Spanish 2 Fall (Period 3-7) Assignments

2018-19 School Year
World Languages
This course is intended for students who have some knowledge of the Spanish language or passed Spanish 1 with a C or better. This course is entirely based on the California Standards in Foreign Language Education which encompasses the instruction of communication, culture, connections, comparisons and communities. It involves the instruction of the grammar necessary to prepare students to effectively communicate by listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

Assignment Calendar

Upcoming Assignments RSS Feed

No upcoming assignments.

Past Assignments



Homework: Continue reviewing vocabulary and grammar concepts.  Final exams start December 18-20.  
Focus 77 - Activity 23, page 33
Activity 3, 43
Reviewed work completed on Thursday and Friday.
Finished Speaking test!
Created: Friday, December 14 8:07 AM



Homework: Study Vocabulary and Grammar!!
Focus 76 - Activity 12, page 26 Questions 1-5
Activity 14, p 27
Activity 16, p 28
Activity 19, p 31
Speaking test ended to today!
Created: Thursday, December 13 3:20 PM



Homework: Study vocabulary and grammar for finals.
Focus 75 - Writing Final exam.
Created: Wednesday, December 12 1:56 PM



Tarea: WS 2B-8.
Writing Final starts tomorrow.
Focus 74 - Imagina que vas a una fiesta.  Usa el vocabulario y explica.  Writing practice.
Activities 15-2 pages 10. 11. and 15.
Created: Tuesday, December 11 4:00 PM



Homework: 2B-7
Writing Exam starts on Wednesday!!!
Focus 73 - Writing Practice
Activities 7-8 , p 5
Activity 14, p 9
Speaking 12, p 7
Created: Monday, December 10 10:12 AM



Speaking Questions

Chapters PE and 1a


¿Cuántos años tienes?

¿Cómo eres?

¿Quién es tu profesor de matemáticas?

¿Cómo se dice el número 16 en español?

¿A dónde vas después de las clases?

¿Qué tuviste que hacer ayer?

¿Dónde estuvieron tú y tu familia este fin de semana?

¿Qué haces para aprender el vocabulario de memoria?

¿De dónde son tus abuelos?

¿A dónde vas en el verano?

¿A dónde vas los fines de semana?

¿Con quién pasas tiempo los fines de semana?

¿Con quién vives?

¿Cuál es tu restaurante favorito?

¿Cuántas veces vas a la biblioteca?

¿Cuándo vas al gimnasio?

¿En que clase tienes que dar un discurso?

¿Qué haces para entender mejor en español?

¿Qué necesitas para hacer un proyecto?

¿Qué necesitas para ir a la universidad?

¿Cuál es tu clase favorita? ¿Por qué?

¿A qué hora empieza tu clase favorita?

¿Cuál es tu nota más alta? ¿y la más baja?


Chapter 1B


¿Qué van a hacer ustedes en el centro comercial?

¿Qué vas a hacer en tu casa esta noche?

¿Conoces a todos los estudiantes de esta clase?

¿Sabes dónde está la biblioteca?

¿Sabes jugar al ajedrez?

¿Cuánto tiempo haces que estudias español?

¿Qué piensas de la música clásica?

¿Sabes quién es el director de la banda?

¿Conoces al director de la escuela?

¿Sabes cuantos días tenemos de escuela?

¿Conoces a la profesora de la clase de español?

¿Sabes navegar en la red?


Chapter 2ª

¿Qué llevas cuando vas a la piscina?

¿Qué llevas cuando hace frio?

¿Cuánto tiempo necesitas para ducharte?

¿prefieres peinarte o cepillarte el pelo?

¿A qué hora te acuestas?

¿A qué hora te despiertas?

¿Qué haces para arreglarte primero?

¿A quiénes invitas a tus cumpleaños?

¿Te gusta levantarte temprano o tarde? ¿Por qué?

¿Qué ropa usas para eventos especiales?

