important ideas of being a hero. Also, use 3 of the defined words in a sentence.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, March 22 5:37 PM


CommonLit: The Hero's Journey in Google Classroom

CommonLit: The Hero's Journey

We will be discussing the hero's journey. It represents types of characters we see in stories and the patterns they follow. What heroes can you name and do they follow this journey?

1. Complete the commonlit assignment on the journey.
2. This assignment is due 03/23/2022. 
3. Click the attached link to access the assignment; on the CommonLit login page, click Log In With Google.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Friday, March 18 2:33 PM


Q: Within the Cave you fear to enter lies the treasure you seek - Joseph Campbell. What does this quote mean? What is your cave and what is your treasure? in Google Classroom

Q: Within the Cave you fear to enter lies the treasure you seek - Joseph Campbell. What does this quote mean? What is your cave and what is your treasure?

P: Dentro de la cueva en la que temes entrar se encuentra el tesoro que buscas: Joseph Campbell. ¿Qué significa esta cita? ¿Cuál es tu cueva y cuál es tu tesoro?

问:在你害怕进入的洞穴里有你寻找的宝藏——约瑟夫·坎贝尔。 这句话是什么意思? 你的洞穴是什么,你的宝藏是什么?
Created by Howard Hsiao: Wednesday, March 23 5:22 PM


Q: How are the problems you face heroic or part of the hero's journey? Give an example and explain. in Google Classroom

Q: How are the problems you face heroic or part of the hero's journey? Give an example and explain.

P: ¿Cómo son los problemas que enfrentas heroicos o parte del viaje del héroe? Da un ejemplo y explica.

问:你在英雄或英雄旅程中面临的问题是什么? 举例说明。
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, March 22 5:38 PM


Q: What is a hero? What are 3 common lessons a hero should learn? in Google Classroom

Q: What is a hero? What are 3 common lessons a hero should learn?

P: ¿Qué es un héroe? ¿Cuáles son las 3 lecciones comunes que un héroe debe aprender?

问:什么是英雄? 英雄应该学习的 3 个常见课程是什么?
Created by Howard Hsiao: Monday, March 21 10:16 PM


Responsible for Tragedy - R & J Essay in Google Classroom

Responsible for Tragedy - R & J Essay

Introduction: At the end of Romeo & Juliet the Prince puts responsibility for the six deaths in the story on all the characters. “All are punished” he states suggesting everyone suffers since it was everyone’s responsibility. Even the Prince himself feels blame and is he right? What responsibility do the characters owe in leading to this tragic ending and which group is most responsible for tragedy? Was it a greater power, the parents, or their children who are most at fault?

Prompt: Use your knowledge of the Tragedy Romeo & Juliet to choose and defend a position on the topic of responsibility in Romeo & Julie Based on the two text write an argument essay in the form of literary criticisms in response to this question - Which of these three ideas within these stories had the greatest responsibility for how the stories ended? 
Fate/chance: Is there a higher power such as fate, destiny, or chance that kept the lovers apart & led to their end?
Authority: Does the responsibility lie with the adults who should know better but may not always make the best choices for those they are protecting?
Youth: Can we give responsibility to the younger & more immature characters that made a choice which led to poor decisions & worse a poor end?

Assignment: Create a 5 paragraph essay paper on if fate, authority, or youth should have the greatest blame in these tragic stories. Use quotes, evidence, and concrete details from Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet and modern readings & news to support your claim. Use support assignments to complete your essay. Total of 4 assignments that will be worth credit.
Rough Draft & Final (60 points)
** See Rubric for break down of essay 

5 body paragraph w/ introduction, 3 body with a counter-argument (rebuttal) and a conclusion
Typed in MLA format
Use Jane Schaffer style writing (concrete details & thoughtful commentary)
Use at least 3 concrete evidence & textual support
Clear argument position
Counter argument (rebuttal) & refutation (counter-counter argument)
3rd Person point of view 
Written clearly and effectively
简介:在罗密欧与朱丽叶的结尾,王子将故事中六人死亡的责任归咎于所有角色。 “所有人都受到惩罚”,他说,暗示每个人都会受苦,因为这是每个人的责任。连太子自己都觉得怪怪的,对吗?角色对导致这一悲剧结局负有什么责任?哪个群体对悲剧负有最大责任?是更大的力量,父母,还是他们的孩子是最有过错的?

提示:用你对悲剧罗密欧与朱丽叶的知识来选择和捍卫罗密欧与朱丽叶中责任主题的立场 基于这两篇文章,以文学批评的形式写一篇论证文章来回答这个问题 - 其中哪一个这些故事中的三个想法对故事的结局负有最大责任?

作业:写一篇 5 段的论文,讨论命运、权威或青春是否应该在这些悲剧故事中承担最大的责任。使用莎士比亚的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》和现代读物和新闻中的引语、证据和具体细节来支持您的主张。使用支持作业来完成你的论文。总共有 4 项值得记入的作业。
初稿和决赛(60 分)
** 见专栏文章分解

5 正文段落带介绍,3 正文带有反论点(反驳)和结论
以 MLA 格式输入
使用 Jane Schaffer 风格的写作(具体细节和深思熟虑的评论)
使用至少 3 个具体证据和文字支持
Counter argument (rebuttal) & refutation (反反论点)

Introducción: Al final de Romeo y Julieta, el Príncipe atribuye la responsabilidad de las seis muertes de la historia a todos los personajes. “Todos son castigados”, afirma sugiriendo que todos sufren porque era responsabilidad de todos. Incluso el propio Príncipe se siente culpable y ¿tiene razón? ¿Qué responsabilidad tienen los personajes en la conducción de este trágico final y qué grupo es el más responsable de la tragedia? ¿Fue un poder mayor, los padres o sus hijos quienes tienen la mayor culpa?

Pregunta: Usa tu conocimiento de la Tragedia Romeo y Julieta para elegir y defender una posición sobre el tema de la responsabilidad en Romeo y Julie Basado en los dos textos, escribe un ensayo de argumento en forma de crítica literaria en respuesta a esta pregunta: ¿Cuál de estos ¿Tres ideas dentro de estas historias tuvieron la mayor responsabilidad en cómo terminaron las historias?
Destino/azar: ¿Existe un poder superior como el destino, el destino o el azar que mantuvo separados a los amantes y los condujo a su final?
Autoridad: ¿La responsabilidad recae en los adultos que deberían saber más pero que no siempre pueden tomar las mejores decisiones para aquellos a quienes protegen?
Juventud: ¿Podemos responsabilizar a los personajes más jóvenes e inmaduros que tomaron una decisión que condujo a malas decisiones y, peor aún, a un mal final?

Tarea: Crear un ensayo de 5 párrafos sobre si el destino, la autoridad o la juventud deberían tener la mayor culpa en estas trágicas historias. Use citas, evidencia y detalles concretos de Romeo y Julieta de Shakespeare y lecturas y noticias modernas para respaldar su afirmación. Use tareas de apoyo para completar su ensayo. Total de 4 asignaciones que valdrán crédito.
Borrador y Final (60 puntos)
** Consulte la rúbrica para desglosar el ensayo

5 párrafos de cuerpo con introducción, 3 cuerpos con un contraargumento (refutación) y una conclusión
Escrito en formato MLA
Use el estilo de escritura de Jane Schaffer (detalles concretos y comentarios reflexivos)
Utilice al menos 3 pruebas concretas y apoyo textual
Posición clara del argumento
Contraargumento (refutación) y refutación (contraargumento)
Punto de vista en tercera persona
Escrito de manera clara y efectiva.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, March 8 8:56 AM


Q: What was the BEST comment you saw made of on ANY of the TOPICS that were most responsible for the tragedy in R&J? (Check your debates)  in Google Classroom

Q: What was the BEST comment you saw made of on ANY of the TOPICS that were most responsible for the tragedy in R&J? (Check your debates)

Sentence frame: The best comment I saw yesterday was from ____________ and it said how ________________ was the topic that was MOST responsible for the tragedy in R&J because __________________________. It was the best comment since it used _______________.

P: ¿Cuál fue el MEJOR comentario que viste sobre CUALQUIERA de los TEMAS que fueron los más responsables de la tragedia en R&J? (Revisa tus debates)

问:对于对 R&J 悲剧负有最大责任的任何主题,您看到的最佳评论是什么? (检查你的辩论)
Created by Howard Hsiao: Wednesday, March 16 4:02 PM


Silent Debate in Google Classroom

Silent Debate

Directions: In groups of 2-3, each student will be assigned a different position in a topic. Students are to work with their group and silently debate the topic. Please fill out all the information regarding the topic and position of each student before moving on.

1. We will be using the SLIDE practice debate first before debating on Romeo & Juliet
2. You will need to choose OR be assigned a partner that will have opposing views.
3. SLIDE Practice = ANY topic of you and your partner's choosing (if not on list get pre-approval)
4. DOC = REAL & important debate on R & J - You will be assigned a topic.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Monday, March 14 8:50 AM


Q: Think of a BIG problem you've encountered. Describe it then consider who or what would be the cause of it? Select ONE of these three: Was it bad LUCK or chance that was responsible for this problem? Was it your family situation or ADULT interference that caused this problem? Was it a problem TOTALLY a fault of yourself or people your age? in Google Classroom

Q: Think of a BIG problem you've encountered. Describe it then consider who or what would be the cause of it? Select ONE of these three: Was it bad LUCK or chance that was responsible for this problem? Was it your family situation or ADULT interference that caused this problem? Was it a problem TOTALLY a fault of yourself or people your age?


P: Piense en un GRAN problema que haya encontrado. ¿Quién o qué sería la causa de ello? Seleccione UNO de estos tres: ¿Fue la mala SUERTE o el azar el responsable de este problema? ¿Fue su situación familiar o la interferencia de un ADULTO lo que causó este problema? ¿Fue un problema TOTALMENTE culpa tuya o de personas de tu edad?

问:想想你遇到的一个大问题。 谁或什么会是它的原因? 从这三个中选择一个:是运气不好还是机会导致了这个问题? 是您的家庭情况或成人干扰导致了这个问题吗? 这是一个问题,完全是你自己或你这个年龄的人的错吗?

Ex of problems:
Bad grades
Romantic problem
You getting sick
A fight within your family
Not having a social life
Mental health & distress issues
Issues with friends
Parents divorcing or leaving
Behavior problems at school
Failure in sporting event or extracurricular activty


Ejemplo de problemas:

Malas notas
Problema romantico
te estas enfermando
Una pelea dentro de tu familia
No tener vida social
Problemas de salud mental y angustia
problemas con amigos
Padres que se divorcian o se van
Problemas de comportamiento en la escuela.
Fracaso en evento deportivo o actividad extraescolar
Created by Howard Hsiao: Friday, March 11 2:19 PM


Q: Which group below is most responsible for the tragedy in R & J? in Google Classroom

Q: Which group below is most responsible for the tragedy in R & J?

Fate/chance: Is there a higher power such as fate, destiny, or chance that kept the lovers apart & led to their end?
Authority: Does the responsibility lie with the adults who should know better but may not always make the best choices for those they are protecting?
Youth: Can we give responsibility to the younger & more immature characters that made a choice which led to poor decisions & worse a poor end?
问:以下哪个团体对 R&J 的悲剧负有最大责任?
P: ¿Cuál de los siguientes grupos es el más responsable de la tragedia en R & J?

Destino/azar: ¿Existe un poder superior como el destino, el destino o el azar que mantuvo separados a los amantes y los condujo a su fin?
Autoridad: ¿La responsabilidad recae en los adultos que deberían saber más pero que no siempre pueden tomar las mejores decisiones para aquellos a quienes protegen?
Juventud: ¿Podemos responsabilizar a los personajes más jóvenes e inmaduros que tomaron una decisión que condujo a malas decisiones y, peor aún, a un mal final?
Created by Howard Hsiao: Monday, March 14 8:07 PM


Has someone proven you wrong before? How did they do it? Explain. in Google Classroom

Has someone proven you wrong before? How did they do it? Explain.


¿Alguien te ha demostrado que te equivocas antes? ¿Cómo lo hicieron? Explicar.

以前有人证明过你错了吗? 他们是如何做到的呢? 解释。
Created by Howard Hsiao: Thursday, March 10 2:38 PM


How do you convince someone of your opinion? What are the challenges of convincing someone? 
Take a look at the quotes listed and tell us which one you agree with the most.
 in Google Classroom

How do you convince someone of your opinion? What are the challenges of convincing someone? Take a look at the quotes listed and tell us which one you agree with the most.

Answer ONE of the questions above then use the quote below to support.
Quotes to discuss:

If you have to convince someone you’re right for them then maybe they aren’t right for you.
You can’t convince anyone of anything. You can only give them the right information, so that they convince themselves.
Trying to convince someone on the internet is like talking to a wall..
¿Cómo convences a alguien de TU opinión? ¿Cuáles son los desafíos de convencer a alguien?

Responda UNA de las preguntas anteriores y luego use la siguiente cita para apoyarla.

Eche un vistazo a las citas enumeradas y díganos con cuál está más de acuerdo.

Si tienes que convencer a alguien de que eres adecuado para ellos, entonces tal vez no sean adecuados para ti.
No puedes convencer a nadie de nada. Solo puedes darles la información correcta, para que se convenzan a sí mismos.
Intentar convencer a alguien en Internet es como hablarle a una pared..

你如何说服别人相信你的观点? 说服别人的挑战是什么?


你无法说服任何人任何事情。 你只能给他们正确的信息,让他们说服自己。
Created by Howard Hsiao: Wednesday, March 9 3:33 PM


Romeo & Juliet - Concept Map in Google Classroom

Romeo & Juliet - Concept Map

At the end of Romeo & Juliet we see several crimes and death have occurred. In a modern court of law blame and responsibility would be a national court case argument. So what do we blame for the deaths in the story? Examining the concepts and major groups in the story let us map out possible IDEAS for responsibility.

1. In the slide below the first chart  are a few LARGE concepts that are MOST deserving of blame in our story of woe (Juliet & her Romeo). Add in details of which events, people, or examples fit in each category. You may even come up with a category of your own.
2. Next tell us HOW these groups are MOST deserving of blame. Do not just focus on ONE character but the group the character/ event belongs
3. Questions about comparing these concepts to modern are listed after the chart. Complete them to help you compare the different concepts.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Thursday, March 3 1:07 PM


Winter Interim Assessment in Google Classroom

Winter Interim Assessment

1. Complete the 16 question interim assessment
2. Be completed with your work and use the entire class period.
3. If you do not finish please inform me.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Monday, March 7 8:48 PM


Foil Project Check #2 in Google Classroom

Foil Project Check #2

Paragraph - Write a paragraph to use in presentation. This should be used to present your slide.

