AP Chemistry and Chemistry Introduction

Welcome to Chemistry and AP chemistry.
My name is Mrs. Hier (Dent) and I am happy to be teaching Chemistry and AP chemistry this year.  Chemistry is a course that requires creativity, curiosity and logical thinking and for that reason it plays an important part in your development. You will practice working and thinking like a scientist and I hope you are inspired to consider an interesting and rewarding science related career for your future. 
Chemistry is a lab based physical science course where we study how chemistry is involved in all parts of our lives from the smallest building blocks of matter to how chemistry technology can help us have cleaner water and a healthier planet.  You will learn about Energy, Combustion, Chemical reactions, Climate Change and Ocean Acidification and use evidenced based argument and research. We will conduct experiments, hold discussions, collect data, and analyze and explain the results using a variety of hands on methods and virtual data.  
AP Chemistry is a second year, in depth, fast paced College level Chemistry course that prepares students for the college board AP exam in May. This is an extremely challenging course where students practice in depth problem solving skills, group work and guided inquiry labs that develop logic and mathematic skills as well as pattern recognition and data analysis skills.  A minimum of sixteen college board AP recommended labs are completed with at least six being inquiry in style. In order to allow for completion of all labs and activities, AP chemistry is a 2 period class. 
I look forward to a great year with you! 
You will need the following class materials:
Scientific calculator with EE or EXP button
3 ring binder with loose leaf line paper to hold your work
graph paper
blue or black pens
line paper
Chrome book
metric ruler
colored pencils or pens
Other items that will help you study and complete assignments:  white paper, index cards, a printer, white out, scissors, a glue stick and post it notes.
AP chemistry class materials are the same as above except a graphing calculator is recommended. TI-83 or a more recent model.
My schedule this 2023-24 school year in D-9 is
Period 1  Chemistry
Period 2  Prep
Period 3  AP Chemistry
Period 4  AP Chemistry
Period 5 Chemistry
Period 6 Chemistry
We will be using Google classroom as our learning platform.  Our schedule and assignment calendar can be found on google classroom. Ask your child for the guardian code for our google classroom. Please email me at [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns. 
When you need help with school work - We all struggle at times and Chemistry can be a challenging course. We will work together and help each other and I encourage students to use the tutorials and videos I have made and posted on google classroom for extra help when needed. Please ask questions in class when you need clarification. Sometimes you just need a little extra time, practice and discussion to clear things up.  Other recommendations for assistance - Library tutors, homework hotline 1877-827-5462, Khan Academy, Bozeman science and other online tutorials.