¿A qué hora te acuestas regularmente?


Chapter 3A

¿Cómo es tu mamá?

¿Cómo estás hoy?

¿De dónde eres?

¿Cómo es tu mejor amigo(a)?

¿Adónde vas de compras?

¿Cuándo fue el primer dia de clases?

¿Qué colores de ropa te gusta usar?

¿En qué tienda o almacen tienen gangas?

¿Cómo pagas cuando vas de compras?

¿Cuándo fue la ultima vez que compraste ropa?

¿A qué hora te despertaste ayer?

¿Llegaste temprano a la escuela esta mañana?

¿Almorzaste con tu mejor amigo ayer?

¿Ya buscaste un regalo de navidad para alguien?

¿Tocaste algún instrumento ayer?

¿A qué hora te acuestas los fines de semana?

Focus 71 - Los usos de SER/ESTAR.
El Preterito irregular.
Review speaking questions for final.
Speaking Questions for final.  Your answers need to include the verb. (attached)
Created: Monday, December 10 11:50 AM



Homework: Textbook page 143, activity 22.  Need 6 sentences minimum.
Focus 70 - Activity 18, page 141. Copy and answer question 2.
Audio 9
WB Activity 13 - Use the preterite and write a description of what you did last week.
Grammar review: present-tense verbs
Exit Ticket: IR/SER in the preterite
Created: Wednesday, December 5 2:03 PM



Homework: WS 3A-6
Focus 69 - Activity 15, page 141, Q2.  Copy and answer.
Activities 19-22, pages 142-143.
Created: Tuesday, December 4 8:54 AM



Homework: WS 3A-5
Reminder: 12/12 Writing Final; 12/13-12/14 Speaking Final; Make-ups 12/17; 12/18 Multiple Choice Final for periods 1, 4 and 7; 12/19 Periods 3 and 6, and 12/20 Periods 2 and 5.
Focus 68 - Activity 15, page 141. Copy and answer question 1.
Audio 8
WB Activity 12 (attached)
Activity 16, page 141
Speaking 17, 141
Created: Monday, December 3 2:19 PM



Homework - Study vocabulary for final exams.
Writing, 12/12
Speaking 12/13-12/17
Multiple choice the week of 12/18
Focus 67 - Activity 15, page 139
WB Act 11 - Write 3 sentences using vocabulary and DOP. Es el jabón. Lo uso para lavarme las manos.
Audio 7
Activity 16, 141
Created: Friday, November 30 3:18 PM



Homework: 3A-4
Focus 66 - Activity 14, page 139
Audio 6
WB Activity 11.  Write 5 sentences using vocabulary and the DOP.
Speaking 13, page 139
Created: Thursday, November 29 10:08 AM



Homework: WS 3A-3
Focus 65 - Write three sentences stating what you do with your friends and where.
WB Activity 10 - Write three sentences using vocabulary.
Activity 12 page 138 (Direct Object Pronouns)
Grammar video 
Created: Wednesday, November 28 9:49 AM



Homework: Second part of vocabulary list, page 152.  Use two colors and number your work.
Focus 64 - WB Activity 1 (attached)
Videohistoria, Activity 3, page 133
Activity 4, page 134
Speaking 5, page 134
Created: Tuesday, November 27 8:52 AM



Tarea: 3A vocabulary. Copy first column, page 130-131.  Use two colors and number your work.
Focus 63 - Activity 1, page 126
Activities 2-3, pages 126-127
Speaking 4, 127
3A vocabulary, pages 130-131
Created: Monday, November 26 10:28 AM



Homework - Study vocabulary and grammar. Only 16 before finals!
Focus 62 - Activity 1, page 126
Activity 2, page 127
Activity 3, page 127
Speaiking 4, 127
Created: Friday, November 16 8:07 AM