Print Out to read for presentation
Use Note Card
(Last Resort) Read off of phone (but you will lose participation)

Fill in & Rewrite sentence frame in the slide attached. Write inside the box on the 1st slide:

My character is (present character) and their major characteristic is (what trait are you presenting for your character?) We can see  these traits in Act (1-5) Scene (1-5) in which (Describe how the character demonstrated the trait). In the quote (he/she/they) say “Write quote used to support trait “. This quote suggests that (Explain how the quote supports the trait of this character. Be clear.) This is a foil or opposite to the character (Name of opposite character) who would be (briefly describe his opposite trait and why.) This is also why the symbol or drawing for (your character) is a (explain symbol or drawing). (Opposite character)’s symbol is (briefly describe the opposite character’s symbol or drawing) which is a clear opposite.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, March 1 10:19 AM


Romeo & Juliet Foil Project - Pairs in Google Classroom

Romeo & Juliet Foil Project - Pairs

Foil in Literature: foil is a character who has opposite attributes to another character and often acts as brings out the best and the worst in another character in the story. (Batman vs Joker, Harry Potter & Draco Malfroy)
Prompt: In assigned pair groups. You will use two characters from Romeo & Juliet and provide evidence and a commentary/explanation why they are foils or opposites. Your work will be presented in a poster and a you will give a brief presentation of your findings.
1. Complete the characteristic bubble map on the slides below. For your selected characters determine 3 attributes for that character. What qualities do they have? What are their personalities like? (Use your character bubble maps to help you)

2. After selecting your characters discuss with your partner which characters you will each be researching and finding quotes. For each quality/ characteristic of your character you need ONE quote to represent it as evidence.

3. Explain why each quote represent a certain quality for your character

4. Put your characteristics, evidence (quotes), and commentary (explanation) on a larger poster OR use hand drawn pictures to put on a slide.

5. Decorate, color, and add a picture/ symbols of your character

6. Each person in the group will present ONE character, quality, quote, and explanation.

文学中的衬托:衬托是一个与另一个角色具有相反属性的角色,并且经常扮演故事中另一个角色的最佳和最差的角色。 (蝙蝠侠大战小丑,哈利波特和德拉科马尔弗洛伊)


1. 在下面的幻灯片上完成特征气泡图。为您选择的角色确定该角色的 3 个属性。他们有什么品质?他们的性格是怎样的? (使用您的角色气泡图来帮助您)

2. 选择你的角色后,与你的伙伴讨论你们将分别研究和寻找哪些角色。对于您角色的每一项品质/特征,您都需要一个引用来将其表示为证据。

3. 解释为什么每句话都代表你角色的某种品质

4. 将您的特征、证据(引用)和评论(解释)放在一张较大的海报上或使用手绘图片放在幻灯片上。

5. 装饰、着色和添加你的角色的图片/符号


Foil en literatura: Foil es un personaje que tiene atributos opuestos a otro personaje y, a menudo, actúa para sacar lo mejor y lo peor de otro personaje en la historia. (Batman contra el Guasón, Harry Potter y Draco Malfroy)

Indicación: En grupos de pares asignados. Utilizará dos personajes de Romeo y Julieta y proporcionará evidencia y un comentario/explicación de por qué son contrastes u opuestos. Su trabajo se presentará en un póster y hará una breve presentación de sus hallazgos.

1. Complete el mapa de burbujas característico en las diapositivas a continuación. Para sus personajes seleccionados, determine 3 atributos para ese personaje. ¿Qué cualidades tienen? ¿Cómo son sus personalidades? (Usa los mapas de burbujas de tu personaje para ayudarte)

2. Después de seleccionar sus personajes, discuta con su compañero qué personajes investigará cada uno y encontrará citas. Para cada cualidad/característica de tu carácter necesitas UNA cita para representarla como evidencia.

3. Explica por qué cada cita representa una cierta cualidad para tu personaje.

4. Ponga sus características, evidencia (citas) y comentarios (explicación) en un cartel más grande O use imágenes dibujadas a mano para colocarlas en una diapositiva.

5. Decora, colorea y agrega una imagen/símbolos de tu personaje

6. Cada persona en el grupo presentará UN personaje, cualidad, cita y explicación.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, February 22 7:53 AM


QUIZ: Act 4-5 R & J Quiz in Google Classroom

QUIZ: Act 4-5 R & J Quiz

1. Use annotations and questions for Act 4 & 5 Romeo & Juliet quiz.
2. Quiz is out of 32 but total points is 36
3. CHECKBOX questions - For the checkbox questions near the end 3 questions will ask you to CHOOSE 2 answers. You MUST get both answers right to get the full 2 points to these questions. BE CAREFUL OF THIS.

Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, March 1 10:19 AM


Romeo & Juliet Kahoot Act 4&5 in Google Classroom

Romeo & Juliet Kahoot Act 4&5

1. Here is a warm up to get you ready for your quiz
2. Put your name in the Kahoot clearly 
3. Participation points for high placers.
4. Use annotations for Act 4 & 5 & questions

GAME PIN:7173852
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, March 1 12:20 AM


Act 4&5 Comprehension  & Analysis Questions  in Google Classroom

Act 4&5 Comprehension & Analysis Questions

1. After annotating your Act 4 Scenes 1-5  & Act 5 Scenes 1-3 complete the act 4 & 5 questions 
2. Answer the comprehension question (first 6 questions) in complete sentences and try to give details.
3. On the 2nd page the analysis questions all have TWO parts to the questions. Answer both part a & b in the last 5 questions. Each part is worth 2pts

First 3 Questions = 6pts total
Last 5 questions = 10pts total
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, February 22 7:53 AM


Foil Project Check #1 in Google Classroom

Foil Project Check #1

1. Complete your character foil map. Include 4 characters in the bubble maps that are opposites and possible characters for your project.
2. Select 3 traits from your selected characters and find quotes that support their character traits. Write a commentary that explains HOW the quote relates to the character's traits. (Fill out the slide chart)
3. Once these slides have been checked you may get your poster paper to draw and write your ideas for presentation.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, February 22 7:53 AM


Annotations: Act 4 & 5 Romeo & Juliet in Google Classroom

Annotations: Act 4 & 5 Romeo & Juliet

1. Watch Act 4 from the film before reading. We will be examining Act 5 a little differently.
2. Read Act 4 & 5 of Romeo & Juliet
3. The reading is broken into several parts of original dialogue and summary explanation of certain scenes. 
4. After reading the act write several annotations about characteristics of the characters and literary elements.

Literary elements to look for:
Situational & Plot developments - There is a twist....
Irony: situational, verbal, or  dramatic irony
Puns, smilies, & metaphors
Archtypes (types of characters)
Foils (opposite of a character)
Drama! Suspense or build up
5. Give 8 strong annotatons for ACT 4 using ONLY the comment box. Give another 10 strong annotations for ACT 5
Created by Howard Hsiao: Wednesday, February 9 5:46 PM


Q's Choose ONE: What would be 3 things you rather do than homework/ run the mile? Why? 
What would be 3 things you rather be than be someone else? Why?
What would be 3 things you rather have than have than having  ALL the money in the world? Why?
 in Google Classroom

Q's Choose ONE: What would be 3 things you rather do than homework/ run the mile? Why? What would be 3 things you rather be than be someone else? Why? What would be 3 things you rather have than have than having ALL the money in the world? Why?


Q's Elija UNO:
¿Cuáles serían las 3 cosas que preferiría hacer en lugar de la tarea/correr la milla? ¿Por qué?
¿Cuáles serían las 3 cosas que preferirías ser a ser otra persona? ¿Por qué?
¿Cuáles serían las 3 cosas que preferirías tener antes que tener TODO el dinero del mundo? ¿Por qué?

Q's 选择一个:
你宁愿做三件事而不是做作业/跑一英里? 为什么?
你宁愿成为别人而不是别人的三件事是什么? 为什么?
比起拥有世界上所有的钱,你宁愿拥有的三样东西是什么? 为什么?
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, February 22 7:53 AM


QUIZ Act 3 Comprehension & Analysis Quiz in Google Classroom

QUIZ Act 3 Comprehension & Analysis Quiz

READ, RE-READ, & ANNOTATE Act 3 in R&J / Use questions & annotations for Friday Quiz

1. Complete the questions on the quiz form.
2. Be careful of the three questions that have check boxes. You MUST select TWO answers for those questions. Only select two or you will miss the whole question. They count as TWO points each.
3. Take your time on quote and analysis questions.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Friday, February 18 8:21 AM


Act 3 R&J Kahoot in Google Classroom

Act 3 R&J Kahoot

1. Here is a warm up to get you ready for your quiz
2. Put your name in the Kahoot clearly 
3. Participation points for high placers.

Created by Howard Hsiao: Thursday, February 17 9:10 PM


Annotation Act 3 Romeo & Juliet in Google Classroom

Annotation Act 3 Romeo & Juliet

1. Watch the scenes from the film before reading 
2. Read Act 3 of Romeo & Juliet
3. The reading is broken into several parts of original dialogue and summary explanation of certain scenes. 
4. After reading the act write several annotations about characteristics of the characters and literary elements.

Literary elements to look for:
Exposition OR background on characters or settings (whats the situation? How do we know?)
Irony: situational, verbal, or  dramatic irony
Puns, smilies, & metaphors
Archtypes (types of characters)
Foils (opposite of a character)
Drama! Suspense or build up
5. Give 10-12 strong annotatons using ONLY the comment box.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Wednesday, February 9 5:46 PM


Act 3 Comprehension & Analysis Questions in Google Classroom

Act 3 Comprehension & Analysis Questions

1. After annotating your Act 3 Scenes 1-3 complete the act 2 questions 
2. Answer the comprehension question (first 3 questions) in complete sentences and try to give details.
3. Write a summary of the act and explaining the events for ALL scenes (sc 1-5) Write a minium of 5 sentence. At least 1 sentence for each of your scenes.
4. On the 2nd page the analysis questions all have TWO parts to the questions. Answer both part a & b in the last 4 questions. Each part is worth 2pts

First 3 Questions = 3pts total
Summary Question = 2pts 
Last 4 questions = 16pts total
Created by Howard Hsiao: Monday, February 14 7:25 AM


Why do you think Romeo & Juliet DO NOT tell their parents about their marriage? Do you believe it would have been worse or better if the couple told everyone of their relationship? in Google Classroom

Why do you think Romeo & Juliet DO NOT tell their parents about their marriage? Do you believe it would have been worse or better if the couple told everyone of their relationship?

Translation:¿Por qué crees que Romeo y Julieta NO les cuentan a sus padres sobre su matrimonio? ¿Crees que hubiera sido peor o mejor si la pareja les contara a todos sobre su relación?

为什么你认为罗密欧与朱丽叶不告诉他们的父母他们的婚姻? 如果这对夫妇告诉所有人他们的关系,你认为情况会更糟还是更好?
Created by Howard Hsiao: Wednesday, February 16 1:04 PM


Quick Write - Act 3 Sc 1 - Mercutio in Google Classroom

Quick Write - Act 3 Sc 1 - Mercutio

Does Romeo love Mercutio more than Juliet?
1. We will watch/read Act 3 scene 1 and consider the events.
2. Fill out summary and the question about the event in Act 3 sc 1 in the slide below and prepare for discussion.

3. Write a chunk paragraph discussing how Romeo choose either Mercutio OR Juliet in this scene.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Monday, February 14 6:37 PM


Predict: What do you believe Juilet SHOULD do when she finds out Romeo killed her cousin? in Google Classroom

Predict: What do you believe Juilet SHOULD do when she finds out Romeo killed her cousin?

Predice: ¿Qué crees que debería hacer Julieta cuando descubre que Romeo mató a su prima?

Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, February 15 4:55 PM


Figurative Language Poster - R & J in Google Classroom

Figurative Language Poster - R & J

You will construct a drawing and visual for a quote in Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet and explain the use of figurative language... puns, hyperbole, metaphor, simile, oxymoron, or irony.

1. First, look at the slides on figurative language to help you review the terms
2. As you read Romeo & Juliet you will collect quotes to help identify figurative language. Put the collect quotes in the google document and identify what type, where the quote in R&J and WHY it is this type of figurative language.
3. Write and identify quotes in the chart provided
4. Construct a picture with ONE of the quotes and explain why it is used in a figurative manner.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Monday, February 14 6:37 PM


Have people chosen LOVE over their friendship? Have we seen people choose their FRIENDS over their significant others? Give an example of either someone choosing their friends over their bf/gf OR a choosing their love over their friends. in Google Classroom

Have people chosen LOVE over their friendship? Have we seen people choose their FRIENDS over their significant others? Give an example of either someone choosing their friends over their bf/gf OR a choosing their love over their friends.


人们是否选择了爱而不是友谊? 我们是否见过人们选择朋友而不是重要的其他人? 举一个例子,有人选择他们的朋友而不是他们的 bf/gf,或者选择他们的爱而不是他们的朋友。

¿La gente ha elegido el AMOR sobre su amistad? ¿Hemos visto a personas elegir a sus AMIGOS sobre sus seres queridos? Dé un ejemplo de alguien que elige a sus amigos sobre su novio/novia O elige su amor sobre sus amigos.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Monday, February 14 6:37 PM


QUIZ: Act 2 Comprehension & Analysis Quiz in Google Classroom

QUIZ: Act 2 Comprehension & Analysis Quiz

READ, RE-READ, & ANNOTATE Act 2 in R&J / Prepare for Friday Quiz

1. Complete the questions on the quiz form.
2. Be careful of questions that have check boxes. You MUST select THREE answers for those questions. 
3. Take your time on quote and analysis questions.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Saturday, February 12 12:44 AM


Kahoot Romeo & Juliet Act 2 in Google Classroom

Kahoot Romeo & Juliet Act 2

1. Complete the kahoot for the assignment (please attempt ALL questions)
2. You will receive participation on your movement in the ranks.
3. Top 5 players will receive more points at then end. 

Game pin: 579 1271
Created by Howard Hsiao: Thursday, February 10 4:08 PM


Annotations: Act 2 Romeo & Juliet in Google Classroom

Annotations: Act 2 Romeo & Juliet

1. Watch the scenes from the film before reading 
2. Read Act 2 of Romeo & Juliet
3. The reading is broken into several parts of original dialogue and summary explanation of certain scenes. 
4. After reading the act write several annotations about characteristics of the characters and literary elements.

Literary elements to look for:
Exposition OR background on characters or settings (whats the situation? How do we know?)
Irony: situational, verbal, or  dramatic irony
Puns, smilies, & metaphors
Archtypes (types of characters)
Foils (opposite of a character)
Drama! Suspense or build up
5. Give 12-15 strong annotatons using ONLY the comment box.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Friday, February 4 9:30 AM


Act 2 Comprehension & Analysis Questions in Google Classroom

Act 2 Comprehension & Analysis Questions

1. After annotating your Act 2 Scenes 1-6 complete the act 2 questions 
2. Answer the comprehension question (first 4 questions) in complete sentences and try to give details.
3. Write a summary of the act and explaining the events for ALL scenes (sc 1-6
4. On the 2nd page the analysis questions all have TWO parts to the questions. Answer both part a & b in the last 3 questions. 

