Extra Help

Tutoring with Mrs. Co - drop by during lunch on M, T, W during lunch or nutrition everyday.
If you would like a tutor on the side, please contact me at [email protected] for a list of tutors.
Tutor Matching
If interested, I can match your child with a peer tutor. They can meet in my classroom during lunch.
Free Peer Tutoring in the Library
The library is opened after school for a place to do homework.  Tutors are available from Monday-Thursday 2pm-4pm.   These are peer tutors who are part of the CSF club and Math Club.
Homework Hotline through Harvey Mudd College (Starting mid-September)
Students can call and get help over the phone in Science and Math from college students. They have copies of our textbooks.
1-877-8ASKHMC (827-5462) or www.askhmc.org
Sunday – Thursday 6-9pm
Using other resources:
You can click here to see how to access Big Ideas Example Videos.