Homework: 2B-5
Focus 61 - Activity 6, page112
Reviewed homework 2B-3 and 2B-4 (the preterite)
Preterite Review
Created: Thursday, November 15 1:56 PM



Homework WS 2B-3 and 2B-4. Test tomorrow!
Focus 60 - Activity 16, p 112
Audio 6
Activity 15, page 111
WB Activity 11
Created: Thursday, November 15 1:55 PM



Tarea: Study vocabulary and the preterite endings!
Focus 58 - Fondo Cultural, page 109
WB Activity 10 (attached)
Activity 13, page 110
Activity 7, page 107
Created: Friday, November 9 10:08 AM



Homework: Write 15 sentences using vocabulary and grammar: Modelo - Compre una blusa roja.
Focus 59 - Change the verbs to the preterite
Grammar video
Speaking 14, 111
Activity 15, 111 (1-4)
Speaking 16, 112
Created: Wednesday, November 14 8:59 AM



Homework 2B-2
Focuses are due tomorrow!
Focus 57 - Change the verbs to the present-tense and the preterite:

Modelo: Yo practicar deportes.  Respuesta: practico/practiqué

  1. Yo llegar
  2. Tú y Amanda patinar.
  3. Nosotros tirar la basura.
  4. Emily nadar.
  5. Usted enseñar español.
  6. ¿Quién hablar tanto?
Audio 5
Activity 4, page 106
Activity 6, page 107
Activity 7, page 107
Created: Thursday, November 8 8:00 AM



Homework: 2B-1
Focus 56 - The preterite of -ar.
Reviewed homework.
The preterite of -er and -ir video.
Videohistoria, Activity 3, page 105
Leer y entender, pages 102-103
Created: Wednesday, November 7 8:53 AM



Homework: 2A Vocabulary list.  Use two colors and number your work.  Page 124
Focus 55 - Fondo Cultural, page 100. Read, copy and answer the questions.
2B Vocabulary reviewed.
Activity 1 and 2 (listening)
Review reflexive verbs:

Reflexive Verbs. Include subject pronouns as you conjugate the verbs.

Ellos (levantarse) temprano.
Yo (cansarse) cuando camino mucho.
Nosotros (quedarse) en la escuela después de clases.
Mi amiga Elena (peinarse) muy bien.
Este niño (bañarse) todos los días.
Reviewed -ar preterite.


Created: Wednesday, November 7 8:54 AM



Homework: Activity 2 and 3, page 99 (textbook).  Write complete sentences.
Focus 54 - describe tu día ideal.
Activity 1, page 98
Created: Monday, November 5 3:11 PM



Last Extra Credit Assignment for the year.
Quiz points = 15 pts.
Cuando sientas que nada ni nadie esta junto a ti
Cuenta conmigo, pues siempre estaré ahí.
Cuando triste estés y sientas morir
Cuenta conmigo, pues jamás te dejaré ir.
Cuando la impotencia este junto a ti
Cuenta conmigo, pues te ayudaré a salir.
Cuando el miedo te inunde
Cuenta conmigo, pues jamás te dejaré.
Recuerda que siempre puedes contar conmigo
No importa las circunstancias, siempre estaré contigo.
Colaboración de IAEM
Created: Wednesday, October 24 7:32 AM



Homework: Last page of the worksheet.
Focus 53 - Test 2A.
Created: Wednesday, October 31 6:38 AM



Chapter test 2A scheduled for tomorrow!
Focus 52 - Review attached
Created: Tuesday, October 30 12:25 PM



Binder check 10/30
Chapter test and grading period end on 10/31.
Focus 50 - Fondo Cultural, page 91
Audio 9
WB Activity 13 - Write 5 sentences using vocabulary and possessive adjectives.
Pronunciación, page 89
Created: Monday, October 29 2:15 PM



HW - Study, you have a test on 10/31.
Binder check on 10/30
Focus 49 - Write five sentences using the verb ESTAR.'
Collected focus 41-49.
Quiz - Reflexive verbs
Created: Friday, October 26 1:11 PM