First 4 Questions = 4pts total
Summary Question = 2pts 
Last 6 questions = 12pts total
Created by Howard Hsiao: Monday, February 7 3:53 PM


Select an identify a type of figurative language in a song, poem, or famous writing. What type of figurative language is it and how do you know? in Google Classroom

Select an identify a type of figurative language in a song, poem, or famous writing. What type of figurative language is it and how do you know?


选择一首歌曲、诗歌或著名作品中的一种比喻语言。 它是什么类型的比喻语言,你怎么知道?

Seleccione e identifique un tipo de lenguaje figurado en una canción, poema o escrito famoso. ¿Qué tipo de lenguaje figurado es y cómo lo sabes?
Created by Howard Hsiao: Wednesday, February 9 5:46 PM


HW - Romeo & Juliet About Love Slide in Google Classroom

HW - Romeo & Juliet About Love Slide

1. What is your position on relationships of love and hate? Are we allowed to wrong someone that wrong us? Is love blind or ageless?
2. Answer based on your opinion FOUR of the questions in the pre-reading slide. 
3. Answer in complete sentences and give examples if possible of why you would or would not agree.
4. Prepare to use these as discussions points in the story of Romeo & Juliet
Created by Howard Hsiao: Monday, February 7 3:53 PM


When is the proper time and age for someone to get married? Should there be certain requirements for someone to get married? in Google Classroom

When is the proper time and age for someone to get married? Should there be certain requirements for someone to get married?

Translations:¿Cuándo es el momento y la edad adecuados para que alguien se case? ¿Debe haber ciertos requisitos para que alguien se case?

一个人结婚的合适时间和年龄是什么时候? 一个人结婚应该有什么要求吗?
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, February 8 5:19 PM


What is a proper way to start an intimate relationship today? Is it different for different ages? Is there a certain amount of time before you give up or try another relationship? What are the rules?  in Google Classroom

What is a proper way to start an intimate relationship today? Is it different for different ages? Is there a certain amount of time before you give up or try another relationship? What are the rules?

Translations:¿Cuál es una manera adecuada de iniciar una relación íntima hoy? ¿Es diferente para diferentes edades? ¿Hay una cierta cantidad de tiempo antes de que te rindas o intentes otra relación? ¿Cuales son las normas?

今天开始亲密关系的正确方式是什么? 不同年龄有区别吗? 在您放弃或尝试另一种关系之前是否有一定的时间? 都有些什么样的规矩?


Use celebrity OR story examples
If you use a story examples explain the character that experienced it and the story (tv, movie, novel, or short story)
Discuss how our society views the RULES of relationships.


Use ejemplos de celebridades O historias
Si usa ejemplos de una historia, explique el personaje que la experimentó y la historia (tv, película, novela o cuento)
Discuta cómo nuestra sociedad ve las REGLAS de las relaciones.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Monday, February 7 3:53 PM


Act 1 Comprehension & Analysis Questions in Google Classroom

Act 1 Comprehension & Analysis Questions

1. After annotating your Act 1 Scenes 1-5 complete the act 1 questions 

2. Answer the comprehension question (first  5 questions) in complete sentences and try to give details.
3. On the 2nd page the analysis questions all have TWO parts to the questions. Answer both part a & b in the last 3 questions. 

First 5 questions = 10 pts total
Last 3 questions = 12 pts total
Created by Howard Hsiao: Wednesday, February 2 12:39 PM


Act 1 Romeo & Juliet Kahoot in Google Classroom

Act 1 Romeo & Juliet Kahoot

1. Here is a warm up to get you ready for your quiz
2. Put your name in the Kahoot clearly 
3. Participation points for high placers.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Friday, February 4 9:34 PM


QUIZ: Act 1 Romeo & Juliet Comprehension & Analysis  in Google Classroom

QUIZ: Act 1 Romeo & Juliet Comprehension & Analysis

1. Complete the questions on the quiz form.
2. Be careful of questions that have check boxes. You MUST select TWO answers for those questions. 
3. Take your time on quote and analysis questions. 
4. The last few questions will ask about oxymorons which are word opposite when put together have another meaning such as deafening silence or sweet sorrow. Read the directions to learn about oxymorons .
5. You may use your questions, annotations, or character maps as cheat sheets but they have to printed out.

Good Luck.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Friday, February 4 9:30 AM


Annotations: Act 1 Romeo & Juliet in Google Classroom

Annotations: Act 1 Romeo & Juliet

1. Read Act 1 of Romeo & Juliet

2. The reading is broken into several parts of original dialogue and summary explanation of certain scenes. 
3. After reading the act write several annotations about characteristics of the characters and literary elements.

Literary elements to look for:
Exposition OR background on characters or settings (whats the situation? How do we know?)
Irony: situational, verbal, or  dramatic irony
Puns, smilies, & metaphors
Archtypes (types of characters)
Foils (opposite of a character)
Drama! Suspense or build up
4. Give 12-15 strong annotatons using ONLY the comment box.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Monday, January 31 9:20 AM


R&J - Character Maps in Google Classroom

R&J - Character Maps

As you watch the films, take some time to get an impression of the different characters. What type of people are they and do descriptions on the slide below

1. Match pictures or get pictures of the characters in the film with the correct names on the character map
2. Choose 4 other characters besides Romeo & Juliet. 
3. Write a one line description of each character. 
4. Include 3 adjective terms for each character described.
5. Include a quote that describes the character labeling who said it and where in the play it came from. Act & Scene
6. Decorate in any fashion. Make sure you get a chance to see my example.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Friday, January 28 12:45 PM


When do we think a swan is a crow? Explain a time when you realize someone was not as great as you thought them to be. in Google Classroom

When do we think a swan is a crow? Explain a time when you realize someone was not as great as you thought them to be.

Consider when you believe something you thought was AWESOME was really not at all that great. Give an example of when you thought someone did not turn out to your expectations. 

Use personal OR story examples
If you use story examples explain the character that experience and the story (tv, movie, novel, or short story)
Discuss why there was disappointment.
¿Cuándo pensamos que un cisne es un cuervo? Explique un momento en el que se dio cuenta de que alguien no era tan bueno como pensaba que era.

我们什么时候认为天鹅是乌鸦? 解释一个你意识到某人并不像你想象的那么伟大的时候。

Considere cuando cree que algo que pensaba que era IMPRESIONANTE en realidad no era tan bueno. Da un ejemplo de cuando pensaste que alguien no cumplió con tus expectativas.

Use ejemplos de historias OR personales
Si usa ejemplos de historias, explique el personaje que experimenta y la historia (televisión, película, novela o cuento)
Discuta por qué hubo decepción.
考虑一下,当您相信您认为 AWESOME 的东西实际上并没有那么好时。 举一个你认为某人没有达到你期望的例子。

使用个人 OR 故事示例
Created by Howard Hsiao: Wednesday, February 2 12:39 PM


Shakespearean Language Packet in Google Classroom

Shakespearean Language Packet

1. After completing your Shakespearean Dictionary begin work on this packet
2. Complete the warm up together as a class.
3. We will introduce 5 tasks to complete. We will begin in class and require each task to be finished at home.
4. We will discuss how the language of Shakespeare helps introduce the meaning of the writing. 
5. Turn in all tasks on the hardcopies given.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Thursday, January 27 2:34 PM


What are names that tell us the nature of a character ?   in Google Classroom

What are names that tell us the nature of a character ?


Select a character from any story who’s name tell us about who they are. It could be a work of fiction or someone from history. 
Ex fiction Luna Lovegood’s name refers to maybe she is a little looney or weird.
¿Cuáles son los nombres que nos dicen la naturaleza de un personaje?


Seleccione un personaje de cualquier historia cuyo nombre nos diga quiénes son. Podría ser una obra de ficción o alguien de la historia.

El nombre de la ex ficción Luna Lovegood se refiere a que tal vez es un poco loca o rara.

从任何故事中选择一个名字告诉我们他们是谁的角色。 它可能是一部虚构的作品,也可能是历史上的某个人。

前小说 Luna Lovegood 的名字指的是她可能有点疯狂或怪异。
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, February 1 5:48 PM


Are we infatuated with the tragic couple? In a chunk paragraph explain how our culture is interested or bored in couples that can not be together. Give an example or quote of a couple and then give a comment on how why you believe people feel this way.
 in Google Classroom

Are we infatuated with the tragic couple? In a chunk paragraph explain how our culture is interested or bored in couples that can not be together. Give an example or quote of a couple and then give a comment on how why you believe people feel this way.


¿Estamos enamorados de la trágica pareja? En un párrafo grueso explique cómo nuestra cultura se interesa o aburre en las parejas que no pueden estar juntas. Da un ejemplo o una cita de una pareja y luego comenta por qué crees que la gente se siente así.

我们迷恋这对悲惨的夫妻吗? 在一段段落中解释我们的文化如何对不能在一起的夫妻感兴趣或感到无聊。 举一个例子或一对夫妇的引述,然后评论你为什么相信人们会有这种感觉。
Created by Howard Hsiao: Monday, January 31 9:20 AM


Setting Romeo & Juliet in Google Classroom

Setting Romeo & Juliet

We will be briefly watching 3 versions of R&J

1. For each version of the film take note of the setting. Where it is, what is the situation, time period, who is having trouble with who, & etc
2. Give a brief summary of the opening scene from EACH movie. Describe details, settings, events, and etc to help you remember the different versions.
3. Lastly, write some pros and cons about each of the films. 
Acting or lines that you thought was interesting
What made you laugh or what made you upset.
What you liked or disliked about setting or language
What you saw that was appealing or not
Was there drama or action that you like or disliked?
4. Write 3-5 Pros or Cons - You do not need an equal number of each. You may have as many as pros or cons for each movie.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, January 25 12:46 PM


Shakespearean Dictionary Project in Google Classroom

Shakespearean Dictionary Project

Assignment: Create an illustrated dictionary of common Elizabethan / Shakespearian words and phrases with their modern English translations Research and Notes Pg 370-373. For this project you will pick at least five words from the list on the back or look up words online to create an illustrated Shakespearean dictionary. This dictionary will help in understanding the language presented in Shakespeare’s works for a better overall concept of their meanings.

1. Your dictionary must have a decorative cover page. (6pt)
2. Each page within will contain one word and its definition. Each page will be neatly and appropriately illustrated (you use the chromebooks to look online for examples of Renaissance art/decorations and illuminated texts).
3. For each word, you will cite one example of its use in Romeo and Juliet, and you will write your own original sentence using each word.
*You will be graded on completeness, neatness, creativity, and illustration. This assignment counts as a project grade (30 points - almost as much as a test!) and will be DUE Thursday, JANUARY 27st.
Word List: (pick 5)
Created by Howard Hsiao: Wednesday, January 19 5:16 PM


Thurs Q: Use a Shakespearean word in a sentence.  in Google Classroom

Thurs Q: Use a Shakespearean word in a sentence.

TranslationJueves P: Usa una palabra de Shakespeare en una oración.

Created by Howard Hsiao: Thursday, January 27 2:34 PM


Describe a setting of what a modern day Romeo & Juliet would be. Where would it be? What kind of people would be our modern R&J? Why would their families be keeping them apart? in Google Classroom

Describe a setting of what a modern day Romeo & Juliet would be. Where would it be? What kind of people would be our modern R&J? Why would their families be keeping them apart?

Describe a SETTING for modern day Romeo & Juliet by answering these three bullets
Where - Think city, state, or country
Who - What type of characters would Romeo & Juliet be? Race, religion, politics, and etc
Why - Why would they be kept apart? What is the drama here? What current situation can we use to keep them apart... (5 Feet Apart... anyone?) 
Describa un ESCENARIO para la actualidad de Romeo y Julieta respondiendo estas tres viñetas

Dónde: piensa en una ciudad, un estado o un país
Quién - ¿Qué tipo de personajes serían Romeo y Julieta? Raza, religión, política, etc.
¿Por qué? ¿Por qué se mantendrían separados? ¿Cuál es el drama aquí? ¿Qué situación actual podemos usar para mantenerlos separados... (5 pies de distancia... alguien?)


谁——罗密欧与朱丽叶会是什么类型的角色? 种族、宗教、政治等
为什么——他们为什么要分开? 这里有什么剧情? 我们可以用什么目前的情况来让他们分开......(5英尺分开......有人吗?)
Created by Howard Hsiao: Wednesday, January 26 3:53 PM


Name two similar RIVAL groups or groups that are enemies in which you may never see them getting along. Explain why they may fight or have conflict. (think gangs, religions, politics, historical groups, sports, popular fiction,  and etc) in Google Classroom

Name two similar RIVAL groups or groups that are enemies in which you may never see them getting along. Explain why they may fight or have conflict. (think gangs, religions, politics, historical groups, sports, popular fiction, and etc)

"Two Households both Alike in dignity" (but greatest of enemies)

Give an example of the greatest enemies in sports, history, or popular fiction. Select something you know about.
Explain why these two groups would have conflicts or even battles against each other.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, January 25 12:46 PM


Project #2 Dictionary Project in Google Classroom

Project #2 Dictionary Project

1. We will be spending only 1 more period to actually work on the project. BE PRODUCTIVE
2. Create ONE page for your inside dictionary. If this completed create a 2nd page
3. See the examples of what the cover and inside pages look like.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Monday, January 24 1:30 PM


Language of Shakespeare Nearpod in Google Classroom

Language of Shakespeare Nearpod

1. Part one of some basic language style of Shakespeare. 
2. Try out some of the pentameter and identify the meter of song & poetry
3. Reason and look for similar Shakespeare in more media you know.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Thursday, January 20 4:15 PM


What is a wordsmith? What is a favorite word you may know and why is it an interesting word to you? in Google Classroom

What is a wordsmith? What is a favorite word you may know and why is it an interesting word to you?

Translation of Question
¿Qué es un creador de palabras? ¿Cuál es una palabra favorita que quizás conozcas y por qué es una palabra interesante para ti?

什么是词匠? 你可能知道的最喜欢的词是什么,为什么它对你来说是一个有趣的词?

Example/ Ejemplo/ 例子

A wordsmith is someone [include a reason and details]. One example of a word I really like is "elated". It means happy and is not as happy as estatic but definitely more happy then the word happy. It is a word I hope people use more often when talking about themselves cause it just mean the world will have more life loving world hopeful and positive people.

文字匠是某人[包括原因和细节]。 我真正喜欢的一个词的例子是“兴高采烈”。 它的意思是快乐,并不像 estatic 那样快乐,但绝对比快乐这个词更快乐。 我希望人们在谈论自己时经常使用这个词,因为它只是意味着世界将有更多热爱生活、充满希望和积极的人。

Un creador de palabras es alguien [incluya una razón y detalles]. Un ejemplo de una palabra que me gusta mucho es "eufórico". Significa feliz y no es tan feliz como estatic pero definitivamente más feliz que la palabra feliz. Es una palabra que espero que las personas usen más a menudo cuando hablan de sí mismas porque solo significa que el mundo tendrá más personas positivas y llenas de esperanza que aman la vida.

