Theory of Knowledge-c/o 2023 Assignments

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exhibition practice in Google Classroom

exhibition practice

Related exhibition prompt Does our knowledge depend on our interactions with other knowers (IAP-26)?
Refer to the ideas from this lesson to answer this question.
For example, to what extent can we develop our moral (and other) beliefs in isolation from other knowers? How receptive should we be to other ethical ideas and principles?
Think about objects which might help to illustrate your answer.
Created by Clare Ruesga: Thursday, April 28 4:02 PM


What stood out to you in Chapter 5, Immanuel Kant? in Google Classroom

What stood out to you in Chapter 5, Immanuel Kant?

This is a difficult chapter. This is our last chapter of the school year and we will pick up in the Fall. I have attached additional content to help you with Kant. After answering the question, include an RLS that relates to Kants idea of moral duties.
Read pages 115-120 of Nigel Warburton's, A Little History of Philosophy for a basic explanation of Kant's moral duty.
Created by Clare Ruesga: Monday, March 28 11:38 AM


What stood out to you in Chapter 4, Markets and Morals? in Google Classroom

What stood out to you in Chapter 4, Markets and Morals?

After answering the question, include an RLS (cited) that relates to the freedom of market choices.
Created by Clare Ruesga: Friday, March 18 2:37 PM


What stood out to you in Chapter 3, Do We Own Ourselves? in Google Classroom

What stood out to you in Chapter 3, Do We Own Ourselves?

After answering the question, include an RLS of relevance to Libertarianism.
Created by Clare Ruesga: Tuesday, March 15 5:43 PM


What stood out to you in Chapter 2, The Greatest Happiness Principle? in Google Classroom

What stood out to you in Chapter 2, The Greatest Happiness Principle?

After reading chapter 2, tell us what stood out to you. Include one Real Life Situation that you can relate to Utilitarianism. Include a link if you are using a current event.
Created by Clare Ruesga: Tuesday, February 22 5:43 PM


1.12 Wrapping up BQ1 in Google Classroom

1.12 Wrapping up BQ1

With a partner, create two 280-character Tweets.
One should give an overall answer to BQ1 (‘What is theory of knowledge, and why do we study it?’)
The second should outline a specific aspect of BQ1 (you’ll be allocated this).
Created by Clare Ruesga: Monday, February 28 1:33 PM


Chapter 1 Justice : Doing the Right Thing in Google Classroom

Chapter 1 Justice : Doing the Right Thing

After Reading Chapter 1, tell us what stood out to you most. Relate the chapter to a RLS. Please provide a link or citation to your RLS as necessary (some RLS' might be personal or occur in class). Additionally, reflect on how you know what the right thing to do is. Is it an "a priori" concept that we are born with? If not, where does your knowledge of the right thing to do come from?
Created by Clare Ruesga: Tuesday, January 25 12:49 PM


Reading quiz in Google Classroom

Reading quiz

Complete after you read the material individually.
Created by Clare Ruesga: Monday, November 29 1:56 PM


Which areas of knowledge and optional themes lend themselves more naturally to rationalism? 
Which ones to empiricism?
 in Google Classroom

Which areas of knowledge and optional themes lend themselves more naturally to rationalism? Which ones to empiricism?

AOKS: Math, History, Art, Human Science, and Natural Science
Optional Themes: K and language, K and technology, k and religion, k and indigenous societies, and K and politics
Created by Clare Ruesga: Monday, November 15 5:25 PM


1.8 Descarte v Lock in Google Classroom

1.8 Descarte v Lock

Produce a Google Slides presentation, with the following content:
Slide 1 An outline of Descartes’s approach to knowledge
Slide 2 An outline of Locke’s approach to knowledge
Slide 3 An explanation of which approach you prefer, and why
Slide 4 A bibliography slide
You MUST include in your presentation a link to the coherence and correspondence truth tests.
Created by Clare Ruesga: Monday, November 15 5:25 PM


1.3 How we know vs What we know in Google Classroom

1.3 How we know vs What we know

Here is everything you will need for Monday, 9/20/21.
Created by Clare Ruesga: Sunday, September 19 11:03 PM