Homework - 2A-7
Quiz tomorrow: Reflexive verbs
Focus 48 - Write six sentences using SER/ESTAR (3 each).
Reviewed homework.
Activity 22, page 88
Activity 23, page 88
Speaking 24, 88.
Audio 7
Created: Thursday, October 25 7:12 AM



Homework: 1. Review online reflexive verbs.  Quiz scheduled for 10/26.  Focuses will be collected on Friday as well.  Chapter 2A scheduled for October 31st.  Binder check will be scheduled for Tuesday, October 30th.
Focus 47 - Fondo Cultura, page 84.  Copy and respond to the question.
Homework reviewed.
Activity 21 page 87
Reflexive practice:

Subject Pronoun

1 - Yo
2 - Tú
3 - El/ella/usted
4 - Nosotros
5 - Nosotras
6 - Ellos/ellas/ustedes


1 - Levantarse
2 - Ducharse
3 - Afeitarse
4 -
*Acostarse (O to UE) 5 - *Dormirse (O to UE)
6 - *Despertarse (E to IE)

Uses of SER - Write a sentence for each.


D – DESCRIPTION – Qualities that define a person or a thing.

O – OCCUPATION – What someone does to earn wages or achieve a degree.

C – CHARACTERISTICS – Personality descriptions.

T – TIME – Dates, days, years, and to tell time

O – ORIGINS – Place a person is from or a material something is made.

R – RELATIONSHIPS – Family ties, friendships, romantic

Exit Ticket - Reflexive forms

Created: Wednesday, October 24 7:48 AM



Homework: W2A-5
Reminders: Quiz on reflexive verbs 10/26.  Focuses are due as well.
Grades close 10/31.  Chapter test scheduled as well.
Focus 46 - Uses of SER/ESTAR.  Make a list for each.
Checked quiz 2Aa-1.
Audio 8
WB Activity 12
Activity 19, 86
Activity 20, 87
Created: Tuesday, October 23 7:33 AM



Homework: WA 2A-4
Focus 45 - Activity 17, page 84.  Complete question 1.
Quiz 2A-1
Reminders: Quiz on reflexive verbs 10/26.  Focuses are due as well.
Grades close 10/31.  Chapter test scheduled as well.
Created: Tuesday, October 23 7:31 AM



Study vocabulary 2A - Quiz on Monday.
Focus 44 -Reflexive sentences:

Repaso # 5 Reflexive verbs


  1. Elena siempre ______________ (quejarse) de la comida que sirven en Rowland.
  2. Los niños __________________ (acostarse) temprano.
  3. Nosotros __________________ (divertirse) cuando vamos al cine.
  4. Su madre __________________ (lavar) el coche.
  5. María______________________ (lavarse) la cara cada noche.
  6. Ellos ______________________ (sentarse) juntos. 
Ta-Te-Ti - Grammar game
Created: Thursday, October 18 11:26 AM



Homework: 2A-3
Focus 43 - Activity 14, page 83
Reviewed homework
Audio 7
WB Activity 11
Exit Ticket
Activity 18, 85
Created: Tuesday, October 16 3:52 PM



Homework: 2A-2. Use current vocabulary.
Focus 42 - Activity 11, page 82.
Reviewed homework
Speaking 12, p82
Activity 13, page 82
Review #4
Conjugate: Acostarse and Despertarse
Created: Tuesday, October 16 3:51 PM



HW - 2A-1
Focus 41 - Activity 6, 79
Speaking 7, page 79
Activity 9 and 10, pages 81
Created: Monday, October 15 1:20 PM



Homework: Study vocabulary 2A.
Thursday - Shortened Day (PARENT CONFERENCES)
Friday - Shortened Day (Back Pack Day 2)
Focus 40 - Conjugate Levantarse.
Audio 5
Gramativa video
Activity 8, 80
Reflexive Practice #2 (attached)
Collected focuses 32-40
Created: Friday, October 12 4:20 PM