You can use slang words or words that have meaning JUST to you
Please describe in detail why this word is important through a story or clear reasoning
No profanity, curse words, or words that have foul meanings

Puedes usar palabras de jerga o palabras que tengan significado SOLO para ti.
Describa en detalle por qué esta palabra es importante a través de una historia o un razonamiento claro.
Sin blasfemias, malas palabras o palabras que tengan un significado desagradable.

Created by Howard Hsiao: Friday, January 21 3:03 PM


Project Check #1 - Dictionary in Google Classroom

Project Check #1 - Dictionary

1. Points and participation for working on your dictionary project
2. Make sure you have your five words listed in the sign ups
3. Avoid similiar dictionary words
4. Complete a booklet or setup of your book.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Friday, January 21 3:03 PM


How are these  2 quotes related? Give an example of Shakespeare today such as in movies, songs, quotes, and reflections. Do you believe these examples are entertaining? in Google Classroom

How are these 2 quotes related? Give an example of Shakespeare today such as in movies, songs, quotes, and reflections. Do you believe these examples are entertaining?

¿Cómo se relacionan estas 2 citas? Dé un ejemplo de Shakespeare hoy en día, como en películas, canciones, citas y reflexiones. ¿Crees que estos ejemplos son entretenidos?
这两个报价有什么关系? 举一个今天的莎士比亚的例子,比如电影、歌曲、引语和反思。 你认为这些例子很有趣吗?
Created by Howard Hsiao: Thursday, January 20 4:15 PM


Shakespeare's Time - Historical Context in Google Classroom

Shakespeare's Time - Historical Context

1. Read pgs 366-371 and annotate / Document with reading also included in google classroom
2. In complete sentences answer the 5 questions about Shakespeare's Time
3. Use your annotations and reading to clearly answer the questions
Created by Howard Hsiao: Friday, January 14 7:55 AM


Wed Q: “Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.” - Shakespeare / In which part of this quote do you believe Shakespeare? Are great people born, made, or fated to be great? Give an example in Google Classroom

Wed Q: “Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.” - Shakespeare / In which part of this quote do you believe Shakespeare? Are great people born, made, or fated to be great? Give an example

Miércoles P: "No temas a la grandeza: algunos nacen grandes, otros alcanzan la grandeza y a otros les imponen la grandeza”. - Shakespeare / ¿En qué parte de esta cita crees que Shakespeare? ¿Las grandes personas nacen, se hacen o se destinado a ser grande? Dé un ejemplo.

周三问:“不要害怕伟大:有些人天生伟大,有些人成就伟大,有些人把伟大强加给他们。” - 莎士比亚 / 你相信这句话的哪一部分是莎士比亚? 伟大的人是天生的、后天的还是注定要伟大的?举个例子。
Created by Howard Hsiao: Wednesday, January 19 5:16 PM


Annotation: Shakespeare's Time Historical Context in Google Classroom

Annotation: Shakespeare's Time Historical Context

1. Close read the information reading on the 1700's and Shakespeare's theatre
2. On the 2nd read through annotate 10 ideas you find interesting and have thoughts or questions on. Use the ADD COMMENT boxes to provide your annotation.
3. You do not need to highlight if you use the ADD COMMENT box
4. There will be question on the reading next week.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Friday, January 14 2:16 PM


William Shakespeare: The Bard Documentary in Google Classroom

William Shakespeare: The Bard Documentary

Was William Shakespeare the play write to the 37 plays? We will be watching a controversial documentary that tries to convince you of this.

1. Watch the biography on "The Bard"
2. Follow along with the question and use the time in minutes to examine the questions closer.
3. You may want to research many of the information in the video for corrobrating that facts and investigation of who actually wrote the plays.
4. Answer #15 with your own facts and opinions.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, January 18 5:59 PM


In a 100 years what written work whether it be movies, songs, plays or books do you believe will still be remembered and famous? Why? in Google Classroom

In a 100 years what written work whether it be movies, songs, plays or books do you believe will still be remembered and famous? Why?


Dentro de 100 años, ¿qué obra escrita, ya sean películas, canciones, obras de teatro o libros, crees que seguirá siendo recordada y famosa?

在 100 年后,您认为无论是电影、歌曲、戏剧还是书籍,哪些书面作品仍会被人们铭记和出名? 为什么?
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, January 18 5:59 PM


Writing Journals Narratives in Google Classroom

Writing Journals Narratives

You will practice writing journals this week to help in constructing a narrative story.
1. For the week you will be receiving 5 different daily journal entries.
2. Select 3 prompts from the week. Write which day was selected (mon-friday)
3. Write a chunk paragraph for each of your selections 
    Each chunk paragraph should have a topic sentence at least ONE quote or concrete detail and TWO sentences of comment about the quote or information
    Q: What is your favorite activity over break
    Chunk paragraph:
        My favorite activity over winter break would have to be when I visited Big Bear. As mentioned on the website of the Big Bear Lake "...Over 3 million guests visit Big Lake a year... almost none of the business in the city are not affected by tourism dollars." That already tells us this city in the mountain is definitely a tourist trap for those people that like cheap souvenirs and over priced food/ beverages. However, my wife and I took a day trip that was fun and exciting because of the snow and small shops we like. We made candles, ate burgers the size of your face, and took our little dog to the snow for the first time. Touristy yeah... but is it really a problem if we love souvenirs?

4. Practice writing your chunk paragraphs by using the internet and quotes to support your claims.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Monday, January 10 2:12 PM


One Word Resolution 2022 in Google Classroom

One Word Resolution 2022

1. After writing a list of five words for your New Year Resolute think about ONE word that is most personal and meaningful to you.
2. On a BLANK white piece of paper write the word  as big and creative as you can. Color and decorate
  *** Extra Credit for quality and creativity
3.  See examples of how nicely these words should look. They will posted in the back of the room as a reminder of what you hope to achieve this year.
4. Write your name on the bottom of your word.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, January 11 10:46 AM


Supply Check in Google Classroom

Supply Check

Bring your book for an easy pts. It should be Pearson My Perspectives Grade 9 VOLUME 2 books
Created by Howard Hsiao: Wednesday, January 12 7:51 AM


Letter To Myself 2022 Pandemic - Post Pandemic Edition in Google Classroom

Letter To Myself 2022 Pandemic - Post Pandemic Edition

1. Write a letter to yourself addressing the end of the year
2. Use the guidelines to write a short 2-3 paragraph response
Created by Howard Hsiao: Thursday, January 13 8:22 PM


NEARPOD: Rules and Expectation REVIEW in Google Classroom

NEARPOD: Rules and Expectation REVIEW

1. Complete our Nearpod on reviewing class rules 
2. Ask questions and challenge the system 
3. Complete as much as the responses as you can.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Wednesday, January 12 11:40 AM


List 3 things people may not know about you. Make sure they are  3 very different and very specific details about yourself. See examples... in Google Classroom

List 3 things people may not know about you. Make sure they are 3 very different and very specific details about yourself. See examples...

Enumere 3 cosas que la gente tal vez no sepa sobre usted. Asegúrate de que sean 3 detalles muy diferentes y muy específicos sobre ti. Ver ejemplos ...

列出人们可能不了解您的 3 件事。 确保它们是关于您自己的 3 个非常不同且非常具体的细节。 看例子...

Three things that people may not know about me is that I once had to carry a good friend off of a hard hike at Mammoth Mountains. That two I took up painting minature figurines from Warhammer 40k which I don't play... (just like the painting part). My third thing is that I really like peanuts but I hate hate hate peanut butter. Peanuts are suppose to be roasted not made into sugary paste. Yuck!
Created by Howard Hsiao: Monday, January 10 2:12 PM


Literature Comparison: 10 Thing I Hate About You in Google Classroom

Literature Comparison: 10 Thing I Hate About You

1. Watch the movie 10 Things I Hate About You
2. Complete the character and event charts.
3. Finally do the 5 questions on the Taming of the Shrew (Shakespeare's orignal play) compares with the 90 movie set in high school.
4. Focus on question 4 on your reaction to the ending poem and what it means.
5. Complete all parts for points towards your overall grade.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Thursday, January 6 4:27 PM


How are you and Derrick Coleman alike or similar? What holds you back from accomplishing your sucess? in Google Classroom

How are you and Derrick Coleman alike or similar? What holds you back from accomplishing your sucess?

Watch the video on Derrick Coleman

1. Think about similarities between you and Coleman
2. Think about your own obstacles when it comes to achievement.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, January 4 1:45 PM


FINAL EXAM in Google Classroom


1. Final For your first semester

2. You MAY USE - volume 1 book and questions from Immigrant Contribution and American History

3. Last question is a short answer question based on writing the correct structure of a thesis statement. Make sure you give a response to the prompt question and write 2 reasons to support your claim or response.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, December 14 12:49 PM


Wk #17 Immigrant Contribution Annotations & Questions in Google Classroom

Wk #17 Immigrant Contribution Annotations & Questions

1. Read the essay once through before annotating.
2. On you second read, annotate the Immigrant Contribution. Mark 10 annotation addressing the importance of immigrants in America.
3. After reading and annotating answer the 8 questions included in this article. 
4. Write answers in complete sentences.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Thursday, December 9 1:28 PM


INTERIM ASSESSMENT in Google Classroom


1. Take the interim assessment for your grade level. 9th grade skills assessment in ELA
2. Complete to the best of your ability. It is a measure to see how well you are improving in your English class.
3. You are allowed to PAUSE this test ONLY 3 times. So use those pauses carefully.
4. If you do NOT finish during the class period PAUSE and you may start again when time allows.
5. Complete this test first before catching up with assignments.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Wednesday, December 8 4:17 PM


Alternative Essay Write in Google Classroom

Alternative Essay Write

*** This is an ALTNERNATIVE ESSAY WRITE to improve your argumentative essay grade.***  (If you do this assignment the higher score will be taken for your 60 pt essay grade)
1. Read the directions about writing 4-5 paragraph argumentative on the American Dream
2. The essay should answer this prompt question: Is the American Dream still attainable
3. Use examples from the stories we read or reading such as Of Mice and Men, American History, &  quotes from Historical figures
4. Follow the essay layout in the writing and fill in the essay by making it a clear and thoughtout essay.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, November 30 9:44 AM


Immigrant Contribution Research Inventory in Google Classroom

Immigrant Contribution Research Inventory

An immigrant is a person that was born in a different country and come to live in a new one. America is known as a “Nation of Immigrants” . How is this true? What chefs, writers, thinkers, politicians, entertainers, inventors, athletes, or leaders that have come from another place of birth made a difference to Americans or our culture? What are examples of immigrant contributions (ideas) that become of part of American Culture?

Directions: In the boxes below you will list 10 different famous or well-known immigrants by the category or area they have given contribution from any time period. List the place of birth and when they were born for each, include a picture, 1 accomplishment in America, and a reflection for each.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Thursday, December 2 6:36 PM


Wk #16 American History - Comprehnison Check & Analyze Text Questions  in Google Classroom

Wk #16 American History - Comprehnison Check & Analyze Text Questions

1. Read story 1 time throung & Annotate 10 lines in the 2nd time reading the story American History by Judith Coefer Ortiz on by pg 37-45 in your Pearson's volume 1
2. You will receive participation on your annotation when checked. 
3. After annotating and discussing the story answer the 8 questions (you can use on final if printed as notes) on American history
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, November 30 9:44 AM


Wed Q: Describe ONE character in American History. What is one direct or indirect description about them?  in Google Classroom

Wed Q: Describe ONE character in American History. What is one direct or indirect description about them?

Mié P: Describe UN personaje de la historia de Estados Unidos. ¿Cuál es una descripción directa o indirecta sobre ellos?

周三问:描述美国历史上的一个人物。 关于它们的直接或间接描述是什么?
Created by Howard Hsiao: Wednesday, December 1 12:36 PM


Thurs Q: What are the major themes and lessons from reading American History? Write a lesson from the story using the sentence frame below. in Google Classroom

Thurs Q: What are the major themes and lessons from reading American History? Write a lesson from the story using the sentence frame below.

Sentence Frame:  A lesson learned from the story of American History is the lesson of (thesis idea should be a complete thought or sentence not just a word) since we see the characters (reason #1 using a general reference from story) and how they (reason #2 using a general reference from story)

Marco de oración: una lección aprendida de la historia de la historia estadounidense es la lección de (la idea de la tesis debe ser un pensamiento o una oración completa, no solo una palabra), ya que vemos a los personajes (razón # 1 usando una referencia general de la historia) y cómo ellos (razón # 2 usando una referencia general de la historia)

句子框架:从美国历史的故事中学到的教训是(论文思想应该是一个完整的思想或句子,而不仅仅是一个词)因为我们看到了人物(原因#1 使用故事的一般参考)以及他们如何 (原因#2 使用故事中的一般参考)

Q Translation:
Jueves P: ¿Cuáles son los temas principales y las lecciones de la lectura de historia estadounidense? Escribe una lección de la historia usando el siguiente marco de oración.

周四 问:阅读美国历史的主要主题和教训是什么? 使用下面的句子框架从故事中吸取教训。
Created by Howard Hsiao: Thursday, December 2 6:36 PM


Wk #16 American History & Immigrant Contribution Vocabulary in Google Classroom

Wk #16 American History & Immigrant Contribution Vocabulary

1. Use the Pearson's reader vol 1 to find the definitions and usage of  American History by Judith Ortiz Cofer Pg 37 - 44, Immigrant Contribution by John  F. Kennedy Pg 23-28, & With a Little Help From My Friend By Firoozeh Dumas Pg 89-91
2. Write a 7-8 word sentence with each of the vocabulary words from the rest of the unit.
3. Find an image that relates to your sentence for each word.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, November 30 12:21 AM


Tues Q: What does Latinos in America look like to you? Examine the video shared in the Latinos in America link and describe one comment you feel that is significant and relevant today. in Google Classroom

Tues Q: What does Latinos in America look like to you? Examine the video shared in the Latinos in America link and describe one comment you feel that is significant and relevant today.

¿Qué te parecen los latinos en Estados Unidos? Examine el video compartido en el enlace Latinos in America y describa un comentario que considere significativo y relevante hoy.

在您看来,美国的拉丁美洲人是什么样的? 检查在美国拉丁裔链接中共享的视频,并描述一条您认为在今天很重要且相关的评论。
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, November 30 9:44 AM


DO NOW! - What does Steinbeck mean when Lennie tells George "Both ends are the same. Why are both ends the same George?" Consider the events in the story. Who's "endings" are the same and why? in Google Classroom

DO NOW! - What does Steinbeck mean when Lennie tells George "Both ends are the same. Why are both ends the same George?" Consider the events in the story. Who's "endings" are the same and why?

¿Qué quiere decir Steinbeck cuando Lennie le dice a George "Ambos extremos son iguales. ¿Por qué ambos extremos son el mismo George?" Considere los eventos de la historia. ¿Quiénes son los "finales" iguales y por qué?

当 Lennie 告诉 George “两端都一样。为什么两端都是同一个 George”时,Steinbeck 是什么意思? 考虑故事中的事件。 谁的“结局”是一样的,为什么?
Created by Howard Hsiao: Monday, November 29 1:52 PM


Monday Q - What is Steinbeck saying about the American Dream in Of Mice & Men? Give 2 reasons you support this. in Google Classroom

Monday Q - What is Steinbeck saying about the American Dream in Of Mice & Men? Give 2 reasons you support this.


