Raider Goals
Successful students will be:
- Question actively to pursue greater understanding
- Critically consider information to determine accuracy and relevancy
- Utilize appropriate resources in the search for solutions and ongoing achievement
- Reflect deeply for connections, synthesis and integration
- Assess progress regularly to set challenging personal goals
- Read carefully with the purpose of gaining knowledge and understanding
- Write clearly with the goal of conveying thoughts and feelings to others
- Speak openly with conviction, confidence and respect
- Listen attentively to understand the thoughts, feelings and intentions of others
- Demonstrate interest and respect with nonverbal behaviors
- Collaborate willingly with others to advance the learning of everyone
- Participate courageously and embrace the role of a group member
- Act appropriately and promote responsible behaviors
- Respect and acknowledge the values and beliefs of others
- Serve selflessly and dutifully, recognizing service as benefiting everyone