
Coach Carr

Physical Education 





Course Description

Our mission for physical education at Rowland High School is to empower all students to create and sustain regular physical activity for a lifetime. This physical education class will provide students with a variety of movement experiences that help develop skills, knowledge, and attitudes to become a well-rounded member of society. The curriculum will encompass many different aspects including the development in the social, emotional, recreational, intellectual, and technological areas, through the exposure to a wide variety of activities. The class will focus on the importance of participation, teamwork, and communication.


Student Responsibilities


Dressing out

All students are expected to dress into clothing that is suitable for physical education while on virtual learning status. Proper attire will consist of a t-shirt, shorts or sweats, and tennis shoes.



Excuse from Participation

Any excuse from Participation must be approved.


Grading Policy

Students are expected to dress out in appropriate attire. Failure to do so will result in loss of points.


1st grading Period

Students are learning the fundamentals of Basketball. Students will be required to demonstrate the proper way to complete a lay up and also a free throw. 




SEPT 2 Back to School Link