Focuses are due tomorrow!
Focus 39 - Activity 5, page 8
Checked and reviewed homework
Activity 6, page 79
Speaking 7, page 79
WB Activity 10 - Write five sentences using the vocabulary 2A.
Reflexive pronouns- Write down the pronouns.
Created: Thursday, October 11 7:25 AM



Homework: 2A-A
**Completed speaking test today!
Focus 38 - Write in Spanish five things you do to get ready in the morning.
Activity 3, page 77
Fondo Cultural, page 79.  Read, copy and answer questions.
Adelante, pages 90-91.  Read and answer the questions "Comprendes."
Created: Tuesday, October 9 12:20 PM



Homework: Vocabulary 2A, first column (entire page).  Copy using different colors, number your work.
Speaking test - starts tomorrow!
Focus 37 Fondo Cultural, page72.  Leer, copiar y contestar.
Vocabulario 2A, 74-75
Activities 1 and 2, 75
Adelante, pages 90-91. Complete: Comprendiste.
Created: Monday, October 8 3:15 PM



Focus 35 - Chapter 1B Test
Reviewed homework!
Homework: Review vocabulary and grammar for Speaking Test on Monday, 10/8
Created: Monday, October 8 8:13 AM



Homework: 1B-6 and study for the test tomorrow.
Focus 34 - 
El Español en tu comunidad, page 61
Audio 8
WB Activity 12 - Use Saber and Conocer to write questions regarding the following topics:
La tarea de inglés, las reglas de la escuela, la fotografía
Activity 13 (attached)
Speaking practice attached!
Created: Thursday, October 4 3:40 PM



Tarea: WS 1B-5.  TEST 1B on Friday!!
Focus 34 - Write five sentences stating what you know/fact etc.
Reviewed homework and quiz
Audio 7
WB Activity: Write two sentences for each topic using saber/conocer (6 sentences total)
Madrid, La Natación y el ajedrez
Exploración del lenguaje, page 60
Exit ticket:
Write the two uses of SABER and CONOCER.
Conjugate both in the present-tense.
Created: Wednesday, October 3 3:41 PM



Homework: 1B-4
Focus 33 - Making equal comparisons

Making equal comparisons #6

  1.  Yo/estar/alto/tú
  2. Tú/saber/mucho de geografía/Juan
  3. Nosotros/conocer/ciudades/otros chicos
  4. Natalia/saber/cocinar/yo
  5. Armando/conocer/respuestas/la Sra. Ureña
Speaking 17, 57
Activities 18-19, p 58/59
Created: Tuesday, October 2 10:14 AM



HW - Practice online grammar concepts.  Test scheduled for next week.
Focus 31 - Making comparisons
Checked homework
Speaking 17, 57
Vocabulary Quiz
Created: Friday, September 28 6:34 AM



HW: 1B-2 and study vocabulary for quiz tomorrow.
Focus 30 - Make 5 equal comparisons
  1. Rowland/tener/estudiantes/Nogales
  2. Yo/tener/tarea de matemáticas/inglés
  3. El álgebra/ser/complicado/el idioma chino
  4. Las chicas/ser/inteligente/los chicos
  5. Las manzanas/estar/cara/los plátanos
  • Audio 6
  • Saber vs Conocer: Write the five forms of both verbs in the present-tense.  Write two sentences for each verb.
  • WB Activity 11 (attached)
  • Activity 17, 57 
Created: Thursday, September 27 3:57 PM



HW - WS 1B1
Focus 29 - Activity 9, page 52.  Complete questions 3 and 4.
Reviewed homework
Videohistoria  (WB Activity 2)
Activity 11, 53
Vocabulary Recognition: Copy vocabulary 1B (first ten words, English and Spanish.
Speaking 12, 53
Created: Wednesday, October 3 10:10 AM