Lunes P: ¿Qué dice Steinbeck sobre el sueño americano en Of Mice & Men? Da 2 razones por las que apoyas esto.

星期一问 - 斯坦贝克对《人鼠之间》中的美国梦有什么看法?给出2个你支持这个的理由。
Created by Howard Hsiao: Monday, November 29 1:52 PM


Wk # 15 Ch 5-6 Of Mice & Men Study Guide Questions in Google Classroom

Wk # 15 Ch 5-6 Of Mice & Men Study Guide Questions

1. Complete chatper 5 & 6 study guide for the quiz on FRIDAY
2. You may use the study guide for quiz Friday. Need to print out for the quiz.
3. Answer the questions in complete sentences
Created by Howard Hsiao: Monday, November 15 7:22 AM


Of Mice & Men Movie Questions - (1994 film) in Google Classroom

Of Mice & Men Movie Questions - (1994 film)

1. As you watch the film Of Mice & Men pay attention to events and changes in the film from the novel.
2. Answer as many of the questions as you can for review. You may use these question for Friday's quiz but again needs to printed for use.
3. Short answers and notes for these questions will be the best purpose for them.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Thursday, November 18 1:43 PM


Quiz Of Mice & Men Ch 5 & 6 in Google Classroom

Quiz Of Mice & Men Ch 5 & 6

Chapter 5 & 6 Of Mice & Men last quiz
1. Complete the quiz
2. You may use notes and study guide. PRINT OUT OR WRITE OUT to use for quiz
3. YOU MUST USE CHROMEBOOKS - Chromebooks will also be lock so no use of internet during test
Created by Howard Hsiao: Friday, November 19 3:25 PM


Group Project Of Mice & Men Character Analysis in Google Classroom

Group Project Of Mice & Men Character Analysis

Working in groups of three or four, you will closely analyze a character from Of Mice and Men. On a large sheet of paper OR slide presentation, you will include the following in the character analysis:

Character Interpretation
Accurately illustrate your character according to the description in the novel (draw an image either digitally or by hand/ ALL images must be original)
□  Candy
□  Curley
□  Curley’s Wife
□  Slim
□  Crooks

Characteristics and Quotes
Based on what you learned about the character, decide what four characteristics best describe your character.  The characteristics you come up with should be adjectives (i.e. intellectual).  
After you have decided on the characteristics, you will need to find supporting evidence from the text that reflects the characteristics.  You will need at least one quote for each characteristic.
Supporting evidence needs to be properly cited (quotation marks, commentary, and page numbers).  
Identify whether the supporting evidence is direct or indirect characterization
The American Dream (theme)

For your assigned character, describe your character’s American Dream in detail and how s/he has either achieved or failed in making the dream a reality. Your response should be a paragraph in length.

The following will need to be on the large sheet of paper OR a digital slide (see ex):
Character’s Name 
Character Illustration (according to the novel)
Four Characteristics with Supporting Evidence
A Paragraph on The American Dream

Your group will present your character to the rest of the class. Make sure each group member contributes to the presentation. In addition, make sure to take notes during the presentations.

Trabajando en grupos de tres o cuatro, analizarás de cerca a un personaje de Of Mice and Men. En una hoja grande de papel O en una presentación de diapositivas, incluirá lo siguiente en el análisis del personaje:

Interpretación de personajes

Ilustre con precisión su personaje de acuerdo con la descripción en la novela (dibuje una imagen digitalmente o a mano / TODAS las imágenes deben ser originales)

□ Caramelo
□ Curley
□ Esposa de Curley
□ Delgado
□ Ladrones

Características y cotizaciones

Basándose en lo que aprendió sobre el personaje, decida qué cuatro características describen mejor a su personaje. Las características que se te ocurran deben ser adjetivos (es decir, intelectuales).
Una vez que haya decidido las características, deberá encontrar evidencia de respaldo en el texto que refleje las características. Necesitará al menos una cotización para cada característica.
La evidencia de respaldo debe citarse correctamente (comillas, comentarios y números de página).
Identificar si la evidencia de apoyo es una caracterización directa o indirecta.
El sueño americano (tema)

Para su personaje asignado, describa el Sueño Americano de su personaje en detalle y cómo logró o fracasó en hacer realidad el sueño. Su respuesta debe tener un párrafo de extensión.
Lo siguiente deberá estar en la hoja de papel grande O en una diapositiva digital (ver ejemplo):

Ilustración de personaje (según la novela)
Nombre del personaje

Cuatro características con evidencia de apoyo
Un párrafo sobre el sueño americano
Su grupo presentará su personaje al resto de la clase. Asegúrese de que cada miembro del grupo contribuya a la presentación. Además, asegúrese de tomar notas durante las presentaciones.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Wednesday, November 10 1:00 PM


Besides Lennie, George, & Candy what are the Dreams and hopes of some of the other characters? in Google Classroom

Besides Lennie, George, & Candy what are the Dreams and hopes of some of the other characters?

Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, November 16 12:43 PM


Chapter 3 & 4 Study Guide in Google Classroom

Chapter 3 & 4 Study Guide

1. Complete chatper 3 & 4 study guide for the quiz on MONDAY
2. You may use the study guide for quiz Monday. Need to print out for the quiz.
3. Answer the questions in complete sentences
Created by Howard Hsiao: Wednesday, November 10 1:00 PM


QUIZ - Of Mice and Men Chapter 3&4 Quiz in Google Classroom

QUIZ - Of Mice and Men Chapter 3&4 Quiz

Created by Howard Hsiao: Monday, November 15 5:19 PM


Wk #14 Of Mice & Men Annotations Chapter 3 in Google Classroom

Wk #14 Of Mice & Men Annotations Chapter 3

As for EVERYTHING we read we will practice out close reading skills. The worksheet slides below are organized to help you collect quotes and annotate those quotes using commentary & analysis.

1. You will choose 10 quotes from CHAPTER 3 (try to go chronological meaning list the ones from pages 1-3 first than list the later pages numbers later in order)
You should select quotes that relate to
Plot & Characters
Symbols - Representations of characters
Literary Devices - Foreshadowing, motifs, themes, & metaphors
Background events - What happened in the past?
difficulties of migrant workers
Themes of the American Dream 
2. Make comments and try to identify symbols from the chapter that relate to the American Dream or ideas of the novels' theme. (go back to extended metaphor practice OR see class example...)
3. Write 2-3 comments on each quote. Identify what this tells us on character traits, setting, metaphors, American Dream, symbols, & themes. Explain why you choose these quotes and focus on more analysis of the facts.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, November 9 5:55 PM


Project Check - Of Mice & Men Characterization  in Google Classroom

Project Check - Of Mice & Men Characterization

2. Begin with your TRAIT / CHARACTERIZATION - Include the trait for your character like a claim (see example)
3. Next you will need to use a quote, dialogue, or any evidence from the story. 
    Give ONE QUOTE or EVIDENCE that supports the trait for your character. (Ex. If you say the Boss is a cheap or is a misery man give evidence or quote that shows either direct or indirect characterization of his actions.)
    Give commentaries for each concrete detail and WHY it supports your TRAIT. Write 2-3 lines that helps you identify the trait. Do NOT forget to talk about your evidence or quote. Select specific words and address if it is direct or indirect characterization.)
    OPTIONAL: Use symbols or literary devices (metaphor, irony, foreshadowing, & motifs - recurring ideas) to help you explain the purpose of the quote to the how it represents the character. (Ex. Candy like his dog could be seen as loyal since he has been working for the Boss for so many years)
4. For each concrete detail (a quote, dialogue, characteristic, & etc) have ONE group member take credit and present. DO NOT USE THE SAME EVIDENCE in your group.

5. Submit as a slide is preferred. Used attached slide or make your own.

**NOTE - This again is for me to check if you are 1. on task 2. If you need assistance in writing your ideas 3. to give you feedback before your presentation.  As long as you submit somthing to help you improve your ideas what you submit here does NOT need to be right but should be a decent attempt.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Friday, November 12 8:44 AM


DO NOW! Chapter 3 & 4 Reading Check in Google Classroom

DO NOW! Chapter 3 & 4 Reading Check

1. Do the nearpod at the beginning of the period
2. You will have a matching & 5 questions quiz
3. The questions and matching will examine chapter 3 & 4 to help Review for the QUIZ MONDAY
Created by Howard Hsiao: Friday, November 12 8:44 AM


Of Mice & Men Character Charts in Google Classroom

Of Mice & Men Character Charts

1. As you read chapters 1-3 of the novel Of Mice & Men, complete the charater chart.
2. Find the physical descriptions of each character (quotes & concrete detail) & record in the middle column
3. In the last column you will jot down what this tell us about the characters in there personality or behavior (insights & commentaries)
4. You will update this chart as we read about different characters throughout the chapters.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Wednesday, November 3 10:54 AM


Wk #14 Of Mice & Men Vocab Chapter 3 in Google Classroom

Wk #14 Of Mice & Men Vocab Chapter 3

Complete the next chatper's vocabulary list 
1. Write sentences with more than 7 words in them
2. Find an image that represents your sentence
Created by Howard Hsiao: Monday, November 8 2:41 PM


Tuesday Q's - If you were to be represented by an animal what would it be and why? in Google Classroom

Tuesday Q's - If you were to be represented by an animal what would it be and why?

For Example: Mr Hsiao would be a turtle since he slow.... with his grading and feels like he is trapped in a shell of 4 walls.

Pregunta: Si fueras representado por un animal, ¿cuál sería y por qué?

Por ejemplo: el Sr. Hsiao sería una tortuga ya que ralentiza ... con su calificación y tiene un caparazón particularmente duro cuando se trata de comportamientos de estudiantes de primer y segundo año.


Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, November 9 5:55 PM


Monday Q: Are any of the characters in Of Mice & Men stereotypical characters or archtypal figures? (Archtypal = a mentor in story/ emo goth rebel with a heart of gold / an average joe hero who can become anything  etc) in Google Classroom

Monday Q: Are any of the characters in Of Mice & Men stereotypical characters or archtypal figures? (Archtypal = a mentor in story/ emo goth rebel with a heart of gold / an average joe hero who can become anything etc)

Choose from Candy, George, Lennie, Slim, Crooks, Curley, Curley's wife, & the Boss and consider if they are typical characters we find in most stories. (the anti-hero, the fool, the seductress, the token character, the ruler, the bully, the mentor, the rebel, the innocent, the everyman, & etc)

Elija entre Candy, George, Lennie, Slim, Crooks, Curley, la esposa de Curley y el Jefe y considere si son personajes típicos que encontramos en la mayoría de las historias. (el antihéroe, el tonto, la seductora, el personaje simbólico, el gobernante, el matón, el mentor, el rebelde, el inocente, el hombre común, etc.)

从 Candy、George、Lennie、Slim、Crooks、Curley、Curley 的妻子和 Boss 中进行选择,并考虑他们是否是我们在大多数故事中都能找到的典型角色。 (反英雄、傻瓜、诱惑者、象征人物、统治者、欺负者、导师、叛逆者、无辜者、普通人等)


Of Mice & Men 中的任何角色是刻板的角色或原型人物吗? (原型 = 哑巴运动员/情绪哥特叛军/普通乔英雄等)

¿Alguno de los personajes de Of Mice & Men son personajes estereotipados o figuras arquetípicas? (Arquetípico = deportista tonto / rebelde gótico emo / héroe joe promedio, etc.)
Created by Howard Hsiao: Monday, November 8 2:41 PM


Wk#13 Chapter 2 Of Mice & Men Study Guide in Google Classroom

Wk#13 Chapter 2 Of Mice & Men Study Guide

After reading and begining your characterization for Of Mice & Men chapter 2 complete the questions

1. Complete the 14 questions attached using pg 17-36 in the novel Of Mice & Men
2. Answer in  complete sentences and address questions clearly
3. Write a summary of what happened in chapter 1 at the end
Created by Howard Hsiao: Wednesday, November 3 10:54 AM


QUIZ: Of Mice & Men Ch 1 & 2 in Google Classroom

QUIZ: Of Mice & Men Ch 1 & 2

1. Complete the quiz
2. You may use notes and study guide
3. YOU MUST USE CHROMEBOOKS - Chromebooks will also be lock so no use of internet during test
Created by Howard Hsiao: Friday, November 5 9:38 AM


Of Mice & Men Ch 1 & 2 Kahoot Review in Google Classroom

Of Mice & Men Ch 1 & 2 Kahoot Review

1. Review study guide, vocabulary, character chart, and slides for tomorrow's quiz on Ch 1 & 2
2. Play kahoot and use your study guide and notes to play.
3. Top 5 will receive 3 points of participation
4. ALL students must play and engage in questions for the 10 pts in the assignment

GAME CODE: 392474
Created by Howard Hsiao: Thursday, November 4 3:20 PM


Wk #13 Chapter 1 Study Questions in Google Classroom

Wk #13 Chapter 1 Study Questions

After reading and completing your annotations for Of Mice & Men chapter 1 complete the questions

1. Complete the 16 questions attached using pg 1-16 in the novel Of Mice & Men
2. Answer in  complete sentences and address questions clearly
3. Write a summary of what happened in chapter 1 at the end
Created by Howard Hsiao: Friday, October 29 4:23 PM


Wednesday Q's - What are common character flaws that we find in stories? List 2 traits & movies/ stories we find them in. Consider traits OR personality weaknesses that we commonly see in movies Ex: Iron Man, Shang Chi, or Fast & Furious. in Google Classroom

Wednesday Q's - What are common character flaws that we find in stories? List 2 traits & movies/ stories we find them in. Consider traits OR personality weaknesses that we commonly see in movies Ex: Iron Man, Shang Chi, or Fast & Furious.

Translations Below:

Preguntas del miércoles: ¿Cuáles son los defectos de carácter comunes que encontramos en las historias? Enumere 2 rasgos y películas / historias en las que los encontramos. Considere los rasgos O las debilidades de la personalidad que vemos comúnmente en las películas, por ejemplo: Iron Man, Shang Chi o Fast & Furious.

星期三问 - 我们在故事中发现的常见性格缺陷是什么? 列出我们发现它们的 2 个特征和电影/故事。考虑我们在电影中常见的特征或性格弱点,例如:钢铁侠、尚志或速度与激情。
Created by Howard Hsiao: Wednesday, November 3 10:54 AM


Wk #13 Of Mice & Men Characterization in Google Classroom

Wk #13 Of Mice & Men Characterization

Working in pairs of two, you will closely analyze ONE character from Of Mice and Men. On this slide you will include these different analysis of the character and address possible representations or symbols for them.

