AP Biology Summer 2023

Dear AP Biology Student,


In order to prepare you for the rigorous course of study in biology next term, it is recommended that all students must have access to the Internet as well as email. Throughout the school year, you will need to check Google Classroom for the assignments.  For this summer, please do the following:

  1. Sign up on Google Classroom, using code b46uker). In the introductions spreadsheet, tell me a little bit about yourself:  Who are you (nickname, number in family, etc.), hobbies and interests, what you are doing this summer. If you use another personal email address that you check more often, let me know what it is. 


  1. Get access to the following documents (save link or download files): a) AP Biology Course Description, b) Biology OpenStax ebook 

  1. Sign up on MasteringBiology.com. This is where you will be answering reading questions for each unit. MasteringBiology assignments for Chapter 1 and the Ecology unit Chapters 40-43 are due August 1, 2023. You will be provided with a course ID and access code on Google Classroom; access code will be posted on the Google Classroom by June1st.

  1. At this time, the new AP Biology textbook will be unavailable for checkout. For the summer reading assignments, you can use the OpenStax ebook or other reliable sources to help you answer the unit questions. Correlations for Ecology chapters 40-43 on OpenStax Biology are chapters 44-47. Do be sure to take time to read the chapters, this helps build critical reading skills and prevents getting lost due to overuse of Googling answers.


I am available either through school email ([email protected]) or text via Remind app (code @63abgh7). If you have questions and cannot reach me, post a comment on Classroom and another person may be able to help.


I look forward to a successful year of AP Biology with you. 


Best wishes for a relaxing and refreshing summer break,


Ms. Chiang

May 2023