
Use this link to access ELPAC online practice and training tests.  Log in with your first name (as it appears on Aeries) and your state ID, which can be found under your 10 digit school ID (under the Student Info drop down menu, select Profile --> click on the General Tab).

1).  Click "Listening Activities" and select your level of difficulty ("Easy", "Intermediate", and/or "Difficult").
2).  Scroll down to select the listening activity of your your choice and click on the link.

Please sign in with your school Google account.


  1. Read an article higher than (within 250 points of) your Lexile level (ELD 2 = 520+, ELD 3 = 925+, Newcomer English 9/10 = 1050+),

  2. highlight and annotate a minimum of three words / phrases,

  3. respond to the writing, and

  4. take the quiz.  You may not use Google Translate (or any other type of resource).

Help your child develop his/her literacy skills while helping to earn free books for our classroom library.  Class Code: J2VB9