John A Rowland's 50th Anniversary

Next October (2014) Rowland High will be celebrating its 50-year anniversary. That’s right – we have been providing youth with educational excellence for half a century!
You have a “golden” opportunity to help us plan this Golden Anniversary. We want to form a committee of alumni, community members, faculty, staff, and current students to assist in making this an all-out, fantastic community event. If you are interested in helping, please click on this email Christine Gonzalez
What would you be doing? We will first have a general “idea” meeting. Then we will divide into subgroups with each group taking one small portion of the organization of the event. We need to start early in order to make this a truly wonderful event. We have a lot of alumni with expertise in various fields that can be of assistance. We also know that you may not be able to attend meetings, but can help via email, though your business, or at home. With enough help and by starting now, it should not be a major time investment for any one person or one group.  Thank you!