Do Something Club

Do Something, consists of two branches: Building with Books and Invisible Children.
Invisible Children is an organization set on bringing basic necessities such as water to Uganda and to stop the injustices that have risen from the terror of the LRA (Lord's Resistance Army), a rebel army that kidnaps and forces children into their forces, but has since then, expanded to include Eastern Congo and Darfur. Did you know that a 20 dollar donation to Invisible Children's Charity Water campaign gives a displacement camp years of fresh water? It is because of this and so many other reasons that Invisible Children is such a vital force in today's society and international peace effort, and it is because of this that we can proudly say that every war has an end.
People often mistake the Building with Books branch for a book club. We are actually quite the opposite - this organization promotes peace in the form of fundraising and volunteering locally to enrich others. One of our goals is to raise enough money to help build schools in third world countries.

This club is full of enthusiastic people who truly care about making a difference both globally and locally. So if you are interested, make sure you check us out!  
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