Mr. Sabbagh's Home Page

Welcome Parents, Students, and, Guests,

I am glad that I have been given a chance to finally create an easy and maintainable website from my school site and district. I will be updating this website each week (usually on Wednesdays) with the assignments we will be doing in class. If you would like to email me, just follow the link and I will respond back to you at my earliest convienence. My classroom syllabus will be handed out on the first day of classes. I will also be using the AIRES gradebook and parents and students will be able to have access to their grades in real time. I will usually try and update grades each week (depending on the time it takes to grade essays, projects, tests, quizzes, and homework).

If you are absent, please check my classes for homework by clicking on the classes link to see what we are doing in class so you can keep up. Make sure you have your work ready when you come back to class. Being absent does not prevent you from not doing work.

[email protected]
626-854-8520, ext. 3401

Thank you,

-Mr. Sabbagh