Homework: WS 1B-B
Focus 28 - Activity 9, page 52.  Answer questions 1 and 2.
Audio 5
WB Activity 10 - Write 6 sentences using vocabulary 1B
Grammatica video
Activity 10, 53
Review Vocabulary.
Created: Wednesday, October 3 10:10 AM



HW - WS 1B-A
Focus 27 - Activity 5, p50
Activity 3, p49
Speaking 6, 51
Review vocabulary p 68
Extra Credit for this Chapter 1B
Me besaba mucho
Me besaba mucho; como si temiera
Irse muy temprano... Su cariño era
Inquieto, nervioso.

Yo no comprendía
Tan febril premura. Mi intención grosera
Nunca vio muy lejos...
¡Ella presentía!

Ella presentía que era corto el plazo,
Que la vela herida por el latigazo
Del viento, aguardaba ya... y en su ansiedad
Quería dejarme su alma en cada abrazo,
Poner en sus besos una eternidad. 15 PTS/classwork.
Created: Monday, September 24 10:59 AM



No classes and no homework for tomorrow!
Grades due for first grading report.
Focus 26 - Fondo Cultural, page 44.  Read, copy questions and answer.
Vocabulary 1B
Activity 2, page 47 (audio)
Read and translate with your partner pages 46-47.
Activity 4, page 50 (answers only after reading)
Created: Wednesday, October 3 10:10 AM



Homework: page 68.  Copy vocabulary both in English/Spanish.  Number your work.
Focus 25 - Activity 1, page 45
Activities 2-3 page 46
Practice 1 (ir) Conjugate the verb in the present tense.
  1. Practice 2:
    1. Andrea __________ a practicar deportes.


¿A dónde ________ los gatos?

¿Quién _________ a tomar la prueba mañana?

Los chicos _________ a tomar la prueba hoy.

Yo ________ a esquiar mañana.

Renato y yo _______ de compras.





Created: Wednesday, October 3 10:10 AM



Homework - None
Chapter 1A test!
Created: Wednesday, September 19 10:37 AM



HW - Study! You have scheduled a test on 9/18.
Focus 23 - Activity 21, page 32.  Answer five questions.
Activity 23, 33
El Español, 33. Read and answer the two question.
Reading pages 34-35.  Complete the chart.

Reading: Para Estudiar Mejor… pages 34-35


¿Qué debes hacer para estudiar?

¿Cómo puedes organizar para estudiar mejor?

¿Cómo puedes estudiar mejor y sacar buenas notas

Hay que tener buena organización












Stem-change #6.

Verbos con cambios de raíz #6:

1 Mi abuelo es muy viejo. él ______________ 95 años. (tener)
2 Juan es trabajador. él_____________ estudiar toda la noche sin dormir. (poder)
3 Tú  __________ salir esta noche, pero necesitas estudiar. (preferir)
4 Los estudiantes _______________  cancelar el examen. (querer)
5 En un buen restaurante yo ____________  bistec. (pedir
6 Tú ______________ muy bien el español. (entender)
7 Mis abuelos ________________ en la cafetería. (almorzar) 
8 La profesora __________
Created: Monday, September 17 11:13 AM



HW - Study - Test 1A scheduled for 9/18.
Focuses 14-22 collected.
Binder Checked
  1. Focus 22:
  2. Yo (pedir/poder) hablar con Josefina hoy.
  3. Ricardo (preferir/pedir) tacos de pollo.
  4. Natalia y yo (preferir/almorzar) comer tacos de carne asada.
  5. La profesora (permitir/querer) que nadie use su teléfono.
  6. Laura y Consuelo (tocar/jugar) la guitarra.
  7. Los estudiantes (pensar/querer) jugar.
Write the Spanish meaning:

Vocabulary review 3

To give a speech
No one, nobody
To write a report
To discuss
It is forbidden
To start
To understand
To repeat
Also, too

Affirmative/Negative words.  Write the negative word for each.