Character Interpretation
Accurately record textual evidence/ concrete details from the book and place them in the red boxes
You will analyze physical features (how they are described) and the dialogue (what they say) to tell us about their personalities and what type of people they are.
Textual Evidence and Quotes

Select quotes from the book and our annotations. Evidence will be written in the red boxes followed by green commentary boxes.
After you have decided on the quotes, you will need reflect the characteristics that the characters suggest.  You will need at least one quote for category of physical features and dialogue for each character.
Supporting evidence needs to be properly cited (quotation marks and page numbers).  
Identify whether the supporting evidence is direct or indirect characterization. Clearly stating a trait = direct Or suggesting of trait with some interpretation is indirect
The American Dream

For your each character, describe your character’s American Dream in detail and if they can make it a reality. Your response should be a paragraph in length.

Collect one more quote to support any possible representation or symbol for your character. Explain your finding in the commentary.

Trabajando en pares de dos, analizarás de cerca UN personaje de Of Mice and Men. En esta diapositiva, incluirá estos diferentes análisis del personaje y abordará posibles representaciones o símbolos para ellos.

Interpretación de personajes

Registre con precisión evidencia textual / detalles concretos del libro y colóquelos en los recuadros rojos
Analizarás características físicas (cómo se describen) y el diálogo (qué dicen) para contarnos sobre sus personalidades y qué tipo de personas son.
Evidencia textual y citas

Seleccione citas del libro y nuestras anotaciones. La evidencia se escribirá en los recuadros rojos seguidos de recuadros de comentarios verdes.
Una vez que haya decidido las citas, deberá reflejar las características que sugieren los personajes. Necesitará al menos una cita para la categoría de características físicas y diálogo para cada personaje.
La evidencia de respaldo debe citarse correctamente (comillas y números de página).
Identifique si la evidencia de apoyo es una caracterización directa o indirecta. Declarar claramente un rasgo = directo O sugerir un rasgo con alguna interpretación es indirecto
El sueño americano

Para cada uno de tus personajes, describe el Sueño Americano de tu personaje en detalle y si pueden hacerlo realidad. Su respuesta debe tener un párrafo de extensión.
Recoge una cita más para respaldar cualquier posible representación o símbolo de tu personaje. Explique su hallazgo en el comentario.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Friday, October 29 4:23 PM


Tuesday Q - Give a description of another character besides George or Lennie in chapter 2. What is a trait that stands out for this character? What does trait mean? Explain. (2-3 sentences) in Google Classroom

Tuesday Q - Give a description of another character besides George or Lennie in chapter 2. What is a trait that stands out for this character? What does trait mean? Explain. (2-3 sentences)

Find a character besides the two main characters in Chapter 2
Give a clear description of this character
Discuss ONE feature that stands out about this character & what it could mean.

Encuentra un personaje además de los dos personajes principales en el Capítulo 2
Dar una descripción clara de este personaje
Discuta UNA característica que se destaca de este personaje y lo que podría significar.

在第 2 章中找到两个主要角色之外的角色
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, November 2 11:50 AM


Wk #12 Of Mice & Men Vocab Chapter 2 in Google Classroom

Wk #12 Of Mice & Men Vocab Chapter 2

Complete the next chatper's vocabulary list 
1. Write sentences with more than 7 words in them
2. Find an image that represents your sentence
Created by Howard Hsiao: Wednesday, October 27 1:38 AM


DO NOW! - Friday Q: What trait does George represent? Why do think so? What trait does Lennie represent? Explain.  in Google Classroom

DO NOW! - Friday Q: What trait does George represent? Why do think so? What trait does Lennie represent? Explain.

You will be using characterization to explain the main characters from chapter 1

Tell us how you identify the type of personality and people they are. Use references to what we know from the story.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Friday, October 29 4:23 PM


In chapter 1 we were introduce to the idea of the American Dream. It is what Lennie refers to as "the rabbits". What is your rabbit? Explain. in Google Classroom

In chapter 1 we were introduce to the idea of the American Dream. It is what Lennie refers to as "the rabbits". What is your rabbit? Explain.

Translation of the Questions below:

Espanol : En el capítulo 1 se nos presentó la idea del sueño americano. Es lo que Lennie llama "los conejos". ¿Cuál es tu conejo? Explicar.
Chinese: 在第一章中,我们介绍了美国梦的概念。 这就是莱尼所说的“兔子”。 你的兔子是什么? 解释。
Created by Howard Hsiao: Thursday, October 28 12:47 PM


Wk #12 Of Mice & Men Annotations  in Google Classroom

Wk #12 Of Mice & Men Annotations

As for EVERYTHING we read we will practice out close reading skills. The worksheet slides below are organized to help you collect quotes and annotate those quotes using commentary & analysis.

1. You will choose 10 quotes from CHAPTER 1 (try to go chronological meaning list the ones from pages 1-3 first than list the later pages numbers later in order)
You should select quotes that relate to
Background events - Is there flashback?
difficulties of migrant workers
How the Great Depression Affects the story
Themes of the American Dream 
2. Make comments and try to identify symbols from the chapter that relate to the American Dream or ideas of the novels' theme. (go back to extended metaphor practice OR see class example...)
3. Write 2-3 comments on each quote. Identify what this tells us on character traits, setting, metaphors, American Dream, symbols, & themes. Explain why you choose these quotes and focus on more analysis of the facts.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Monday, October 25 10:07 AM


Wk #12 - The Turtle - Extended Metaphor w/ John Steinbeck in Google Classroom

Wk #12 - The Turtle - Extended Metaphor w/ John Steinbeck

In the early 1930s, Oklahoma’s panhandle became known as the “Dust Bowl” after a combination of droughts and
overfarming created an ecological disaster. Crops would no longer grow on the land and farmers had to move west
in search of work. Most travelled to California’s central valley, where the land was lush and they had heard jobs were
plentiful. When the farming families arrived in California, many landowners took advantage of the displaced farmers’
desperation to feed their families and offered pitifully low wages. Steinbeck takes up the plight of these Oklahoman
farmers in his famous novel, The Grapes of Wrath.”  

1. Listen to Chapter 3 Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
2. Discuss with a partner the different symbolisms of EACH of the images described in the chapter
3. You will write what you believe these represented & we will disduss as a whole class
4. Practice identifying the symbols and used them on your own life
5. Use the different symbols identify in your High school life as if YOU were the turtle.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Monday, October 25 10:08 AM


Wk #12 What is a migrant worker? How is that different from an immigrant worker? Give an example in American history when groups of people came looking for work. Who were they? When did they come? in Google Classroom

Wk #12 What is a migrant worker? How is that different from an immigrant worker? Give an example in American history when groups of people came looking for work. Who were they? When did they come?

Answer ALL four parts of the question
Consider your example of certain groups coming to America: Must be clear on who they were and you can research at what time they came to America.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, October 26 2:38 PM


Wk #12 Monday - Find and select a symbol you can explain through something you've watched or heard. What is this symbol, where is it from, and what does it mean?  in Google Classroom

Wk #12 Monday - Find and select a symbol you can explain through something you've watched or heard. What is this symbol, where is it from, and what does it mean?

1. Research a symbol OR use symbols we discussed in other readings such as the 7th Man, Life of Pi, & Most Dangerous Game
2. An example can be used from ANY media (Netflix, Youtube, & literature)
3. Here's two Examples:
     In the Lord of the Rings stories the "ONE Ring" represented pure evil. The ring itself was something one can wear and would make them invisible but it also corrupted them. The writer Tokien was a man of faith and believed that the journey of Frodo was a journey of Christ to rid himself of evil that he wore on his finger. This represent how the one ring were the "sins" of man and had to be purged by fire as in what happens in the last book of the Lord of the Rings.

     In the story of the Captain America Winter Solider Bucky Barnes represented the cold threat OR the idea of the cold war. Bucky was frozen and brainwashed representing how most Americans felt about how Russia was in a state of paralsis because of communism and they believed (brainwashed) their nation were at the height of its power in the 1990's... - Also connected to when Bucky killed Tony's parents in the film. 

4. Consider what symbols and representation Squid Games, Harry Potter, or the Last Avatar meant in their stories.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Monday, October 25 8:01 PM


Wk #11 Of Mice & Men Vocabulary Chap 1 Pg 1 - 16 in Google Classroom

Wk #11 Of Mice & Men Vocabulary Chap 1 Pg 1 - 16

Reading pgs 1-16 By Monday 10/25th

You will encounter the following words in the reading Of Mice & Men by John Steinbeck Chapter 1. 
Before reading practice 
Find each word in the novel and what pg they are on
Add addition meaning to the words  
Use the word in a sentence 7 words or more long
Find a picture that illustrates or represents this word
Created by Howard Hsiao: Wednesday, October 20 1:47 PM


What is the Great Depression that occurred in the 1930's in America? Research & give 2 facts or ideas that you found or know about this time period. in Google Classroom

What is the Great Depression that occurred in the 1930's in America? Research & give 2 facts or ideas that you found or know about this time period.

Created by Howard Hsiao: Friday, October 22 8:37 AM


Wk #11 Of Mice and Men Depression Fill-In Notes in Google Classroom

Wk #11 Of Mice and Men Depression Fill-In Notes

1. Follow along with the Google slide to complete these fill-in note
2. Use the ideas of the notes to understand the setting in which the our novella takes place
3. What was the 1920's & 1930's like? 

   Essentia Question: How did the Great Depression Affect America? Think of what this means for the setting of our novel - Of Mice & Men?
Created by Howard Hsiao: Thursday, October 21 11:28 AM


English 9 Check - In in Google Classroom

English 9 Check - In

Please respond to check in to express and thoughts or emotions that you feel are relevant
Created by Howard Hsiao: Friday, October 22 8:54 PM


Wk #11 American Dream Analysis  in Google Classroom

Wk #11 American Dream Analysis

With a partner or on your own you will choose TWO of the following songs and analyze how it discusses the American Dream. 
What is the American Dream? (see attached video /w Steve Harvey) How has that dream changed? 
Many of the songs below deal with an ever changing idea of America and its problems. Which one speaks to you the most? Why? 
CHOOSE TWO of the songs below and annotate 
You may choose your own song to analyze about the American Dream or use the songs below but examine and look at least 2
Created by Howard Hsiao: Monday, October 18 4:23 PM


Wk #11 America Circle Map in Google Classroom

Wk #11 America Circle Map

1. Discuss ONLY phrases, popular sayings, and quotes that represent America. Research to find and explain these sayings 
Ex: "Land of the Free"
2. Use the internet to help identify more of these sayings and write them into the top portion of the slide below.
3. Find and share at least 5 different SAYINGS, PHRASES, OR QUOTES. Think - Pledge of Alligence, Famous Quotes, & Popular sayings ... "We the people.." & "I have a dream" would they work?
4. CHOOSE ONE of the sayings listed and annotate + analyze.
5. What does this tell us about America?
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, October 19 11:36 AM


Survival Unit Essay in Google Classroom

Survival Unit Essay

Survival Unit Essay  
Prompt: Use your knowledge of the Seventh Man, The Life of Pi, & The Most Dangerous Game to take and defend a position. Write a brief argument in which you state and support your position on this question: 
When it comes to a life or death situation what personal trait is the most valuable for individual survival? 
Choose from these traits: fear, tenacity(willing to keep trying), savagery, guilt or faith?

5 body paragraph w/ introduction, 3 body with a counter-argument (rebuttal) and a conclusion
Typed in MLA format
Use Jane Schaffer style writing (concrete details & thoughtful commentary)
Use at least 2  of the stories & readings in the essay as evidence & textual support
Clear argument position
Counter argument (rebuttal) & refutation (counter-counter argument)
3rd Person point of view 
Written clearly and effectively
Created by Howard Hsiao: Sunday, October 17 9:51 PM


What are ideas, phrases, and words that are related to America? List 5 words, phrases, or sayings about America. in Google Classroom

What are ideas, phrases, and words that are related to America? List 5 words, phrases, or sayings about America.

Created by Howard Hsiao: Monday, October 18 4:23 PM


Survival Essay Peer Edit in Google Classroom

Survival Essay Peer Edit

Share your Google Doc with a partner or use the hardcopy of the peer edit.  Carefully read your classmate’s paper. Leave constructive criticism and suggestions as comments that will help them revise their paper – don’t just tell them what they did wrong, but suggest things to think about, details to add or subtract, etc.  Be sure to check all of the following:
The person writing the paper: 

1. Thesis 
2. Transitions
3. Intro & Conclusion
4. Clarity of writing
5. Grammar
6. success of argument
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, October 12 4:42 PM


Hamiliton Lyrics & Close Read - American Voices in Google Classroom

Hamiliton Lyrics & Close Read - American Voices

Directions: Close Read the lyrics of this musical. 
Listen to the song by Lin-Manual Miranda. What is it trying to make you feel?
As you listen to the song and lyrics annotate 10 lines of interest. Look for lines that support the following two questions.
What is the TONE? What does Miranda want to make you feel when you hear it?
What parts identify what it means to be an American? Highlight at least 3 lyrics that support this.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Friday, October 8 10:21 AM


Wk #10 Read this quote and write 3 annotations. 
1. Annotation on how YOU feel about it. Do you agree or disagree? Why?
2. Another annotation on why it is important to this part of the story? What will it lead to? (See context on where this quote belongs) 
3. What are key words in this quote to discussed? What words you do not know? Why are certain words important in this quote? (See quote in the instructions below. Answer ALL 3 parts. in Google Classroom

Wk #10 Read this quote and write 3 annotations. 1. Annotation on how YOU feel about it. Do you agree or disagree? Why? 2. Another annotation on why it is important to this part of the story? What will it lead to? (See context on where this quote belongs) 3. What are key words in this quote to discussed? What words you do not know? Why are certain words important in this quote? (See quote in the instructions below. Answer ALL 3 parts.

“When your own life is threatened, your sense of empathy is blunted by a terrible, selfish hunger for survival.” - Chap 45 pg 67

Context: This quote occurs on the first day Pi is on the lifeboat. He sees that the Zebra has a broken leg and is in great pain.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Monday, October 11 1:47 PM


Wk #9 ONE Pager - The Most Dangerous Game in Google Classroom

Wk #9 ONE Pager - The Most Dangerous Game

A one pager is a visual representation of what you just read. It can use symbols or different representations to help you visual the reading and prepare you for other work that will occur.

Guidelines & Steps for your 1 pager
ALL of the following (arranged on the page ANY way you choose)
THREE or MORE excerpts (quotes) from the readng (passages or writing you like or think are especially important)
- Your 3+ quotes need to address 3 DIFFERENT CATEGORIES of the story.
- You need to discuss the types of characters - Are they static or dynamic characters? What quotes tel us about their nature or what they may have in common?
- You need to identify a LITERARY DEVICE - such as metaphor, simile, irony, foreshadowing, and etc. Why are these literary devices important to the story?
- Lastly, you need to address what you believe the THEME to be for this story. What is man's nature when put into a survival type situation? What is line between murder or self-defense? Is man truely dangerous?
A personal response to EACH passage or quote you selected (this may be a personal response, commentary, summary or interpretation depending on your assignment. Consider what you wrote for your annotations. Which ones works best? Use this to address EACH of the 3 categories and what you can intrept about each area.)
ONE or MORE graphic representation or symbol to represent your passages or the reading. (illustrations, magazine pictures, or computer -generated graphics related to the story and to the passage you selected) these might be illustrative or interpretive depending on the assignment.
Fill the entire paper with quotes, color, & drawings (if you can't draw just try something simple & neat. Printed or computer generated images also need to be neat or printed well w/ color)Written work must be in INK or TYPED (no pencils - You can always trace over your pencil sketches or writing)Use COLOR as much possible ADD a BORDER or any other decoration and you're DONE!
Created by Howard Hsiao: Monday, October 4 8:53 AM


Thursday Q - What is an important quote from one of the stories you read? Why do you like it or feel its important to your assignments? in Google Classroom

Thursday Q - What is an important quote from one of the stories you read? Why do you like it or feel its important to your assignments?

