Chinese 1

Welcome to Success!                                       

Mandarin Chinese 1

                                                                          Ms. Hu/ 626 965 3448 Ext.3247

[email protected]

Dear Student/Parents/Guardians,

Welcome to the 2023-24 school year at Rowland High School. I am very excited about being your Chinese teacher this year. I have high expectations that everyone can and will learn in Chinese class. In order to achieve the success in the class, your full devotion and dedication are required. The following information is also very important. I am looking forward to a successful year with you and your child.

Course Description

Chinese 1 is focused on elementary Chinese language (speaking, listening, reading and writing). This course also encourages the appreciation of Chinese culture and as well as other Asian cultures.

Materials you need for this class:

Textbook: Must be covered.  5 points will be taken away each day with an uncovered textbook!

Graph Notebook:  You need a 3 ring binder spiral graph notebook for all work. Pencil for all works.

A 3-ring binder (1 inches +); 4 dividers, 2 pencils, erasers.   

Organizing Your Chinese Binder:

The binder should have four labeled Sections: Class work, Homework, Tests and Quizzes, and Misc.  

Homework Policy:

  • Homework will include, but not be limited to, finishing in class assignments and completing other assignments that will reinforce the topics that are being covered in class.
  • You may expect to have written homework every day Monday-Friday.
  • You must write down the date and the descriptions of homework on the notebook before you start it. You don’t turn in your homework. I will stamp your calendar ( I will give to you each month) . When I need you to turn in your work, on the right top corner of the work sheet, always state your name, period and date.
  • Write Chinese characters in four-square.
  • Always write assignments in three written systems (pinyin, characters, and English) unless it is otherwise directed.

Absents Work:

  • Assignments, tests, or quizzes missed due to an excused absence may be made-up for full credit. Students have 2 days to make up the missing assignments. The student is responsible for asking and returning all absents work..
  • Assignments, tests, or quizzes missed due to an unexcused absence, class cut, tardy, or suspension may not be made-up and will be entered as a zero.   

Late Work:

Late work will not be accepted.


Throughout the year you will be required to participate in individual or group project.

Test  and Quizzes:

You will have one test at the end of each unit. When possible, at least 3 days’ notice will be given before a test. You will have daily/weekly pop quizzes. It will not be announced and cannot be make up.

Restroom Pass:

You will have four restroom passes per semester. Use them wisely.


Homework and Class work: 20%  

Quizzes: 25%  

Test: 30%

Participate :5%

Final: 20% 


Grading Scale: 

89.5%-100% A

79.5%-89.49% B

69.5%-79.49 % C

59.5%-69.49% D

0-59.49%   F

During School and After-School Help:

I am available to help students during lunch on Wednesday and nutrition break in most of days. Students can make a special arrangement with me whenever they need help.  

Contact Information:

If you have any question and concern, please email me at  

[email protected]

Classroom Rule:

1). When the bell rings, be in the seat and be ready to work.

2). Bring books and all materials to class everyday.

3). No food, drink or gum in class.

4). No Cell phone use in the class.

5). No talking when the teacher is talking.

6). Anyone cheating on homework, quiz or test will be given zero and referred to office.


1). Warning and documentation, parent notification, lunch detention, referral to office.

2). For Cell phone using in class, teacher will take away.

Raider Goals

Successful students will be...


Ask Questions

Set Goals

Solve Problems

Utilize Technology


Work Collaboratively

Act Responsibly

Behave Appropriately

See Globally


Read for Understanding

Write with Clarity

Speak with Confidence

Listen with Care


Google Classroom  Code:
Period 1 
Period 4