WB 13:  Write 4 sentences with: jugar, pensar, pedir and dormir.  Present-tense.
Read pages 34-35
Created: Wednesday, October 3 10:10 AM



Reminders: Check binder and focuses due tomorrow.
Chapter test 1A on Tuesday, 9/18.
Focus 21 - Stem-change and infinitive verbs

1Top of Form  stem-changing verbs #6
Modelo: Nosotros _____ temprano.(to eat) Answers:

comer- comemos

1 Nosotros __ que la profesora cancele el examen. (to ask for)
2 Yo no __ hablar el francés. (can't; am not able) 
3 Mis padres __que yo no use su coche. (to prefer)
4 Yo __   ir a España. (to want) 
5 El médico __ que nosotros no fumemos. (
to recommend)
6 Para mejorar mi pronunciación yo __ las palabras del profesor. (repeat)

Audio 9
Vocabulary review 2
Created: Thursday, September 13 2:59 PM



Homework: 1A-7.  Chapter test1A next week Wednesday or Thursday!  Be ready!!
Focus 20 - Write five negative words plus their affirmative word. Example: Sí - No.
Audio 8
WB Activity 11:  Write five sentences using affirmative and negative words, page 31.
Activity 19, 31
Speaking 20
Created: Wednesday, September 12 9:40 AM



Tentative date for Chapter 1A Test : 9/20.
HW: WS 1A-6
Focus 19:  Write four rules for your classroom.
WB Activity 11: Write a description using preferir, jugar and poder.

Más practica: 

  1. Complete the preterite verb forms by adding the correct endings.
  2. El oso (destruir) la linterna.
  3. Yo (leer) cinco libros
  4. Nosotros (creer) la verdad.
  5. Tu no (oír) la campana.
  6. Ellos (caerse) de la roca mas grande. 
Audio 7
Exit Ticket: stem-change verbs
Created: Tuesday, September 11 9:57 AM



Reminders: Focuses and Binder due Friday, 9/14.  Chapter 1A test 9/25.
Homowrk WS 1A-5
Focus 18 - Write five sentences using pedir.
Reviewed quiz.
WB Activity 11.  Use preferir, jugar, pedir, poder and dormir in different sentences.
Stem-change 4 - Conjugate dormir and write five sentences.
Created: Monday, September 10 1:11 PM



Homework: Study vocabulary and grammar.
Focus 17 - Activity 12, answer question 5, page 26
Reviewed vocabulary for quiz
Today was the last day for extra credit.
Quiz vocabulary 1A
Created: Friday, September 7 8:48 AM



HW - Study vocabulary. Quiz on Friday!!
Focus 16 - Activity 12, Answer questions 3 and 4.
Activity 17 and 18, pages 29-30
Stem-Change practice
Created: Friday, September 7 8:47 AM



Homework: WS 1A-1 and study vocabulary. Quiz on Friday!
Focus 15 - Activity 12, page 26.  Answer questions 1 and 2. Complete responses.
Reviewed homework 1A-2.
Audio 6
Activity 16, 28
Pronunciación, 29
Exit ticket: dormir/pedir
Created: Wednesday, September 5 3:03 PM



Homework - 1A-2 tomorrow 1A-1
Vocabulary quiz on Friday.
Focus 14 - Activity 7, page 24
Speaking 5 and 8, pages 23-24
Grammar video
Activity 13, page 27
Created: Tuesday, September 4 9:42 AM



Homework - Study vocabulary
Focuses were collected 4-13.
Focus 13 - Activity 6, 23
Audio 5
WB Activity 10 (Write 5 sentences using vocab)
Created: Tuesday, September 4 9:43 AM



Homework - WS 1A-B
Focus 12 - Fondo Cultural, page 25. Copy and answer question.
Vocabulary practice, 40
Videohistoria, Activity 3, p 21
Activity 4, 22
Created: Thursday, August 30 11:10 AM