Created by Howard Hsiao: Thursday, October 7 8:44 AM


WK #9 Wednesday Q - Which of the three stories (7th Man, Life of Pi, & Most Dangerous Games) was the most interesting for you? Explain why. in Google Classroom

WK #9 Wednesday Q - Which of the three stories (7th Man, Life of Pi, & Most Dangerous Games) was the most interesting for you? Explain why.

Created by Howard Hsiao: Wednesday, October 6 3:19 PM


Wk #9 Most Dangerous Game Quiz  in Google Classroom

Wk #9 Most Dangerous Game Quiz

1. Study for the quiz by reviewing your questions, reading, & annotations for the Most Dangerous Game
2. Complete using ONLY a chromebook. You may not take the quiz with any other types of work.
3. Use notes you have printed since the quiz will lock your chromebook from other uses during the quiz.
4. After completing the quiz work on your MDG 1 pager
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, October 5 10:47 AM


Wk #8 Literary Analysis & Q's - The Most Dangerous Game in Google Classroom

Wk #8 Literary Analysis & Q's - The Most Dangerous Game

Use your reading from The Most Dangerous Game to answer the questions.

1. Answer the 8 questions on the literary analysis & questions.
2. Discuss foreshadowing (clues that tell you what the plot of the story may bring)
3. Analyze the characters and if there is a difference of being civilized and savage (like an animal)
4. What does the story tell us about survival?
5. Question 9 is a double bubble. Fill in 3 differences for Rainsford, 3 similarities both characters share, and what is different about Zaroff.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Wednesday, September 29 10:26 AM


The Most Dangerous Game Kahoot Review in Google Classroom

The Most Dangerous Game Kahoot Review

- You will have comprehension questions, analysis questions, and identifying quotes. Use this Kahoot review to prepare.
- You may use your questions worksheet and annotations to help in your quiz.
- Complete this kahoot to receive points for this assignment. You do not need to place high but you do need to attempt questions.
- Top 5 highest scores in the review will receive 3 pts of participation

Kahoot CODE:
Created by Howard Hsiao: Monday, October 4 8:53 AM


Wk # 8 The Most Dangerous Game in Google Classroom

Wk # 8 The Most Dangerous Game

Read the the last short story of our unit on survival.1. Read the following short story once through
2. Re-read and give 20 annotations - 12+ Red annotations ( questions, summaries, & explanations) and at least 8+ Green annotations (thoughts, insights, and intreptations. Use literary devices if possible: irony, foreshadowing, & etc)
3. Highlight & give clear organizations of reading annotations with the right colors and check rubric for scoring on your annotations
4. Add in 5 images in the reading to best help you visualize what is occurring in the reading. Add to the document itself. You may use hand drawn graphics or items you are able to find on the internet.
5. Graphic MUST be relevant to events or ideas of the story.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Monday, September 27 1:56 PM


Theme Project - The 7th Man & Life of Pi Slides & Presentation in Google Classroom

Theme Project - The 7th Man & Life of Pi Slides & Presentation

After reading the 7th Man and watching the Life of Pi we are left with deep questions of theme (message & purpose of the stories. Examine closely both stories and as group determine if they share similar ideas of theme or different themes entirely. Both stories discuss ideas of survival and guilt. Using concrete evidence & literary devices agree in your group about the theme. Create a slide to present to the class using evidence to support your claims. 
1. In a group of 2-4 classmates you will agree on a claim & a theme for the two readings and create a slide presentation for the class using support from the readings & film to help explain your claim.

  EX. The theme could be: Both readings had themes on how the main characters own survival came at cost far too great OR The theme of the 7th Man was on how surviving can only lead to guilt while the 7th Man theme was how survival requires inner strength.
2. You will need to prove these themes by using concrete evidence such as quotes, dialogue, events, & summaries to prove the theme. Also include ONE use of literary devices that supports the theme such as symbols, motifs, irony, or 

Include two concrete details to validate your theme for each reading.
Include 1 literary device for each reading to support their themes.
3. Requirements for your slides with: 

Required 4-8 slides including a TITLE SLIDE
Each group member is responsible for writing and presenting at least 1 concrete evidence  & support
Include a slide to introduce and clarify your claim on the themes of the two readings
Include 1 graphic for each concreted detail & literary device (at least 5 images related to reading & theme)
Include an concluding slide to demonstrate your most significant evidence
MUST have a work cited page
4. After completing your slide presentation you will need to present as a group. Presentations will start Friday September 24th
Created by Howard Hsiao: Monday, September 27 11:11 PM


Project Check #2 Supporting Evidence in Google Classroom

Project Check #2 Supporting Evidence

2. Begin with your claim - Include your claim slide or restate it in the slide you will turn in
3. Next you will need to use a quote, dialogue, or any evidence from the stories. 
    Give ONE evidence from EACH story (Life of Pi & 7th Man) - Divide that or assigned them thoughtfully between group members
    Give commentaries for each concrete detail and WHY it supports your claim. 
    OPTIONAL: Use symbols or literary devices (metaphor, irony, foreshadowing, & motifs - recurring ideas) to help you explain the purpose of the stories message
4. For each concrete detail (a quote, dialogue, symbol, & etc) have ONE group member take credit. DO NOT USE THE SAME EVIDENCE in your group.

    Ex:   Claim = Survival in both stories come at a cost too great  
    The Life of Pi Quote = "He was such an evil man... still he brought the evil out of me" Min 1:53-1:54      
    Life of Pi commentary: This quote explains that survival for Pi was at the cost of what he held was good. In his explanation of his story at the end of the film. Pi explains that the cook was "resourceful" man and did the most awful things to survive with little regard to who he hurt. Pi explains that the cook was "such an evil man" since he committed all manner of sins such as killing the sailor and eventual killing Pi's mother. What Pi realizes even more is that he had to allowed the evil in him to come out. The cook brought "the evil out of me" suggesting that Pi had to become what he most feared: a primal animal. This was the cost of survival. The cost was Pi's soul.... For Pi to dirty his soul and even forsake his faith for a time was a something awful that he could barely bring himself to talk about.
 Group Member = Mason

5. Submit as a slide is preferred

**NOTE - This again is for me to check if you are 1. on task 2. If you need assistance in writing your ideas 3. to give you feedback before your presentation.  As long as you submit somthing to help you improve your ideas what you submit here does NOT need to be right but should be a decent attempt.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Friday, September 24 12:03 PM


What are the similarities & differences between the 7th Man and the Life of Pi? Do they have similar or different themes? in Google Classroom

What are the similarities & differences between the 7th Man and the Life of Pi? Do they have similar or different themes?

Created by Howard Hsiao: Thursday, September 23 10:30 AM


Project Check #1 - Claim Slide in Google Classroom

Project Check #1 - Claim Slide

1. In your group begin to formulate a claim on this essential question: Does the 7th Man and Life of Pi share similar or different themes of survival?
2. Your claim slide needs to include
   Response to the question
   A brief explanation of what your group believes the theme to be
   Again answer the question & then give details
3. Use slide 6-8 to help you answer & develop your claim slide.
4. Attach just ONE claim slide per group. Include Group # and the names of your group members
Created by Howard Hsiao: Thursday, September 23 10:30 AM


Wk #7 Life of Pi Quiz in Google Classroom

Wk #7 Life of Pi Quiz

1. Study for the Life of Pi quiz by reviewing questions, vocab, kahoot, & text
2. You may use the text for this quiz.
3. Internet will not be available once quiz is started
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, September 21 4:42 PM


Wk #6 Life of Pi Questions & Review in Google Classroom

Wk #6 Life of Pi Questions & Review

1. Complete the first 5 items after you finish your SECOND read. Review and clarify details with your table mates.
2. Questions 1-5 are only about the events on pg 203-211. 
3. ANSWER in complete sentences
4. Questions 6 & 7 are questions asking about THEME & Figurative language.
5. Use your knowledge about survival, guilt, & remorse to help you with theme. We will also be discussing this question in class.
6. Question 7 on figurative language will ask you to identify figurative language
     Figurative language used in the story are:
     - Simile
     - Metaphor
     - Hyperbole (exeraggeration)
     - Allusion
     - Personification
     - Irony
Created by Howard Hsiao: Wednesday, September 15 8:09 AM


Wk #7 Monday - Life of Pi Kahoot Review in Google Classroom

Wk #7 Monday - Life of Pi Kahoot Review

- You will have vocabulary, comprehension questions, analysis questions, and identifying quotes. Use this Kahoot review to prepare.
- You may use your vocab worksheet, your questions worksheet, and annotations to help in your quiz.
- Complete this kahoot to receive points for this assignment. You do not need to place high but you do need to attempt questions.
- Top 5 highest scores in the review will receive 3 pts of participation

Kahoot CODE: 140 7030
Created by Howard Hsiao: Monday, September 20 2:57 PM


Life of Pi Annotations & Vocabulary in Google Classroom

Life of Pi Annotations & Vocabulary

NEED GREEN & RED for annotations
1. Complete the Life of Pi Vocab Sheet. Three words are use in the story that are not defined in your book
2. Listen/ Read / Watch to the Life of Pi in the text, youtube video OR on the online reading. 
3. Read pgs 203-206 Paragraphs 1-16. Annotate 12 notes and ideas 
    Annotate 6-8 annotations with RED color = Concrete Details (summary, questions, facts, & what happened)
    Annotate at least 4 with GREEN color = Commentary (Your Thoughts, comments, analysis, & WHY it happened.. based on
4. Finish listening / reading to the Life of Pi on the video or Pearson's online book 
5. Read pgs 205-211. Annotate the last 12 notes and ideas. Again 8 cd's annotations and 4 commentary annotations.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, September 14 6:06 PM


Wk #6 Life of Pi Exposition in Google Classroom

Wk #6 Life of Pi Exposition

Exposition (Background)

- Exposition is the background OR how the author of the story decides to set up the characters, setting, and to begin the plot of his/her story. Yann Matel does a wonderful job of giving you very vivid descriptions of the characters in this story. 

1. As you watch parts of the film, record what you know of the settings and characters. 
2. Describe what is seen about the setting and the characters in the first column. 
3. Next, in the last column describe possible analysis such as foreshadowing, symbols, personification, hyperbole, and ironies. (We will discuss after each exerpt)
4. Answer the two questions on the bottom for homework to get an idea of who this character is. 

*After you complete this go to the reading on pg 203-205 to read what he experiences and how this character deals with survival.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Monday, September 13 5:36 PM


Wk #5 Wednesday - 7th Man One-Pager in Google Classroom

Wk #5 Wednesday - 7th Man One-Pager

A one pager is a visual representation of what you just read. It can use symbols or different representations to help you visual the reading and prepare you for other work that will occur.

Guidelines & Steps for your 1 pager
ALL of the following (arranged on the page ANY way you choose)
THREE or MORE excerpts (quotes) from the reaidng (passages or writing you like or think are especially important)
A personal response to EACH passage or quote you selected (this may be a personal response, commentary, summary or interpretation depending on your assignment. Consider what you wrote for your annotations. Which ones works best?)
ONE or MORE graphic representation or symbol to represent your passages or the reading. (illustrations, magazine pictures, or computer -generated graphics related to the story and to the passage you selected) these might be illustrative or interpretive depending on the assignment.
Fill the entire paper with quotes, color, & drawings (if you can't draw just try something simple & neat. Printed or computer generated images also need to be neat or printed well w/ color)Written work must be in INK or TYPED (no pencils - You can always trace over your pencil sketches or writing)Use COLOR as much possible ADD a BORDER or any other decoration and you're DONE!
Created by Howard Hsiao: Wednesday, September 8 8:47 AM


Wk #5 - 7th Man Quiz  in Google Classroom

Wk #5 - 7th Man Quiz

7th Man QUIZ! 

WORTH 30 pts 

- You will have vocabulary, comprehension questions, analysis questions, and identifying quotes. Use this Kahoot review to prepare.
- You may use your vocab worksheet, your questions worksheet, and annotations to help in your quiz. Book is usable to but NOT online

- You have entire period take your time and use ALL resources for you to test.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Thursday, September 9 4:16 PM


7th Man Annotations, Close Read, & Questions in Google Classroom

7th Man Annotations, Close Read, & Questions

1. Complete the 7th Man Vocab2. Listen to the 7th Man on the youtube video OR on the online reading. 
3. Read pgs 133-139 Paragraphs 1-39. Annotate 12 notes and ideas 
4. Finish listening to the 7th Man on the video or Pearson's online book 
5. Read pgs 139-144. Annotate the last 12 notes and ideas.
6. Open up the The 7th Man Questions and complete a summary of the story.
7. Answer the 12 questions.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Thursday, September 9 12:29 AM


Wk #5 Thursday - 7th Man Review KAHOOT in Google Classroom

Wk #5 Thursday - 7th Man Review KAHOOT

Quick 7th Man review 

- You will have vocabulary, comprehension questions, analysis questions, and identifying quotes. Use this Kahoot review to prepare.
- You may use your vocab worksheet, your questions worksheet, and annotations to help in your quiz.
- Complete this kahoot to receive points for this assignment. You do not need to place high but you do need to attempt questions.
- Top 5 highest scores in the review will receive 3 pts of participation

KAHOOT PIN!: 1245049
Created by Howard Hsiao: Thursday, September 9 4:16 PM


Wk #5 - Explain a time where you felt gulit. What did you do to feel gulity? How did you resolve your feelings of gulit? in Google Classroom

Wk #5 - Explain a time where you felt gulit. What did you do to feel gulity? How did you resolve your feelings of gulit?

