French II (Period 2) Assignments

Madame Rola Shakhshir Daoudi
2019-2020 School Year
World Languages
Bienvenue Messieurs et Mesdemoiselles, I hope you enjoyed your summer and are ready for school. Please read the attached parent letters with your parents, sign it and bring it with you, the first day of school to get 5 points extra credit, if you bring it on Tuesday you will get  4 points and so on, and don't forget to subscribe to my website to receive notifications. Looking forward to see you ladies and gentlemen.

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Past Assignments



Dictée page 251 "Verbes réguliers et verbes irréguliers"
Created by Rola Daoudi: Monday, March 16 11:33 AM



Workbook leçon 16
Created by Rola Daoudi: Monday, March 16 11:31 AM



Brochure" chanteur/groupe favori, ou chanteuse favorite"
Make a brochure about your favorite singer/band. Your brochure should include 2 paragraphs, each 5 sentences minimum and 7 maximum.In your first paragraph you would write about your favorite singer/band, age, nationality, married or single, if they have kids, what kind of music they sing and their most famous achievements. In the 2nd paragraph you mention the reasons why you like them. Here is how you start: Mon chanteur/groupe favori / ma chanteuse favorite s'appelle ... Je l'aime parce que ...
Created by Rola Daoudi: Monday, March 16 11:30 AM



Please review and study lessons 16 and 17, do all book and workbook activities.  Workbooks will be uploaded on google classroom. You have 3 weeks to finish the lessons and submit the workbooks.  Skip the listening portion and work on the writing portion only. Any questions don’t hesitate to email me.
Google classroom code is:
Created by Rola Daoudi: Monday, March 16 11:33 AM



Quiz leçon 16
Created by Rola Daoudi: Monday, March 16 11:30 AM



Make a brochure about your favorite type of music. Your brochure should include 2 paragraphs, each 5 sentences minimum and 7 maximum.
In your first paragraph you would write about your favorite music and it a brief history of this type of music. In the 2nd paragraph you should mention the reasons why you like it. Here is how you start:
Ma musique favorite est le ... il a commencé dans les années soixante aux États-Unis avec Elvis... il est devenu populaire en Angleterre avec les ... il a des messages discute des problèmes quotidiens...
J'aime cette musique parce qu'elle me rend heureux/se, elle me fait danser ... elle critique la violence...les chanteurs les plus populaires sont...
Created by Rola Daoudi: Friday, March 6 7:51 AM



Make a quiche, you can use any recipe that you like and make sure to bring your own ustensiles
Created by Rola Daoudi: Friday, February 7 8:39 AM



Devoir pages 198-202.  Répondez aux questions "avez-vous compris"?
Created by Rola Daoudi: Friday, February 7 8:39 AM



Test Unité 3
Created by Rola Daoudi: Friday, January 31 9:20 AM



Recite poem "Chanson d'automne"
Created by Rola Daoudi: Friday, December 13 7:38 AM



Projet " Autour du Monde" ou "Bon Voyage"
For each letter of the alphabet except letter X, pick a country that start with this letter in FRENCH not english, mention the capital of this country, the nationality of its people both masculine and feminine, the spoken language, if they speak more than one, just mention two and finally the symbol of this country (please limit yourself to 5 flags). For example:
E Egypte Le Caire égyptien/ne Arabe et Français picture of the pyramid or the sphynx
F France Paris français/e Français picture of the Eiffel tower
Created by Rola Daoudi: Friday, November 15 12:44 PM



Make an ID in French, your ID should include your name, place and date of birth, address, picture and nationality. You can find a sample page 32 in your book
Created by Rola Daoudi: Thursday, September 5 5:26 PM