
Welcome to Paradise! Otherwise known as Mr. Molla's Algebra I  or 6th Grade Algebra I class. Algebra I is the 1 year Algebra course designed and based on the California State Common Core Algebra I Standards. This course will be an in person teaching and learning experience.  Please find the parent letter below.  Please email any questions to the email below...
[email protected]


Syllabus Algebra I 2023-2024

August, 2023


Dear Parent or Guardian,


I am pleased to have your child enrolled in my Algebra I class for the school year. Symbolic reasoning and calculations with symbols are central in algebra. Algebraic skills and concepts are developed and used in a wide variety of problem-solving situations.  We will spend time in class building Relationships and finding Relevance to our Rigorous work in Algebra. We will strive daily to encourage students to become better THINKERS, CONTRIBUTERS, and COMMUNICATORS.


It is my belief that education is a team effort.  The team is made up of the following: The student, the parent or guardian, and me.  My name is John Molla I want this to be a successful team.  To be successful we all have to do our part to our best ability. Students are responsible to be ready to learn and have FUN with math every day.  Parents are welcome to call or email anytime to get any information and I will be prepared and willing to help in anyway each and every day.


Your child will have a variety of assignments that will be assigned daily. The assignments will be posted in google classroom and started in class and any part that is not finished in class will need to be completed as homework.  In other words, I assign classwork and if it is not finished then it becomes the student’s responsibility to complete it as homework.  We will have a lesson and make progress every day. The work will be turned in via google classroom before the following school day. If additional assistance is needed, I will be available through e-mail, phone or in person after 3:31 p.m. at Rowland High School. Struggling students can set up additional practice time with me either after 6th period or at lunch. Free tutoring in the library also available.


Grading will be done on a total points scale.  Tests and Quizzes will count as 60 percent and CLASSWORK/HOMEWORK/CLASS PARTICIPATION will count as 40 percent.  The Classwork/Homework percentage is a large part of the grade because I want students to PRACTICE.  The only way to improve skills is to practice! 


The student should exhibit his/her responsibility by being prepared for instruction. This requires attending class with proper class materials, doing homework assignments on time, following directions, and asking questions. Students will be expected to maintain a notebook, which will contain the daily lecture notes, examples problems, and daily review problems.


If you have any questions, please contact me at 626-913-3699 extension 3255. You may also contact me through email at [email protected]  and visit rowlandhs.org and find my website to keep up with the lessons each day.


Thank you,

Back to School- Algebra I- Periods 0,1,2,3,4,6

Mr Molla's 2023-2024 Back to School Night Video