1. Answer in two parts.
2. First part is a summary: Write your experience of gulit. Be brief give 2-3 line summary with details. At least Who, what, & why
3. 2nd part is to discuss what you did with these feelings of gulit. Begin with a topic idea....
    Ex: My feelings of gulit did not stop me from living.
4. Next write how you either got control of it or buried it etc by using an Concrete detail.
    Ex: Although I was never trusted to ride my bike on my own I did go bike riding with friends and family all the time.
5. Commentary should follow. Ex: I felt gulit for having cause trouble with my bike but eventually I began to be more cautious and wanted my family there to help me.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, September 7 6:02 PM


Wk #4 Wednesday - 7th Man Intro & Webquest in Google Classroom

Wk #4 Wednesday - 7th Man Intro & Webquest

1. Open up the google docs on the Seventh Man Webquest.
2. Fill in the boxes with facts about a typhoon.
3. Draw a picture and then attach it to the document
4. Use the slides to access information about the topic OR search internet sources to help you with research.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Wednesday, September 1 10:40 PM


Wk #4 Supply Check: Book in Google Classroom

Wk #4 Supply Check: Book

1. Have your books
2. Reading 7th Man pg 133-144
Created by Howard Hsiao: Friday, September 3 5:16 AM


Wk #4 Tuesday: Thinking to your childhood what were the most memorable thoughts of your past? Were they happy, uneventful, or stressful? Explain why.  in Google Classroom

Wk #4 Tuesday: Thinking to your childhood what were the most memorable thoughts of your past? Were they happy, uneventful, or stressful? Explain why.


- Give a 5 sentence explanation. 
- Use a chunk paragraph if you can
- Use the picture to reflect or even relate to your past.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, August 31 10:55 PM


Wk #4 Part 2 Nearpod Writing Unit in Google Classroom

Wk #4 Part 2 Nearpod Writing Unit

1. Use the digital word document Cornell Template to take notes
2. Complete the nearpod and use the nearpod to review for your quiz on Tuesday.
3. IMPORTANT - Study
    A. Parts of a paragraph
    B. What is a topic sentence?
    C. What is a Concrete Detail and what are the types? 
    D. What is a Commentary and what are the types? 
    E. What is the difference between a Concrete detail & Commentary
    F. How do you write a concluding sentence?
    G. How do we use transitions in a sentence?
    H. What are the colors used for parts of essay?
      I. What is the ratio of CDs to CMs in different essays?
     J. How do we take cornell notes?
 4. Use your Cornell notes for your quiz.

Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, August 31 10:55 PM


Reading "When Women Rushed for Gold" - Annotation & Questions in Google Classroom

Reading "When Women Rushed for Gold" - Annotation & Questions

Close Read Review for quiz on Tuesday 8/31. CLOSE read "When Women Rushed for Gold"

2. You have two documents below. 
    a. 1st is the Reading: "When Women Rushed for Gold" 
    b. 2nd is the When Women Rushed for Gold questions & responses
3. Read the article to yourself ONE time. Get a sense of the story & what an informational essay is about.
4. NEXT, ON the reading annotate 15 ideas that help you determine the main idea of the essay and organize each of the parts.
5. AFTER you've completed annotations open the Women Rushed for Gold questions document.
      a. Give a brief summary
      b. Answer the first 4 questions
      c. THEN select an ADDITIONAL 5 questions to answer from the rest of the questions.
      d. Determine ONE of the 4 women to write about
      e. Give a chunk paragraph in the CORRECT COLORS
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, August 31 10:55 PM


Wk #4 Chunk Paragraph Quiz in Google Classroom

Wk #4 Chunk Paragraph Quiz

Created by Howard Hsiao: Sunday, October 10 4:49 AM


Wk #3 Friday Q: What are TIPS that you should consider for close reading & writing a chunk paragraph? Write an idea for each (1 Reading & 1 writing)  in Google Classroom

Wk #3 Friday Q: What are TIPS that you should consider for close reading & writing a chunk paragraph? Write an idea for each (1 Reading & 1 writing)

Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, August 31 10:45 PM


Wk #3 Library Orientation in Google Classroom

Wk #3 Library Orientation

Hi everyone we will be going through a library orientation today.

The librarian Mrs. Ruesga has an attached flipgrid assignment she would like for you to see. 
Pleas have your chromebooks ready today for your orientation. That means charged and present for the library thanks!
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, August 31 10:45 PM


Wk #3 Thursday Supply Check - Books in Google Classroom

Wk #3 Thursday Supply Check - Books

Have your books. Turn in materials in your book.

*For those working at home a picture of the correct volume (vol 1) submitted into google class is all I need. Take a pic of your book... Thanks!
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, August 31 10:45 PM


Wk # 3 Annotation & summary: The Cost of Suvival in Google Classroom

Wk # 3 Annotation & summary: The Cost of Suvival

1. You will need your Pearson's Myperspective work books
2. Go to Unit 2 pg 126 - 127 and read the Cost of Survival
3. We will practice annotating and close read to better understand the story.
     A. First read the story to yourself
     B. Next, listen to the story again. 
     C. On the 2nd reading annotate by first circling words you do not know. Then highlight words & phrases you find important.
     D. Write at least ONE sentence (either question, comment, or a guess of what this means) on left & right hand side. This is the annotation.
     E. Finally, use context clues about the writing to make insightful annotations. Do not simple write something obvious or uninspired.
4. After the 2nd reading go back and do 12 annotations for The Cost of Survival.
5. On the next page 128 write a RED summary about the 3 most important take aways of this article.
6. Then consider the points of the story & write a 1 chunk paragraph for what this story is arguing for.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, August 31 10:56 PM


Wk #3 Wednesday Q: What does it mean to have a COST for survival? What do YOU believe it means. in Google Classroom

Wk #3 Wednesday Q: What does it mean to have a COST for survival? What do YOU believe it means.

1. Respond with clear reasoning and concrete details to this question.
2. Think back to what we discuss on the Cost of Survival & Kandice Sumner's Survivor's Remorse Ted Talk video....
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, August 31 10:45 PM


Wk #3 Tuesday: Have you explored the digital OR the actual book for English 9? If not do so now and describe something that is positive or negative about the my perspectives. (give me something helpful so it can better help and improve your use of it) in Google Classroom

Wk #3 Tuesday: Have you explored the digital OR the actual book for English 9? If not do so now and describe something that is positive or negative about the my perspectives. (give me something helpful so it can better help and improve your use of it)

Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, August 31 10:46 PM


Wk #3 - Peer Corrections: Concrete Detail vs Commentary in Google Classroom

Wk #3 - Peer Corrections: Concrete Detail vs Commentary

1. Take protocals for safely exchanging materials. (santize hands, do not put your hands all over your paper before exchanging, etc)
2. Exchange your homework: Concrete Detail vs Commentary with ONLY people sitting at your table. 
3. Write into the private chat to me who's paper you will be responsible for. The points for this assignment are for those CORRECTING THE PAPER not the person we are collecting the work from
4. You will examine each of the 9 CD's and commentary. 
     - Identify that each entry on the column on the left is a concrete detail if it is not take off half a point
     - Identify that each entry on the column on the right is commentary if it is not take off a half point.
     - Total for having the correct number of Cd's & CM = 9
     - Summary is another 1 point
5. Verify the items are CD's & CM by using the peer corrections form and addressing the class.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, August 31 10:55 PM


Wk #3 Monday - Have you ever taken a risk at something? Explain your situation and then explain why you would risk or not risk yourself in an important life event. in Google Classroom

Wk #3 Monday - Have you ever taken a risk at something? Explain your situation and then explain why you would risk or not risk yourself in an important life event.

Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, August 31 10:46 PM


Wednesday - Concrete Detail vs Commentary in Google Classroom

Wednesday - Concrete Detail vs Commentary

Concrete detail = facts, evidence, what you see, and details of a piece
work, writing, or event

Commentary = Opinions, inferred ideas, what we see happening, and
what we can conclude from an article of evidence.

Directions: In the cartoon above write down ideas of concrete detail in the boxes on the left. For every concreted detail written down explain
in the commentary box what is going and what this evidence is saying.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, August 31 10:55 PM


Friday - About Me Project Poster in Google Classroom

Friday - About Me Project Poster

1. Watch the video on "Who am I"  and complete the questions on the following slides
2. Next follow the directions on the next 6 slides to complete a poster that discusses you and your history.

You will need to include ALL these elements on your poster
3. Pick a meaningful quote and write in the center of the poster
4. Draw a time that was meaningful and important in your life
5. Express your life goal and what motivates you
6. What is something that symbolizes what you want to do as career (not just a job)
7. 5 more events in your life that were important in making you the person that you are today
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, August 31 10:56 PM


Friday - Pop Quiz Writing Method Notes Pt 1 in Google Classroom

Friday - Pop Quiz Writing Method Notes Pt 1

1. Use only your notes for this quick quiz
2. What are the different types of essays? What are the parts of an essay? What is the different between a concrete detail & commentary?
What are the important points to know between the two?
3. All of these questions and more in your notes for this short but note related quiz. 
4. Answer the quiz form with your best answers. Examine your notes closely.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, August 31 10:55 PM


Friday Q: Explain a chunk paragraph. What is it and how do you write it? in Google Classroom

Friday Q: Explain a chunk paragraph. What is it and how do you write it?

Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, August 31 10:46 PM


Wednesday - Chunk Paragraph Practice Write in Google Classroom

Wednesday - Chunk Paragraph Practice Write

1. Take out a half sheet of paper and your red, green, and blue hightlighters OR pens

2. You will need to answer ONE of the 3 prompts. Choose a topic you know and make your argument

3. Make sure your paragraph has

4. Here are the 3 Prompts
    A. Sports and atheletics are essential to the schools and make education better in several ways. But do you believe the focus on sports in schools is too much? In a chunk paragraph (1:2 ratio) explain if sports is too big or too little of  a focus in education and high school. Give a claim and give support.

    B. In LA there are several very interesting and world famous attraction. Disneyland, Knotts, Magic Mountain, and Universial all have their appeals. But which one of these parks is the best in your opinion. In a chunk paragraph (1:2 ratio) explain why one of these parks is the BEST LA has to offer. Give a claim and support.
    C. Cooking has been an age old culture and skill of many. In your opinion, which gender makes the best cook? Is it males or females that REALLY belong in the kitchen? In a chunk paragraph (1:2 ration) explain which gender is known as the best chef or cook among the societies of the world. Give a claim and give support.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, August 31 10:56 PM


Nearpod Writing Method in Google Classroom

Nearpod Writing Method

1. Take notes as we complete the nearpod
2. We will be examining writings types and the structure of a paragraph
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, August 31 10:47 PM


Monday - Supplies Check in Google Classroom

Monday - Supplies Check

This will be checked in person1. Bring your red, green, & blue writing instruments (Red, blue, green PENS or highlighters)
2. We will be using them THIS wednesday. 
3. Please make sure you have received you books that will be needed Monday the 23rd Pearson's My Perspectives ELA 9 Volume 1.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, August 31 10:56 PM


Monday Q: Is it difficult to talk about yourself? Why or why not? Give an example to support your claim. in Google Classroom

Monday Q: Is it difficult to talk about yourself? Why or why not? Give an example to support your claim.

Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, August 31 10:47 PM


Friday - Letter to Myself in Google Classroom

Friday - Letter to Myself

Consider your life experiences from the past year in the Covid era. What has happened and is happening has never been experienced by other groups of students. How are you impacted and what will you tell your future self? Relate some of the experiences you have had returning to school. Is it back to normal? Consider this as you construct a letter to record these moments.

Your paragraph  should address all of the following questions 
How are you being safe at school?
What are your classes? What are they like?
What is same or different being back in person?
What do you miss about online school or being home?
Have you gone out and done anything you believe is “normal”?
What fears may you  have about the year?
Optional: Any funny stories you want to write down for safe keeping?
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, August 31 10:56 PM


Thursday Identity Map  in Google Classroom

Thursday Identity Map

Identity - Who are you and how do people see you?

Double-click on the circles to type inside each and complete your web.

1. Write your name in the center circle.
2. At the ends of the arrows pointing outward, write words or phrases that describe what you consider to be key aspects of your identity.
3. At the ends of the arrows pointing inward, write labels others might use to describe you.
4. Optional: Change the colors of the circles to reflect your personality. Add clipart and relevant images (pictures or from online) to complete your map. (Extra Credit)
*Keep it school appropriate!
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, August 31 10:48 PM


Tuesday - Syllabus & Parent signatures in Google Classroom

Tuesday - Syllabus & Parent signatures

1. Fillout the syllabus information together in class. 
2. Make sure you have the materials and important ideas marked.
3. Have your parent and guardian review the info on syllabus and have them SIGN, DATE, and write CONTACT INFO

Thank you!
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, August 31 10:48 PM


Thursday Q: Do you believe that education favors the wealthy or does every child have an equal opportunity? in Google Classroom

Thursday Q: Do you believe that education favors the wealthy or does every child have an equal opportunity?

Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, August 31 10:47 PM


Thursday - Survivor's Remorse in Google Classroom

Thursday - Survivor's Remorse

- Take Cornell notes on the video by Kandice Sumner
- As a class Essential Quest 

- Watch the Ted Talk on Survivor's Remorse by Kandice Sumner
- Consider what Sumner is talking about in this idea of how the public systems work.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, August 31 10:48 PM


Wednesday Cornell Notes Nearpod & Survior's Remorse in Google Classroom

Wednesday Cornell Notes Nearpod & Survior's Remorse

Complete the Nearpod on Cornell Notes
- At the end watch video on the  Survior's Remorse & use the cornell notes method to get information
- Complete the identity Map listed under wednesday homework
- Optional Extra Credit work on video is due Friday
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, August 31 10:55 PM


Tuesday - First Flipgrid Activity in Google Classroom

Tuesday - First Flipgrid Activity

Here is a link to your first flipgrid activity. 

Welcome to Flipgrid! Tap the green plus below to open the Flipgrid Camera. Then, record a short video and...

👋 Say Hello      🤩 Share a fun fact about yourself

* Make a flipgrid telling us about you & Give an introduction of yourself.

ANSWER 5 Questions (2 Required & 3 from the list)

Required: Name (Full name) and the class you are most excited about this year
Then Answer 3 Items from this list below:
Favorite food and why
Introduce your family
Most exciting experience
Favorite netflix or hulu show & why
Something that was a positive since you have been back to school
Your favorite phone app & Why  
Reading that you enjoy - books, AUTHORS, sites, & etc  
Share something nice about a person you admire or a family member

*If you would prefer to have your submission private please let me know or dm.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, August 31 10:55 PM


Tuesday - Daily Activity:   What is ONE thing that interest you about returning to school & why? in Google Classroom

Tuesday - Daily Activity: What is ONE thing that interest you about returning to school & why?

Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, August 31 10:48 PM


Monday H.W. - Superhero Name Slide in Google Classroom

Monday H.W. - Superhero Name Slide

You will create a superhero name that truly represents you. Do not leave it to chance or whim:
You may place all the work in the template slide - Slide 7.1. First, think of at least 5 or more describing words (adjectives) that begins with the first letters of your name. Slang can be used to but the meaning needs to be explained.2. Next, imagine what these description say about you. Write 5 sentences or more on these descriptions explaining the type of superhero you are and what powers you have. 3. From YOUR PARAGRAPH choose a worthy hero name. 
4. Provide an illustration or an symbol to help with identifying your superhero LOOK!
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, August 31 10:55 PM


Monday Nearpod  in Google Classroom

Monday Nearpod

Welcome back to school nearpod. 

This is our 1st day back orientation with introduction to your class and your teacher Mr. Hsiao. We will talk about several different ideas so make sure you have your chromebook handy.
Created by Howard Hsiao: Tuesday, August 31 10:55 PM