Homework: WS 1A-A. Vocabulary from Spanish 1.
Extra Credit Poem, page 25 Need to memorize it by next Friday, 9/7.
Focus 11 - Fondo Cultural, page 16
Present-tense practice:
  1. Yo (caminar) mucho.
  2. ¿Ustedes (beber) café?
  3. Nosotros no (beber) café ni (comer) comida basura.
  4. ¿Quién (escribir) cuentos hoy?
  5. Tú (practicar) deportes todos los días.
  6. Los chicos (tocar) la guitarra.
  7. Yo (compartir) mis galletas.
Quiz - adjectives and present-tense verbs
1A Vocabulary
Audio 1 and 2
Created: Wednesday, August 29 10:10 AM



Homework: page 13 Poem.  Follow instructions.  White sheet of paper 8 1/2 X 11.  Add at least one picture and lots of color.  No pencil.
Quiz on Wednesday 8/29: Adjectives and -ar, -er, and ir verbs.
Focus 9 - Activity 1, page 4.
Audio 3
WB Activity 6:  Write three different descriptions using -ar, -er or -ir verbs.  Example.  Elena come, camina y escribe cuentos.
Created: Monday, August 27 1:15 PM



HOMEWORK: Poem, page 13.
Focus 10: Activity 2, page 15
Adjectives:  Write five sentences using adjectives.
Present-tense verbs: write 6 sentences using any -ar, -er or -ir endings.
Exit Ticket
Activity 3, page 15
Created: Tuesday, August 28 3:29 PM



Homework: WS P-4 due all Monday.
Focus 7 - Activity 19, page 11.  Answers only.
Complete Worksheet pages 1-4.  Due all monday.
Created: Wednesday, August 22 12:45 PM



Homework: WS P-3
Focus 6, Activity 14, page 9.  Answers only.
WB Activity 6:  Write about three different people.  Need to have 3 adjectives for each description.
Audio 2
Activity 16, page 10.  Ask five questions to your partner (or someone). Write responses,
Speaking 18, 11
Created: Wednesday, August 22 12:44 PM



Homework: WS P2
Focus 5 - Write in Spanish your name, age, place of birth, nationality and one like and dislike.
Reviewed homework P1.
Speaking 12, 7
Activity 13, p 7
WB Activity 4 - Write five sentences using the verb SER and a description.  Ana es trabajadora.
Created: Tuesday, August 21 3:27 PM



Homework: WS P-1
Focus 4 (8/20) Activity 8, page 5
Activity 7, page 5
Read page 6
Speaking 11, page 7
Activity 15, page 10
Created: Monday, August 20 6:46 AM



HW - Review grammar concepts.
Focus 3 - Describe a friend and yourself. (Must have three descriptions)
Activity 4, p5
Activity 7, p5
Checked binders.
Collected homework
Created: Friday, August 17 3:03 PM



Binder Check, WS (Getting to know your textbook), parent signature
Focuses are due Friday!!
  1. Focus 1 (8/15) SER - write the 5 forms of ser in the present tense. Plus answer the question: ¿Cómo eres?
  2. Fondo cultural, page 1.  Read, copy and answer question.
  3. Activity 1, p2 (Answer questions)
  4. Activity 2, p3 (Write the descriptions)
  5. Activity 3, p3 (Write the name of four famous people with a description.)
Created: Wednesday, August 15 11:21 AM



Focus 2 (816) VERB SER - to be
Make a thinking map listing all the uses of the verb.
Reminders: Binder check, homework and parent signature are due tomorrow!
Created: Thursday, August 16 7:31 AM



Binder with 3 tabs required.
Parent's signature. (please read the course content to your parents, have them signed and return to me).  Thank you.
Hope you have an amazing year!!!
Created: Tuesday, August 14 9:04 AM