The Chinese Course Syllabus (Fall 2023 - SPR 2024)

The Chinese Course Syllabus (Fall 2023 - SPR 2024) 


 The key to opening the future for a learner is to learn world languages in the 21st century (Jacobs, 2013).  Language learning is not limited by only communicating with native speakers of that language but also broadening their cultural understanding and appreciation of target culture as well as their own culture.  Students cannot be not only proficient in the language but remains accomplished in the three modes of communication: Interpersonal, Interpretive, and Presentational;  surrounded by  Communication, Culture, Connections, Comparisons, Communities  (Clementi & Terrill, 2013).    Therefore, learners also sharpen their learning power, gain career opportunities because a learner "develops insight into their own language and culture,"  as well as "taking a more invigorating and open view of the world" (21st Century Skills Map, 2011).  Learning the language allows the student exposure to the real world and various situations one may encounter.


What students will learn in class: 

  1. Learn to read, write, speak and understand Mandarin Chinese in both traditional and simplified as well as with the integration of technology.


Grading Policy:

  1. Late Work:
  • Late and inexcusable work will be received with partial credit (30%) 


  1. Class Participation: 
  • Participate in class, including speaking mostly in Chinese..
  • You will not be allowed to use a cell phone during class except special times required. (TBA) 
  • Watching video Day participation means you are watching the video the whole time and NOT off task doing something else.
  1. Additional Grading Policy: 
  • See Gradebook for Grading categories, it covered all areas of Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening


Daily Learning Materials: 

Make sure you bring required materials to class daily.  You will not be allowed to go to the locker to pick up those materials.  

  • Textbook;
  • One Notebook dedicated for Chinese class ONLY.   (college rule or wide rule or bullet or graph)
  • Chromebook (Thursday ONLY) 


Class Rules: 

  • Come to class on time;
  • Seated when tardy bell rings;
  • No cell phone allowed except special assignments;
  • No eating and drinking in class;
  • Be a successful Raider: a Thinker, a Contributor, and a Communicator
  • Follow school rules and dress code.